Hiera Logadii |
Western, Unani
Source / Author:
Nicholas Myrepsus
Herb NameColocynthPolypody root Euphorbium Poley Montane Spurge seed Wormwood Myrrh Centaury Agaric Gum Ammoniac Indian leaf Indian Spikenard Squill Scammony prepared Aloe Thyme Cassia Wood Germander Bdellium Horehound Cinnamon Opopanax Castoreum Long Birthwort Black Pepper Long Pepper White Pepper Saffron Parsley seed Black Hellebore prepared White Hellebore prepared |
A version from the Syrian Book of Medicine:
Herb NameColocynthSquill Agaric Scammony prepared Black Hellebore prepared Gum Ammoniac Thyme Bdellium Germander Aloe Indian leaf Horehound Poley Montane Cassia Wood Black Pepper Long Pepper White Pepper Saffron Cinnamon Opopanax Polypody root Sagapenum Betony Myrrh Parsley seed Long Birthwort Wormwood Euphorbium Indian Spikenard Ginger Amomum Spurge seed Gentian |
Powder them all individually, then with three times their weight of Honey, form an Electuary, according to Art.
Purges Melancholy, clears Damp, settles Wind
Used for all Chronic Diseases of the Head
1. Madness, Insanity, Raving
2. Melancholy
3. Rage, Anger
4. Stupidity
5. Dementia
6. Dizziness
7. Vertigo
8. Deafness
9. Loss of Speech
10. Convulsions, Epilepsy
11. Headache
12. Migraine
13. Neuralgias of the Head
14. Paralysis
15. Tremors, Shaking, Parkinsonism
16. Pleurisy
17. Chronic Asthma
18. Arthritis, Sciatica, Lower Back Pain
19. Pain in the Tendons and Sinews
20. Eczema, Psoriasis
21. Liver or Spleen disease
22. Leprosy
23. Tumors including Fibroid Tumors, Cancers
24. “Running Sores” (usually skin cancers)
25. Poison
26. Chronic Fever
27. Poor Vision
½–1½, or 2 drams; 1 dram was a common dose, being taken with Wine to which a little Salt has been added
Culpeper praised it but warned against its indiscriminate use, and its use in inexperienced hands.
1. Avoid overdose and long-term use.
2. Not used in Pregnancy, the very young, very old, the weak, or in Yin deficiency.
This can be simplified and relieved of some of its strong, irritant medicines.
1. For Gout and Arthritis take Hiera Logadii 3–5 drams, Turbith 0.5 scruple, Prepared Scammony 2 grains, Ginger 3 grains; mix for a dose. (Wirtzung)
2. For the same joint diseases, some highly recommended this enema: Make a decoction of Orris, Wild Cucumber roots, Cyperus rotundus, St. John’s Wort, 2 handfuls ea.; to 12–16 oz. of the strained decoction add Hiera Logadii 1 oz., infused Oil of Rue 3 oz., Honey of Roses 1 oz., 1 beaten Egg yolk, Salt 1 dram. Use daily. (Wirtzung)
3. Loss of Speech: take 1.5 drams of Hiera Logadii twice a week with decoction of Rosemary.
Similar Formula:
Hiera Theodoretus
“Good against all old Madness, against the Melancholy, against all Falling Sickness [Epilepsy], and all other Ragings or Madness, against the Giddiness, and all pain of the Head. Item, it is very good against all Palsies [Paralysis], against all Shaking, and against all Heart-beating [Palpitations]. It is also good in the Pleurisy, in all sickness of the Liver and of the Spleen, it provokes Women’s Terms [Menstruation]; and is also good against all Gouts [Arthritis], against all Poison, Leprosy, and Scurfe”. (Wirtzung)
Culpeper said: “It takes away by the roots daily Evils coming of Melancholy, Falling Sickness, Vertigo, Convulsions, Migraine, Leprosy, and many other infirmities”.
The Hiera formulas are purgative drugs compounded with their correctives to reduce side effects, help relieve the condition, and which are gentle in action
How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures