Hippoglossum, HorsetongueDouble-tongue, Tongue Blade, Tongue upon TongueBilingua (Latin) |
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J. Barrellier, Plantae per Galliam, Hispaniam et Italiam observatae, (1714)

Salmon, Botanologia, 1710

J. Sibthrop, J.E. Smith, Flora Graeca, vol. 10 (1840)

(Photo by Andrew Karpov) (Wikimedia)
Botanical name:
Ruscus hypoglossum
Greater and Lesser varieties were known
Parts used:
Whole Herb; Root
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry.
Åperitive, Hysteric, Emmenagogue, Traumatic (Vulnerary)
Steroidal Saponins
1. Moves the Blood, Promotes Menstruation:
-Suffocation of the Womb, Vapors, Hysteria, PMS
-Promotes Labor, clears Afterbirth
-Postpartum Pain; continually taken after Childbirth to cleanse and restore tone to the Womb.
2. Moves the Blood, Clears Stasis:
-also for ‘Imperfect Speech’ (decoction in wine)
-Paralysis (various preparations including oily tincture)
-Chronic, Foul and Spreading Ulcers anywhere in the body
-also for Hernia
3. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine:
-Strangury, suppressed or painful urination, dribbling urine
-Gravel, Stones
-the oily tincture (infused in oil) was commended for strangury, Gravel and Stones (Salmon)
4. Externally:
-as a gargle (leaves and roots) for sore and swollen mouth and throat, and swollen glands under the tongue
-Running and Spreading Sores and Ulcers
-was used as an amulet against Headache (Dioscorides)
Powder: 2–5 grams
When used to induce or promote Labor, 1 dram (3 grams) can be given in wine every 2 hours until 3 or 4 doses have been given.
Tincture (1:5): 1–2 drams
Juice: 2–3 spoonfuls in wine
Acid (Vinegar) Tincture: enough added to water give a pleasant acidity.
Oily Tincture: 10–30 drops on sugar
Main Combinations:
1. Hernia, powders of Cattail Pollen, Betony, Gladioli root, Horsetongue leaves, 1 dram mixed with Egg Yolk and eaten daily for 30 days (Gerard)
Major Formulas:
Not used during Pregnancy
Main Preparations used:
1. In vitro determination of the spermicidal activity of plant saponins.
2. Identification of Ruscus steroidal saponins by HPLC-MS analysis.