Headache and Migraine
Classical Classification of Headache:
- Cephalgia–pain over the whole head; sometimes violent, other times mild; either acute or chronic
- Cephalea–intolerable headache; weakens the head and senses; has paroxysms; violent pain, tinnitus, pulsing of the forehead veins, sight and hearing affected.
- Hemicrana–one-sided headache; similar to the preceding (Galen and others treated them as one)
- Congelatio–headache from cold numbness; originates in the rear of the head and takes away sense and feeling (similar to Lethargy or Stupor)
“Now the substances which fill the head easily are those which have in their compositions an abundance of hot and vaporous Wind, or a superfluity of the Bile which is collected in the mouth of the belly. And those pains which arise through this wind are protracted“. (Syrian Book of Medicine) |
Causes of Headache
Headaches were long recognised to have numerous causes: the Heat of the Sun, bathing, change of air, wind, strong scent of spices, the smell of wine, drunkenness, stinking meat, garlic, onions, mustard, strokes, blows, bruising or great motions of the mind (excess thinking or emotions), sleep straight after dinner, excess bleeding; worms in the ears, nostrils, or stomach; choler (bile) in the stomach, repletion of the Stomach, immoderate or unnatural mixture of humors, and various other causes. (Wirtzung)
Headaches caused by one of the 4 Humors:
- Blood: head is hot, forehead feels heavy, eyes and face are red, full veins in the face; urine is red and fatty, the pulse is soft.
- Bile: great heat from the nostrils, tongue is dry, insomnia, thirst, pain tends to the right side of the head.
- Melancholy: head is cold, dull color of the face, veins are not visible, little sleep, fear and worry; pain tends to the left side of the head.
- Phlegm: senses are heavy and dull, feels cold, sleeps long, lethargic, greatest pain at the rear of the head.
TCM Differentiation of Headaches
In TCM theory, Headaches can often be associated with Wind, in addition to another factor: for example a Heat-type Headache can be referred to as Wind-Heat, Cold-type Headache to Wind-Cold, Phlegm-type Headache to Wind-Phlegm etc. Headache may also be caused by Blood stagnation with fixed pain; by chronic deficiency where the patient is weak and the headache dull, or from Trauma (which causes Blood stagnation).
TCM differentiates between Headaches caused by External and those caused by Internal Factors. External attack of Wind-Cold or Wind-Heat (suchas the start of a Codl or Flu) can cause acute Headaches. These usually come with other symptoms of Wind attack, such as Fever, Chills, runny nose or sore throat.
External Causes
Wind-Cold–sudden onset headache, pain in the neck and into the upper back and shoulder, sensitive to cold and wind, runny nose, pale face, floating and weak pulse
Formula: Chuan Qiong Cha Tiao San
Wind-Heat–pain with a feeling of distention, sensitive to wind, thirsty, red face and eyes, pulse floating and fast.
Formula: Yin Qiao San
Internal Causes.
Liver Heat–pain, dizziness, irritable, insomnia, bitter taste, red tongue with little yellow coat, pulse: deep, wiry and forceful.
Formula: Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin or Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Kidney Deficiency–headache with empty feeling in the head, dizziness, lower back pain, fatigue, tinnitus, red tongue with little coat, pulse is deep and week.
Formula: Da Bu Yuan Jian or Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
Qi and Blood Deficiency–headache with dizziness, easily frighten, worse with fatigue or exertion, shortness of breath, sensitive to wind, pale face, pale tongue with thin white coat. Pulse deep and weak.
Formula: Ba Zhen Tang or Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Phlegm–dull headache, foggy head, phlegm in the chest, swollen tongue with teeth mark. Tongue coat white and sticky, pulse deep and wiry or deep and slippery, slow
Formula: Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
Heart Deficiency–Headache with Insomnia, palpitations, anxiety. Maybe the spirit is unsettled from strong emotion
Formula: Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan
Blood Stasis–chronic headache with fixed location, sharp or stabbign pain; maybe Purplish tongue or tongue with spots, coat thin and white, pulse deep and thin.
Formula: Tong Qiao Huo Xie Tang or Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Headache can also be divided into excess and deficient types. Excess is primarily of Heat, Cold, Wind or Phlegm, while deficiency may primarily be Blood, Qi or Yang deficiency.
Categorization according to Channel in TCM
Based on the Meridian theory, TCM classifies Headaches based on the Meridian affected.
This affects the Bladder Meridian and therefore is felt at the back of the neck. It often overlaps a modern medicine diagnosis of Tension Headache.
Guiding Herb–Notopterygium Qiang Huo or Saposhnikovia Fang Feng
Typically throbbing headaches on the side of the Head, overlapping diagnosis with Migraines.
Guiding Herb–Bupleurum Chai Hu or Ligusticum Chuan Xiong
Frontal Headache, felt over the sinus. It is typically seen with acute Sinusitis.
Guiding Herb–Angelica dahurica Bai Zhi or Pueraria Ge Gen
Heavy headache feels like there is a tight band around the head, caused by Spleen deficiency and Damp.
Guiding Herb–Atractylodes Cang Zhu
Chronic headache that feels like pain deep inside the head, due to Kidney deficiency.
Guiding Herb–Asarum Xi Xin
Pain at the Vertex or top of the Head. It can be related to metabolic disturbances like Hypoglycemia.
Guiding Herb–Evodia Wu Zhu Yu or Ligusticum Gao Ben
Formulas most used in TCM
According to a survey of Taiwanese databases related to the treatment of Migraines, the following 10 formulas are most used in TCM (see research here):
- Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San–statistically, the most used formula
- Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San–Liver Qi stagnation with Heat
- Ge Gen Tang
- Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang–Blood stagnation, with fixed, stabbing pain
- Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang–Wind-Phlegm headache
- Qing Shang Juan Tong Tang
- Xiao Chai Hu Tang–Spleen deficiency with Liver excess, or half-interior, half-exterior syndrome
- Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin–Internal Wind with Heat
- Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang–Spleen Qi deficiency, or Spleen Qi sinking
- Tian Wan Bu Xin Dan–Heart Blood and Yin deficiency (Headache with insomnia)
Headaches in General
PLASTER FOR CHRONIC HEADACHE Gum Arabic Myrrh Saffron Euphorbium 3 grains ea. Powder, mix with Egg White to an ointment and apply to the Temples and Forehead. (Secrets of Alexis) |
Headache from Bile or Heat
Head and forehead feel hot, red eyes, belching, loathesomeness, thirst, dry mouth, bitter taste; pain is pricking, sharp, more commonly on the right hand side of the head, maybe with dizziness, the body is hot, little appetite, insomnia, irritable, angry, pulse is hard and fast, urine reddish, face yellowish. Especially in hot and dry times of the year, and in young people.
Stewed Lentils, Spinach, Chicory, Purslane, Lettuce and leafy vegetables, broths, stewed Apples and Pears, broths of Veal and Hens; drinks: whey, barley water with a little Pomegranate or Lemon juice added. Avoid wine and meat.
Barley, Four Cold seeds, Lettuce leaf and seed, Purslane, Plantain, Black Nightshade, Violet, Water Lily flower, Poppy seed, Sandalwood
1. Oxyrrhodinum (equal parts of oil of roses, rose water, and vinegar of roses). Apply soaked linen cloths across the forehead from one temple to another. If the heat is extreme Camphor should be added.
2. Egg white beaten 1
Rose water 1 oz.
Waters of Elder and Fennel ½ oz. ea.
Add 5 small Walnuts, beaten, and a little Saffron. Mix well; lay on the forehead with wool.
3. Ointment of Roses (Mesue)
4. Infrigidans Galeni ‘Cold Cream’ (washed wax 2 oz., oil of Roses 4 oz.)
5. Ungentum Populeum
Western Tradition Headache from Bile / Heat Antispasmodic Infusion Decoction for Chronic Heat-type Headache (Mesue) Syrup of Hops Tincture of Balm Elixir of Camphor Abbots Confect of Rose (Diarrhodon Abbatis) (Nicholas) New Rose Powder (Rosata Nouvelle) Powder of Three Sandalwoods (Diatrionsatalum) Troches of Camphor (Nicholas) Electuary of the Juice of Rose (Mesue) The Count’s Night Pills (Unani) Pills for Headache from Bile and Phlegm Pills of Violet (Habbe Banafsha) (Unani) Oil of Violet Oil of Rose Bile Conqueror (Mkhris las rnam rgyal) (Tibetan) Red Coral 25 (Rin chen byur dmar nyer lnga) Headache from Liver Headache Syrup of Hops Tincture of Balm Powder of Rhubarb Powder to Cool the Liver Powder of Three Sandalwoods (Diatrionsatalum) Bile Conqueror (Mkhris las rnam rgyal) (Tibetan) Sandalwood 18 (Tibetan) Extra Formulas Decoction for Chronic Heat-type Headache Roman Wormwood 1 oz. Fumitory 8 drams Raisins stoned 1 oz. Agrimony 5 drams Bugloss flower 6 drams Dodder Endive seed Agaric 3 drams Boil in 3 lbs down to 1.5 lbs. (De Morbis Internis Curandis, Mesue, 1551) Pills for Headache from Bile and Phlegm Aloes 6 drams Yellow Myrobalan 4 drams Mastic 3 drams Rose 2 drams Saffron 1 dram Form Pills. (De Morbis Internis Curandis, Mesue, 1551) |
TCM Classification Wind Heat acute headache, cough, sore throat, blocked nose, maybe yellowish or green or clear or white mucus, stiff neck, restless, fever, floating rapid pulse Yin Qiao Jie Du San Fang Feng Tong Sheng San Liver Heat / Liver Yang Rising (Bile) sharp, acute or pulsating headache, dizziness, irritable and angry, insomnia, red eyes, red face, bitter taste, high colored urine . Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San (TCM) Long Dan Xie Gan Tang Qi Ju Di Huang Wan Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin |
Headache caused by Cold or Phlegm
Headache which is not extreme, feeling heavy and Cold, tiredness, sleepiness, excess saliva, runny nose with clear mucus, pale face, loss of taste. Sennertus notes that Cold headaches can be caused by cold air and cold winds, showing this category is associated with Wind-Cold Headache of TCM.
Warming and drying; roasted meats; spiced food and wine; eat a little Marmalade after food
Nutmeg, Mace, Cinnamon, Clove, Marjoram, Rosemary, Mastic
1. Pills to Chew: Mastic 2 drams, Pepper 1 dram, Caper root-bark half dram; powder and form pills with Vinegar of Squill; hold in the mouth
2. A gargle: Mustard seed 1 oz., Pepper 3 drams, Hyssop 1 handful; seethe in red wine with a little Honey. Use as a gargle.
3. Scented balls to smell: Cinnamon, Clove, Nutmeg, Aloeswood, Marjoram 2 drams each; with a little Musk and some Mastic, form balls. Various warming aromatics can be used to smell.
4. Promoting Sneezing is very useful in Cold Phlegm type Headache; sniffing Pepper or Hellebore root was used
Headache from Wind
The key indication for Wind type pain is its moving and changeable nature, much like Wind itself. The pain may be tight or tearing by nature, changes place, and is aggravated by wind or draughts, as well as stress and overthinking.
Headache caused by Melancholy
Western Tradition Chronic Headache Tincture of St. John’s wort Decoction of Woods Decoction for Chronic Heat-type Headache (Mesue) Theriac for Pain of the Head Pills of Hiera (Habbe Ayarij) (Unani) Pills of Violet (Habbe Banafsha) (Unani) Arab Confect Purging Melancholy (Confectio Ham) Hiera Logadii Chronic Headache from Melancholy Arab Confect Purging Melancholy (Confectio Hamech) Arabian Pills (Nicholas) Hiera Logadii Triphala of Stoechas (Itrafil of Stoechas) (Unani) |
From TCM While TCM has no direct correlation with Melancholy, Melancholy types of Headache can be associated with Qi Stagnation in acute cases, with Dampness, or with Deficiency of Yin and Blood Stagnation in chronic cases. |
Headache From Blood Stagnation
Headache with fixed, constant or recurrent pain; maybe with history of Trauma; insomnia, restless, poor memory, dull complexion, dark under eyes, maybe purplish lips, tongue and nail beds, choppy pulse
Western Tradition Headache from Blood stagnation Syrup of Betony (Bononiense) Tincture of St. John’s wort Tincture of Rue Tincture of Myrrh Cephalic Powder Electuary of Frankincense (Diaolibanum) (Nicholas) Supreme 25 (Bla med nyer lnga) |
From TCM Blood Stasis Tao Hong Si Wu Tang Tong Qiao Huo Xue Tang Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang Zheng Tian Wan |
TINCTURE FOR HEADACHE Vervain Feverfew Mistletoe Peony Frankincense PILLS FOR HEADACHE FROM BLOOD STAGNATION Mastic Saffron Frankincense Rhubarb |
HEADACHE FROM OLD INJURY Dang Gui Ligusticum Chuan Xiong Angelica Bai Zhi Mistletoe (Sang Ji Sheng) Notoginseng San Qi Salvia Dan Shen Cyperus Xiang Fu (The Formulas of Dr. John H.F. Shen) HEADACHE FROM BLOOD STAGNATION Dang Gui Ligusticum Chuan Xiong Paeonia Bai Shao Mistletoe (Sang Ji Sheng) Gastrodia Tian Ma Safflower (Hong Hua) |
Headache From Hangover
Western Tradition 1. Rue, Rose, Bitter Almond, beat with Vinegar and apply to the Head. 2. Wormwood, Betony, Feverfew |
Other Categories of Headache from TCM
TCM recognises Headaches from acute and chronic causes. Acute are from external attack of Wind and are therefore of the same cause as Colds and Flus. Note the formulas for Acute Headache from Wind are formulas used for Cold and Flu. Chronic are from Organ or Humoral imbalance.
Acute (External) Causes Wind Cold Attack acute headache, aversion to wind, no sweating or mild sweating, aching muscles, runny nose with clear mucus, chills (fever low if present), stiff neck, pulse is on the surface. Ma Huang Tang Gui Zhi Tang Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San Wind Heat acute headache, cough, sore throat, blocked nose, maybe yellowish or green or clear or white mucus, stiff neck, restless, fever, floating rapid pulse Yin Qiao Jie Du San Fang Feng Tong Sheng San Antispasmodic Infusion |
Internal Causes from Deficiency Blood Deficiency headache, pale face, weak, feels the cold, dizziness, poor memory, palpitations, weak and low pulse, pale lips and tongue. Bu Gan Tang Si Wu Tang Special Formula: Dang Gui Ligusticum Chuan Xiong Gastrodia Tian Ma Tribulus Ci Ji Li Lycium Gou Qi Zi Angelica Bai Zhi (The Formulas of Dr. John H.F. Shen) Kidney Deficiency dull headache, head feels empty, dizziness, tinnitus, back pain, weak knees, insomnia, sallow and weak appearance, spermatorrhea Qi Ju Di Huang Wan Zuo Gui Wan |
Migraine is a recurring type of headache typically affecting one side of the head with light sensitivity and nausea. There is often a throbbing pain of varying severity. Some migraines are caused by hormones, certain foods, and stress. Migraine is generally differentiated and treated similarly to Headache. However, stronger medicines may be required due to the severity.
1. Investigation on the Chronic Tension-Type Headache from the Persian Medicine Point of View2. Protocols for Traditional Chinese Medicine guidelines for acute primary headache
3. Acupuncture and related therapies for tension-type headache: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
4. Natural products for migraine: Data-mining analyses of Chinese Medicine classical literature
5. Progress in Traditional Chinese Medicine for the Treatment of Migraine.
6. Different Chinese patent medicine therapies for migraine: A protocol for systematic review and network meta-analysis.