Hiptage, Atimukta

Helicopter Flower
Atimukta, Madhavi (Ayurveda)
Adigam, Madhavi (Siddha)
Picture Hiptage benghalens
Flora Malesiana, vol. 5 (1955-1958)

Picture Hiptage benghalens
(Photo by Forestowlet) (Wikimedia)

Botanical name:

Hiptage benghalens (syn. H. parvifolia, Banisteria benghalen), H. madablota

Parts used:

Flower, Fruit, Seed, Root, Heartwood

Temperature & Taste:

Cool, dry. Sweet, Pungent, Bitter, Astringent


1. Clears Phlegm-Heat, Stops Cough and Wheezing:
-Cough, Asthma, Dyspnea (Leaf, Bark)
-Rheumatoid Arthritis (Leaf, Bark)

2. Clears Heat and Damp:
-High Cholesterol; Obesity (seed, root, heartwood)
-bitterness has been used to enhance digestion

3. Clears Heat from the Blood:
-Skin diseases including Eczema, Itching, Scabies, Leprosy (Flower)
-bleeding disorders from Heat
-high fever in babies

4. Strengthens the Heart:
-cardiac debility,
-Postpartum Weakness

5. Kills Worms:
-Worm Infestations
-Ringworm (leaf, flower)

6. Externally:
-applied to chronic Skin diseases (Leaf)
-foul ulcers


Fruit, Seed and Root may be used in similar Doses.
Of the Powder: 3–6 grams
Paste: 5–10 grams


Regarded as balancing all three Dosas (Humors)–Kapha (Phlegm), Pitta (Bile), Vata (Wind)

Main Combinations:

1. Obesity, Hiptage root with Buttermilk (Chakradatta)
2. Bleeding, Hiptage, Ficus benghalensis and Vitex negundo with Ghee

Major Formulas:


None noted
Large doses can irritate the stomach and cause constipation.

Main Preparations used: