Herniaria, Rupturewort

Picture Herniaria glabra
Deutschlands Flora in Abbildungen Sturm, 1796

Picture Herniaria glabra
(Photo by Algirdas) (Wikimedia)

Botanical name:

Herniaria glabra
Salmon listed 3 varieties:
  1. Greater Rupturewort
  2. Lesser Rupturewort
  3. African Rupturewort

Parts used:


Temperature & Taste:

Cool, dry


1. Lifts Qi, Astringes:
-’cures principally the
Rupture [Hernia]’ (Schroder); internally and topically
-Hematomas, Varicose veins

2. Clears Heat and Damp, Promotes Urine:
-promotes Urine, breaks Stones in the Kidney and Bladder; Gout, Rheumatism
-’cuts and brings forth the Mucilage or slime in the Stomach and other parts’.
Choler [Bile] and Water, and cures the Jaundice’. (Schroder)

3. Kills Worms:
-mainly for Worms in Children

4. Externally:
-the fresh herb beaten and applied to fresh Wounds
-Moist and Running Ulcers (powder applied or the cataplasm of the fresh herb)


POWDER: 3 grams taken in white wine for Edema, Strangury and Gravel.
DECOCTION of the herb in Water or Wine: from one-quarter of a pint to half a pint.
JUICE: 2 spoonfuls, up to 3 times daily.
In the treatment of Hernia, the Decoction can be used for several weeks, while a suitable plaster is applied topically, and the place bound up (or a truss can be used) to prevent the bowel from falling out. Salmon said 2 spoonfuls of the juice taken 3 times a day in an astringent Wine for 40 days, all the time the patient lying in bed, To promote Urine, the juice is taken in white Wine.

Main Combinations:

1. Heart and Kidney congestion, Rupturewort with Uva Ursi
2. Diuretic, Rupturewort with Uva Ursi, Restharrow, Parsley, Mint, Sassafras (Hasse)
3. Inflammation of the Urinary tract, Rupturewort with Uva Ursi, Linseed, Lovage root (Meyer)
4. Hernia:
i. Rupturewort with Comfrey, Rosehip, Sealed Earth, Cinnamon, Fennel seed (as in Powder for Hernia)
ii. Rupturewort with Sanicle, Sage, Agrimony, Solomans Seal, Comfrey root, Tormentil, Thoroughwax (Bupleurum), Coriander (as in Decoction for Hernia)

Major Formulas:

Decoction for Hernia
Powder for Hernia (Pharmacopoeia Dogmatica)


None noted. Avoid overdose or long-term use.

Main Preparations used: