Halerpestes, Chu rug sbal lag ཆུ་རུག་སྦལ་ལག་

Chu rug sbal lag (Tibet
Jian Mao Gen Shu 碱毛茛属 (TCM)
Picture Halerpestes cymbalaria
Oeder, G.C., Flora Danica (1761-1861)

Picture Halerpestes cymbalaria
(Photo from USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database)

Picture Halerpestes sarmentosa
(Photo by Юлия, edited) (Wikimedia)

Botanical name:

Halerpestes spp.
  1. H. cymbalaria (syn. Ranunculus cymbalaria)
  2. H. tricuspis (syn. Ranunculus tricuspis)
  3. H. sarmentosa
  4. H. salsuginosa
Other related species include H. filisecta, H. lancifolia, H. ruthenica.

Parts used:

Aerial parts in flower

Temperature & Taste:

Neutral/Warm, dry. Sweet, Pungent



1. Clears Heat, Clears Wind-Damp, Eases Pain:
-inflammation of the Tendons and Ligaments
-‘Bone Fever’, heat or inflammation of the Bone
-Arthritis, Rheumatism, Gout

2. Clears Damp-Heat, Promotes Urine:
-Edema, fluid retention
-inflammation of the Ureters

3. Externally:
-Burns and Scalds


Powder: 1–3 grams

Main Combinations:

Major Formulas:


Avoid overdose or long-term use. All parts of the plant are irritant.


1. Toxic principle is Protoanemonin.
2. Overdose may cause burning mouth, abdominal pain, vomiting, bloody diarrhea.
3. Redness, burning, skin irritation and blisters may result from touching the sap.

Main Preparations used: