Rin chen ril nag chen mo རིན་ཆེན་རིལ་རིལ་ནག་ཆེན་མོ་
Or Rin chen grang sbyor ril nag chen mo རིན་ཆེན་གྲང་སྦྱོར་རིལ་ནག་ཆེན་མོ་
Or, Rin chen grang sbyor རིན་ཆེན་གྲང་སྦྱོར་
Rin chen drangjor rilnak chenmo
Great Cold Compound Precious Black Pill
Written by Nagarjuna, introduced into Tibet by O rgyan pa Rinchen dpal (1229–1309)
The following version is taken from Men Tsee Kang.
NOTE: This, more than any other of the Tibetan Precious Pills contains a number of unusual and exotic medicines, including a number of animal parts. Some of the names used are quite unusual and maybe “Secret” names for medicines. Therefore, it has been difficult to give the entire recipe, and there is uncertainty with the identification of some of the medicines.
* Khams brgyad: equal parts of Chu skyur rdo (Actinolite), Lhang tsher nag po (Black Mica), Gser rdo (Marcasite), Ba bla (Orpiment), Khab len (Magnetite), Pha bang long bu (Pyrite), Ldong ros (Realgar) and Dngul rdo (Hematite).
** Spug, a type of stone, said to be cat’s eye stone, white coral or agate, but it is also said to look like ice.
*** Stag gi sma ra, possibly Tiger whiskers (or flesh)
**** processed Bu mo stag lo pa’i gri mchin can be substituted with processed Phag ma gsar gyi mchin pa (800 grams)
***** Mi rta khyi gsum gyi phyag tshan, the feces of newborn human babies, horses and dogs, each of which are separately subject to closed firing.
****** Yung dkar (Mustard seed) “which laid for twelve years and which were not touched by women”
Powder and form Pills
Strengthens the Body, Nourishes Essence, Balances Humors, Resists Poison
“For all 404 Diseases”
All untreatable diseases, or diseases treated unsuccessfully with other medicines.
“the indications of this pill are limitless”
“when prescribed for a healthy person, they will improve their health, clarify their senses, strengthen blood vessels, bones, etc.”
1. All Poisons (Chemical, Environmental, Food Poison)
2. Aconite poisoning
3. Venomous Bites
4. Contagious Fever / Acute Infectious Diseases
5. Chronic fever
6. Allergies
7. Pain in the stomach and intestine caused by food poisoning and other poisons
8. Gastroenteritis
9. Brown Phlegm (Bad kan smug po)
10. Internal Abscesses
11. Leprosy and other obstinate Skin Diseases
12. Ulcers on the Head, Body or Limbs
13. Three stages of Edema
14. Blood diseases
15. Nerve diseases
16. Arthritis, Rheumatism
17. Severe Debility, weakness due to chronic illness
18. General Health tonic, strengthens major Organs and 7 Bodily Tissues
19. When taken in health they increase Essence
20. Strengthening Tonic for the Elderly
The method of taking it is as for other Pracious Pills.
Before using this medicine, a “gathering” (preparing) medicine is generally recommended. Thang chen nyer lnga is most used. If this cannot be taken on the night before taking, take a decoction made of 7 seeds of Sichuan Pepper.
One pill is taken as a dose with warm water
After taking, the patient should go to bed and sweat for 1 hour. After sweating, close the pores by taking Butter (as much as an egg yolk, or a little Bear Bile, or an infusion of Saffron.
1. Avoid overdose
2. Not used daily on an extended basis
3. Not used during Pregnancy
See also our page on Tibetan Jewel Pills
How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures
Or Rin chen grang sbyor ril nag chen mo རིན་ཆེན་གྲང་སྦྱོར་རིལ་ནག་ཆེན་མོ་
Or, Rin chen grang sbyor རིན་ཆེན་གྲང་སྦྱོར་
Rin chen drangjor rilnak chenmo
Great Cold Compound Precious Black Pill
Source / Author:
Written by Nagarjuna, introduced into Tibet by O rgyan pa Rinchen dpal (1229–1309)
The following version is taken from Men Tsee Kang.
NOTE: This, more than any other of the Tibetan Precious Pills contains a number of unusual and exotic medicines, including a number of animal parts. Some of the names used are quite unusual and maybe “Secret” names for medicines. Therefore, it has been difficult to give the entire recipe, and there is uncertainty with the identification of some of the medicines.
Herb NameBtso thal (Mercury processed)Lhang tsher (White Mica), Gser thal (Gold bhasma) Dngul thal (Silver Bhasma) Zangs thal (Copper Bhasma) Lcags thal (Iron Bhasma) Rag thal (Brass Bhasma) Khar thal (Bronze Bhasma) Zha thal (Lime) Gsha thal (Tin Bhasma) Khams brgyad * lcags rtsi zla ‘od Sbur len (Amber) Byu ru (Red Coral) Khyung skyugs (Jasper) Dung thal (Conch Bhasma) Nal (Ruby) Mu men (Lapis Lazuli) Gyu (Turquoise) Man shel (Crystal) Pha lam (Diamond) Margad (Emerald) Indra ni la (Sapphire) Pad rag (Garnet) Chu dwangs nor bu (prepared) Spug ** Mu tig (Pearl) Nya phyis (Mother of Pearl) Gangs thigs (Calamine) Man rdzi ra (Ammonite) Mdung rtse dkar po (Goethitum) Mdung rtse dmar po (Hematite) Khab len (Magnetite) Cong zhi (5 varieties) . Mtshal (Cinnabar) Lcags rdo (Limonite) Tsha la (Borax) dehydrated Mgron thal (Cowrie ash) Tsan dkar (Sandalwood) Ar ga ru (Aloeswood) Sug smel (Cardamon) Li shi (Clove) Cu gang (Tabasheer) Gur gum (Safflower) Dza ti (Nutmeg) Gi wan (Bezoar) Gla rtsi (Musk) Ko byi (Nux Vomica prepared) Ga bur (Camphor) Bong dkar (White Aconite) Bong-dmar (Black Aconite) Bong ser (Yellow Aconite) Dpa dkar Dpa ser Dpa rgod Yu gu shing khanda Su mi dkar po Su mi ser po Yo god Char nyung khanda Gang chung Re ral khanda (Adiantum) Bya rgod spos Brag skya ha bo Byi’u la phug Stag sha nag po A bhi kha Spang rgyan dkar po Kyi lche dkar po Lung thang mig (Soapnut) Spyi zhur Bse ru dkar po (Rhino horn) Rma bya’i mdong thig (Peacock) Sgang thur (Porcupine ?) Stag gi sma ra (Tiger part) *** Bu mo stag lo pa’i gri mchin **** Skyes dar grir shi ba’i lag nya Sha ba’i tshil (Deer fat) Seng ge’i tskhil (Lion Fat) Stag gi ‘o ma (Tiger part) ‘Bri sha (Yak meat) Mi rta khyi gsum gyi phyag tshan ***** Yungs dkar (Mustard seed) ****** Dpal gang Skyer shun (Barberry) Se rgod barshun (Rosehip) Om bu’i bar shun Srad nag A ru (Chebula) Brag zhun (Shilajit) Khyung sder smug po Khyung sder dkar po Pu shel rtse Par pa ta (Hypecoum) Utpal (Blue Poppy) Rims de ba sngo chung Spang rtsi (Pterocephalus) Sgong thog Rtsi dmar (Corydalis) Phur nag lo sib chan Lchags kyu ba (Coptis) Gser me (Herpetospermum) Rgya tig (Andrographis) Sum tig (Saxifrage) Stong zil (Corydalis) |
* Khams brgyad: equal parts of Chu skyur rdo (Actinolite), Lhang tsher nag po (Black Mica), Gser rdo (Marcasite), Ba bla (Orpiment), Khab len (Magnetite), Pha bang long bu (Pyrite), Ldong ros (Realgar) and Dngul rdo (Hematite).
** Spug, a type of stone, said to be cat’s eye stone, white coral or agate, but it is also said to look like ice.
*** Stag gi sma ra, possibly Tiger whiskers (or flesh)
**** processed Bu mo stag lo pa’i gri mchin can be substituted with processed Phag ma gsar gyi mchin pa (800 grams)
***** Mi rta khyi gsum gyi phyag tshan, the feces of newborn human babies, horses and dogs, each of which are separately subject to closed firing.
****** Yung dkar (Mustard seed) “which laid for twelve years and which were not touched by women”
Powder and form Pills
Strengthens the Body, Nourishes Essence, Balances Humors, Resists Poison
“For all 404 Diseases”
All untreatable diseases, or diseases treated unsuccessfully with other medicines.
“the indications of this pill are limitless”
“when prescribed for a healthy person, they will improve their health, clarify their senses, strengthen blood vessels, bones, etc.”
1. All Poisons (Chemical, Environmental, Food Poison)
2. Aconite poisoning
3. Venomous Bites
4. Contagious Fever / Acute Infectious Diseases
5. Chronic fever
6. Allergies
7. Pain in the stomach and intestine caused by food poisoning and other poisons
8. Gastroenteritis
9. Brown Phlegm (Bad kan smug po)
10. Internal Abscesses
11. Leprosy and other obstinate Skin Diseases
12. Ulcers on the Head, Body or Limbs
13. Three stages of Edema
14. Blood diseases
15. Nerve diseases
16. Arthritis, Rheumatism
17. Severe Debility, weakness due to chronic illness
18. General Health tonic, strengthens major Organs and 7 Bodily Tissues
19. When taken in health they increase Essence
20. Strengthening Tonic for the Elderly
The method of taking it is as for other Pracious Pills.
Before using this medicine, a “gathering” (preparing) medicine is generally recommended. Thang chen nyer lnga is most used. If this cannot be taken on the night before taking, take a decoction made of 7 seeds of Sichuan Pepper.
One pill is taken as a dose with warm water
After taking, the patient should go to bed and sweat for 1 hour. After sweating, close the pores by taking Butter (as much as an egg yolk, or a little Bear Bile, or an infusion of Saffron.
1. Avoid overdose
2. Not used daily on an extended basis
3. Not used during Pregnancy
See also our page on Tibetan Jewel Pills
How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures