
Cicada (classical)
Zha Meng 蚱蜢 (TCM)
Cha ga pa ཆ་ག་པ་ (Tibet)
Picture two forms of Grasshopper
History of the zoophytes. Goldsmith, 1824

Entomological name:

Gryllulus domesticus, G. campestris (Field Cricket)
In TCM, local types have been used including G. sigellatus, G. chinensis (Chinese Cricket), G. mitratus,
Generally, any local Grasshopper can be used. A Tibetan classic text states that all Grasshoppers have the same efficacy. Crickets and Locusts have been used similarly.

Parts used:

Those with pointed heads and long legs are best (Barefoot Doctors Manual)

Temperature & Taste:

Neutral. Sweet.


1. Benefits Kidneys, Promotes Urine, Opens Obstructions:
-Edema, Difficulty Urinating, Urinary obstruction, Ascites (West, TCM) (also Cricket, Locust)
-Bladder disorders, Bladder pain (Dioscorides)
-the ash taken in wine, is used for urinary Stones
-Diabetes (TCM)
-‘cleanses the Channels’. (Tibet)

2. Stops Cough and Wheezing:
-Coughs, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough
-Cold Asthma (Barefoot Doctors Manual)
-Locusts were especially recommended for Lung diseases.
-Phthisis (Arabs)

3. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:
-antidote to various poisons and bites: Scorpion, Bee, and Hornet stings
-in Tibet specifically against the venom of a toxic beetle.
-Malaria and Fevers (Arabs)
-Leprosy (Pliny)
-Conjunctivitis, and Eye diseases. (Dioscorides)


Powder: 300mg–1 gram (5–10 grains was traditionally used in the West), taken with Pepper; 1500mg (half dram) dose potently promotes urine. 2–6 Grasshoppers in powder has been prescribed in the West. The powder of 10 toasted Grasshoppers, taken with wine, is given as a dose in the Barefoot Doctors Manual.
Decoction: 4–6 grams


Traditionally used in Love potions in China.


1. They are toasted or stir-fried until lightly scorched, then the legs and wings are removed.
2. They can be burnt until black, then powdered.


Crickets and Locusts are used similarly.

Main Combinations:

1. Asthma, Grasshopper with Ephedra
2. Stones:
i. Grasshopper with Pill Millipedes
ii. burnt Grasshopper with a decoction of Juniper and Parsley seed
iii. burnt Grasshoppers, ashes of a burnt Hare, prepared Goat Blood, Plantain seed, Butchers Broom seed syrup (Wirtzung)
3. Diabetes, parch and powder 30 Grasshoppers; take 1 portion 3 times daily with yellow rice wine. One case study with Diabetes due to Kidney Yin deficiency of 10 years standing was reportedly cured after 20 days administration.

Major Formulas:

  Prepared Goat Blood, Grasshoppers            3 drams ea.
  Galangal                                                             1 dram
  Grommel, Cinquefoil, Nettle seed,
    Watercress, Parsley seed, Alexander,
    White Tartar                                                     0.5 dram ea.
  Oils of Musk, Spikenard, and Balsam            1.5 drams ea.
With juice of Saxifrage, form Troches.
  Very useful for pain of the Kidneys and Intestines, and for Stones.
Dose: 1–2 drams. (Antidotarium Bononıiense, 1574)


None noted

Main Preparations used:


Tincture of Grasshopper
  Rectified S.V.                        3 lbs.
  Powder of Grasshoppers   1 oz.
Steep, then strain and keep. Used to promote urine. Dose: 10-15 or even 30 drops, in an appropriate liquor. (Salmon)