Gomphrena, Qian Ri Hong 千日红
Globe AmaranthQian Ri Hong (TCM)
Amlana (Ayurveda)

Descourtilz, M.E., Flore [pittoresque et] médicale des Antilles (1821-1829)

(Photo by Carl Lewis) (Wikimedia)
Botanical name:
Gomphrena globosa
Parts used:
Flowering tops or Whole Herb
Temperature & Taste:
Neutral. Sweet, slightly Salty
1. Stops Cough and Wheezing:
-Cough, Whooping Cough, Acute and Chronic Bronchitis
-Wheezing, Bronchial Asthma
-Hemoptysis from Pulmonary Tuberculosis
-Night Coughing in Children
2. Clears Liver Heat, Brightens the Eyes:
-Red, Sore Eyes from Liver Heat
-Blurred Vision
-Dizziness, Headache
-Night Crying and Restlessness in Infants, Infantile Convulsions
3. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:
-Infantile Fever
-Toxic Sores and Boils
–Seborrheic dermatitis
4. Used for Diabetes:
-decoction of the leaves has been used for Diabetes (Bangladesh)
5. Externally:
-Boils, Sores, Swelling, Inflammation and Pain (decoction as a wash)
-decoction as a wash for Bruising
Decoction: 9–15 grams
For Children, often 7–14 flowers is used in Infusion or Brief Decoction
Main Combinations:
1. Headache, Gomphrena with Vervain (Jiangxi “Handbook of Herbal Medicine”)
2. Asthma, decoct the herb, add some rice wine and take
3. Childhood Epilepsy, Gomphrena 10 flowers with 7 Grasshoppers.
4. Night crying or restlessness in infants, or for Sore, Red Eyes, Gomphrena with Chrysanthemum
Major Formulas:
None noted