Gum Arabic & Tragacanth
Gum Arabic is warm and moist in the first degree. It is sweet and thick. It is nourishing and soothing to the Mouth, Throat, Lungs and Stomach. It is a useful Yin and Qi tonic, strengthening to the Lungs and Stomach while supporting Kidney Yin. It is good to mollify the acrimony of harsh medicines.
Tragacanth is mildly Cool and moist, and is similarly used to clear heat and irritation of the Throat, Lungs, Stomach, as well as the Kidneys and Bladder. It likewise has Qi and Blood tonic abilities.
These two medicines were often used together in various Yin tonic and Restorative formulas. Whenever a soothing, emollient and nourishing effect is needed, this combination surpasses.
They were also credited with ‘stopping the Pores’, and with their thickening effect, they help stop Bleeding.
Key Indications
- heat, dryness, irritation of the Lung, Throat, Stomach, Bladder
- Yin deficiency
Restorative Electuary of Nicholas, Electuary for a Duke, Electuary of Pine Kernels, A Sound and Experienced Electuary, Lohoch of Poppy, Haly’s Powder, Sugar Penids, Aromatic Rose Powder, Abbots Confect of Roses, Powder of Three Sandalwoods, Tragacanth Cooling Powder, Troches of Colocynth, Troches of Winter Cherries, Troches of Camphor of Nicholas, Troches of Gordon, Troches of Amber, Troches of Sealed Earth, Troches Against Urinary Ulcers, Black Tablets of Licorice, White Troches of Rhasis