Gratiola, Hedge Hyssop

Gratia Dei (Geranium was also called Gratia Dei)
Picture Picture
Picture New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563

Picture Plantæ Utiliores, Burnett & Burnett, 1850

Picture Flora von Deutschland (17), Kohler, 1884

Botanical name:

Gratiola officinalis
Salmon listed two varieties:
  1. True Hedge Hyssop
  2. Bastard Hedge Hyssop

Parts used:

Herb, root

Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry. Bitter, Toxic


1. Clears Damp, Purges Water:
-used as a purge of Phlegm, Damp and Water
-Edema, fluid Retention, as well as Ascites
-Arthritis and Rheumatism with excess Damp and fluid swelling (like Colchicum)
2. Clears Damp-Heat from the Liver:
-Quartan Agues, Continual Fevers;
-Syphilis, Epidemic Diseases and the Plague.
-obstruction and enlargement of the Spleen or Liver; Damp-type Jaundice (‘extremely efficacious’, Hufeland)
-Mania and Mental Irritation (recorded cases of Maniacs being cured with its use, Kostrzewski)

3. Moves the Blood, Promotes Menstruation:
-Chlorosis; Amenorrhea
-obstructions of the Uterus
-decocted in wine and taken it heals chronic or running Sores and Putrid Ulcers (Salmon)

4. Promotes Vomiting:
-traditionally used as an emetic.

5. Kills Worms
-used for Worms

6. Externally:
i. the powder or juice was applied to Fresh Wounds
ii. also applied to Old and Rotten Sores and Ulcers
iii. Running Ulcers


Powder: 500–1500mg (1 scruple to purge, often with nausea); Up to 3 grams (1 dram) has been given in powder;
Infusion (2 drams steeped in half pint of boiling water, the dose is 20–30 mls., three times daily;
Decoction: 3–6 grams
Of the Juice: half spoonful, increased to 2, 3 or 4 spoonfuls with Whey or Mutton broth


Gratiola was commended by a number of respected European Physicians, but was never much used in England or the US.


It was typically steeped in vinegar, then dried, and powdered. Some additionally steeped in Milk, then rinsed, and dried before powdering.


1. Aniseed or Caraway
2. Cinnamon or Clove
3. Licorice
4. Sugar or Honey
5. Raisins

Main Combinations:

1. As a purge:
i. Hedge Hyssop with Cinnamon, Aniseed and Sugar
ii. Hedge Hyssop with Senna, Raisins, Aniseed, Cinnamon
2. Fever:
i. Gratiola with Angelica
ii. Gratiola with Camphor
iii. Gratiola, Angelica, Zedoary, Tormentil
3. Quartan Fever:
i. 10 grains of Gratiola herb with 5 grains of Gentian (Bergius)
4. Obstruction of the Uterus, Gratiola with Myrrh
5. Promote Menstruation, Gratiola with Pennyroyal


1. Not used in pregnancy, the very young, or in the weak.
2. Do not overdose. It is extremely poisonous in overdose, and a strong irritant of the mucous membranes. It works ‘very churlishly’ said Culpeper. It is a harsh medicine that readily upsets the stomach.


Toxic doses causes vomiting, colic, bloody diarrhea, kidney irritation, blood in the urine etc. Very high doses leads to spasm, paralysis and circulatory failure. Only rarely has it resulted in fatality. Overdose is treated with gastric lavage, then symptomatically.

Main Preparations used:

Prepared Herb, Extract, Salt