Geranium, Herb Robert

Cranesbill is the common name of the Geraniums
Gratia Dei (used for a number of Geranium species)
Picture Geranium robertum
Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578

Picture Geranium robertum
Flora von Deutschland (21), Kohler, 1885

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Botanical name:

Geranium robertum (syn. G. robertianum)

Parts used:


Temperature & Taste:

Cool, dry. (Schroder said ‘temperately Hot and dry, and Cold’). Bitter, Salty




1. Clears Heat and Toxin, Moves the Blood, Resolves Masses:
-dissolves Congealed Blood, and Stops Blood; used for Bruising and Trauma
-good to cleanse and heal Wounds
-in compounds for Scrofula, Tumors and Cancers

2. Clears Heat and Damp, Promotes Urine, Clears Stones:
-suppressed or
burning Urine, Jaundice
-especially for Gravel and Stones (West, Ayurveda)
-related species used in Asian medicine clear Wind and damp and are used for Rheumatism, Arthralgia and Stroke.

3. Clears Wind-Heat:
-Fevers (internally, and with salt and vinegar applied to the soles and pulses).
-various skin conditions coming from heat.

4. Clears Heat, Stops Bleeding:
-commended to stop bleeding from the Nose, Mouth, Throat or Gastrointestinal Tract;
-especially Bleeding of Wounds.

5. Clears Heat, Settles Wind, Calms the Mind:
-Large doses (2 drams of the powder) were given to Lunatics. (

6. Externally:
-applied to fresh Wounds, Tumors and Ulcers, including old Ulcers of the Genitals.
-concentrated decoction or ointment can be applied to chronic non-healing sores and cancers
-decocted in lye as a wash to chronic and putrid ulcers

-poultice for Rheumatism.
-the decoction made with lye is used as a wash for putrid Ulcers.
-all Cranesbills are used externally to allay the heat of Fever (applied to the Soles with Salt and Vinegar)
-also to ‘discuss’ Milk, and for ‘Clefts’ of the Breasts


1–2 teaspoonfuls in infusion
Decoction: 5–15 grams Picture

Main Combinations:

1. Scrofula:
i. Herb Robert with  … available in PRO version
ii. Gratia Dei (1 oz.),  … available in PRO version
2. Tumors and Cancer, Herb Robert with  … available in PRO version
3. Cancer:
i. Herb Robert with  … available in PRO version
ii. Herb Robert with  … available in PRO version
4. Trauma, Wounds, Herb Robert with  … available in PRO version
5. Inflammations, Ulcers and Tumors,  … available in PRO version

Major Formulas:

Decoction Against Scrofula (Fuller)
Decoction for Cancer (Fuller)
Universal Vulnerary Decoction (Joseph Du Chesne)


1. Not for Cold and weakness of the digestive system.

Main Preparations used:

Distilled Water of the Herb