Honey Water
Since at least Hippocrates.
Boil down to 8 parts (until one-third is consumed), removing the scum as it rises, and keep for use.
Nourishing, clears Phlegm, promotes Urine, promotes Healing
1. long used for all diseases of the Joints, for which it was said to be the best drink in Joint diseases, Arthritis, Rheumatism and Gout;
2. strengthens in Deficiency;
3. cleanses the Lungs of Phlegm, stops Cough;
4. Quenches Thirst
5. Internal Ulcers and Wounds;
6. it was considered beneficial in Cold diseases of the Brain such as Dizziness, Epilepsy and Lameness.
1⁄2–1 cupful can be taken 2 or 3 times daily.
None noted
There were a great many modifications and compounds made, according to need.
1. Annis seed was often added, which was said to make it much better. (Wirtzung)
2. Ancient Physicians often added Cinnamon, Nutmeg and Ginger, to make it more warming, and more active.
3. For Arthritic conditions, add 1 dram each of Cinnamon and Nutmeg, and a handful of Sage (when 1 pint of Honey is used). (Gabelhover, 1599)
4. Sage, Marjoram, Balm, Rosemary and various other herbs can be added according to need.
If Honey Water is sealed and left in a cellar for 3 months, it makes Mead, a fermented Honey-based alcohol.
Hippocrates said ‘If you wish to ascertain if a woman be with child, give her Hydromel to drink when she is going to sleep, and has not taken supper, and if she be seized with Tormina in the Belly, she is with child, but otherwise she is not pregnant’.
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Honey Water
Source / Author:
Since at least Hippocrates.
Herb NameHoneyWater |
Boil down to 8 parts (until one-third is consumed), removing the scum as it rises, and keep for use.
Nourishing, clears Phlegm, promotes Urine, promotes Healing
1. long used for all diseases of the Joints, for which it was said to be the best drink in Joint diseases, Arthritis, Rheumatism and Gout;
2. strengthens in Deficiency;
3. cleanses the Lungs of Phlegm, stops Cough;
4. Quenches Thirst
5. Internal Ulcers and Wounds;
6. it was considered beneficial in Cold diseases of the Brain such as Dizziness, Epilepsy and Lameness.
1⁄2–1 cupful can be taken 2 or 3 times daily.
None noted
There were a great many modifications and compounds made, according to need.
1. Annis seed was often added, which was said to make it much better. (Wirtzung)
2. Ancient Physicians often added Cinnamon, Nutmeg and Ginger, to make it more warming, and more active.
3. For Arthritic conditions, add 1 dram each of Cinnamon and Nutmeg, and a handful of Sage (when 1 pint of Honey is used). (Gabelhover, 1599)
4. Sage, Marjoram, Balm, Rosemary and various other herbs can be added according to need.
If Honey Water is sealed and left in a cellar for 3 months, it makes Mead, a fermented Honey-based alcohol.
Hippocrates said ‘If you wish to ascertain if a woman be with child, give her Hydromel to drink when she is going to sleep, and has not taken supper, and if she be seized with Tormina in the Belly, she is with child, but otherwise she is not pregnant’.
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