Gladiolus, Sou Shan Huang 搜山黄

Sword-Lilies, Ghent Hybrid Gladiolus
Sou Shan Huang, Tang Chang Pu, Biao Gan Hua (TCM)
Picture Gladiolus gandavensis var. citrinus
(Flore des serres et des jardins de l’Europe, vol. 5)

Botanical name:

Gladiolus gandavensis (syn. Gladiolus x gandavensis)
This is a hybrid of
G. dalenii × G. oppositiflorus.

Parts used:


Temperature & Taste:

Cool, dry. Bitter. Slightly Toxic


1. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:
-Sore Throat
-Boils, Toxic Sores, Furuncles, Carbuncles (topically and internally)
-Mumps, Parotitis

2. Resolves Stasis, Disperses Swelling:
-Trauma, Bruising
-Lymphatic Swellings


Decoction: 3–9 grams (9–15 grams fresh)
Beat to a paste for topical application.

Main Combinations:

1. Sore Throat, powder Gladiolus bulb, add a little Borneo Camphor (Bing Pian) and blow a little directly into the throat.
2. Sores, beat the bulb, mix with Honey and apply.
3. Mumps, express the juice, mix with water and apply topically.

Major Formulas:


Not used during Pregnancy.

Main Preparations used: