Gleditsia Fructus, Zao Jia 皂荚

Chinese Honeylocust Fruit
Zao Jia (TCM)
Picture Picture
Picture Gleditsia sinensis
Jaume Saint-Hilaire, J.H., Traité des arbres forestiers, (1824)

Picture Gledatsia sinensis
(Photo by (Wikimedia)

Botanical name:

Gleditsia sinensis, G. japonica

Parts used:


Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry. Pungent, slightly Toxic


P. Clear Phlegm


1. Clears Phlegm, Stops Cough:
-excess phlegm that is hard to clear causing Cough or Wheezing

2. Clears Phlegm, Opens Obstructions, Revives the Spirit:
-Loss of consciousness or Seizures from excess Phlegm-Damp obstruction

3. Externally:
-early stages of Boils and Abscesses, or Abscess with difficulty discharging pus, make a paste with Vinegar and apply
-as a suppository for Roundworm




1. Honey
2. Chinese Red Date (Da Zao)


Fresh Seeds are to be soaked in water overnight, then the capsule is removed with a copper knife.
1. Butter Fried Zao Jia
  Stir fry 30 grams of the seed with 15 grams of Butter (or Ghee, which is better). The dry and keep for use.
2. Honey-fried Zao Jia:
  Stir-frying with Honey moderates its nature and makes it better for Cough. It is also slightly tonifying when prepared like this.

Main Combinations:

1. Cough or Wheezing from excess Phlegm:
i. powder Gleditsia Fructus Zao Jia and form pills with Honey
ii. Gleditsia Fructus Zao Jia with Ephedra Ma Huang, Bistort (Quan Shen)
iii. Gleditsia Fructus Zao Jia with Coltsfoot flower (Kuan Dong Hua), Apricot kernel (Xing Ren), Licorice
2. Coma, Stroke, Seizures from Wind-Phlegm:
i. Gleditsia Fructus Zao Jia with Alum
ii. with clenched jaw and extreme breathing difficulty, Gleditsia Fructus Zao Jia with Asarum (Xi Xin)


1. Avoid overdose, which cause toxic effects. Only used in strong people, and avoid in those with Qi or Yin deficiency.
2. Not used during Pregnancy.
3. Avoid in those with gastric damage such as Ulcers or gastric inflammations as this herb can exacerbate.

Main Preparations used: