Goat Blood, Capra Sanguinis
Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491Zoological name:
Capra hircus and related species
Parts used:
Dried Blood
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Salty
1. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine, Breaks Stones:
-Edema, Dysuria
-Gravel, Stones (considered Specific)
2. Moves the Blood, Eases Pain:
-Trauma, Bruising
-Salt of the Blood was given to ease pain
3. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:
-given to those that have ‘Drank Poison’.
-Sealed Earth (Terra Sigillata) was mixed with Goat Blood against Poison
Dried and Powdered Blood: 500mg–2 grams
1. ‘Behead a Goat in the New Moon. Leave the first and last blood, but collect the middle blood in a pan. Leave this pan until it is thick and cold. Cut them into squares and dry them on a sunny day, on a net. Let them dry very well before storing.’
In later times, it was dried into briquettes in a gentle oven; some added a little Myrrh. This was a famous medicine for Gout, and was also used for stones.
Dose: 1 spoonful of this powder with wine or vinegar. Wonderfully helps someone with Gout.
2. “Take a kid about a year and a half old, and having fed him days without water, kill him and take his blood, and when it is cold, pour the water away from it: then dry the Blood, till it be hard”. (Culpeper)
3. Goats blood was also used for Pleurisy; but the blood was gathered from the Goat when the testes were cut off. This was also dried into briquettes. If the blood from a Wild Goat was used, 10 drops could be added to Carduus Water; if from a domestic Goat, it was dried, and 1 dram could be given in powder with Carduus water. (Salmon)
Main Combinations:
1. Dysuria, Stones:
i. Goat Blood (1 dram), Ivy berries (0.5 dram). Powder and take with white wine every morning.
ii. Goat Blood, Saltpeter
iii. Goat Blood, Jew’s Stone, Peach kernels, Parsley seed, Celery seed
iv. Goat Blood, Amber
v. Goat Blood, Lynx Stone, Sponge Stone, Crab’s Eyes
vi. Goat Blood, Stone from a fishes Head, Elecampane, Nettle seed, Fennel seed, Juniper, Winter Cherry (as in Stone Breaking Spirit)
2. Gonorrhea, Goat Blood, Bistort, Tormentil, Lettuce seed, Rue seed, Agnus Castus, Mastic, Frankincense, Dragon’s Blood (as in Pills to Stop a Gonorrhea)
3. Dysentery, Goat Blood, Galls, Pomegranate flowers (Magic of Kirani)
4. Against Poison, Lemnian Earth (or Armenian Earth) with Goat Blood
5. To Move the Blood, ease Pain and resolve Bruising:
i. Goat Blood with Comfrey root
ii. Goat Blood, Myrrh, Frankincense, Dragon’s Blood
Major Formulas:
Confection of Ashes
Stone–Breaking Powder (Lithontripticon) (Nicholas)
‘Powder for those Hurt by a Fall’
None noted
Main Preparations used:
Distilled Water of Goat Blood, Salts of Goat’s Blood, Essence of Goat Blood
‘The Water of Goats Blood distilled in a glass in Balneo Marie doth wonders. But you must feed the Goat 1 month with Saxifrage, Burnt Juniper berries, Parsley, and other diuretics’.
Used to promote urine, and clear gravel and stones.
The Salts of Goats Blood is made the same as Salts of Deer Blood.
It ‘has great vertue to help the Reins, Bladder, and all diseases of the Articular parts, as Chiragra, Gonagra, and Podagra’. It is also used to ease Pain (by moving the Blood). Used both internally and externally.
Rectified Spirit of Nitre, Dried Goats Blood 8 oz. each
Gradually add the powdered blood to the Spirit in an earthen vessel; digest for 24 hours and it will dissolve into a glorious Red Essence. Add to it 24 oz. of the best rectified Spirit of Wine; mix well, digest for a week, filter, and keep for use.
It opens all obstructions in all parts of the body, powerfully promoting urine and is very good for Dysuria and scalding urine. This, Salmon says, is a ‘Volatile Acid joined with a Volatile Alkali’.
Dose: 10-30 or 40 drops.