Gentiana algida, Spang rgyan

Alpine Gentian, Small-leaf Gentian
Spang rgyan  སྤང་རྒྱན  (Tibet)
Bai Hua Long Dan 白花龙胆, Gao Shan Long Dan 高山龙胆 (TCM)
Picture Gentiana algida
Gartenflora [E. von Regel], vol. 29 (1880)

Picture Gentiana algida
(Photo by Alpsdake) (Wikimedia)

Botanical name:

Gentiana spp.
  1. Spang rgyan dkar po (White flowered): G. algida (syn. G. nubigena), G. szechenyii, G. stipitata
  2. Spang rgyan sngon po (Blue flowered): G. veitchiorum, G. sino-ornata, G. lawrencei
  3. Spang rgyan nag po (Black flowered): G. phyllacalyx
The White variety is principally used.

Parts used:

Flower; Whole herb

Temperature & Taste:

Cold, dry. Bitter


1. Clears Heat, Stops Cough: (Tibet, TCM)
-Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma
-Lung infection including Pneumonia
-Sore Throat, Pharyngitis, Hoarseness
-White variety is used for Lung disorders

2. Drains Fire, Resists Poison: (Tibet, TCM)
-Cold and Fever (TCM)
-Infectious and Toxic Fever (Tibet)
-Fever from Poisoning
-chronic skin diseases, Small Pox (Black variety)
-Red and sore Eyes (Tibet, TCM)

3. Clears Heat and Damp: (TCM)
-Headache from Liver heat
-painful dribbling Urine
-Skin diseases, Eczema, Scrotal Eczema


Powder: 1–3 grams


Common Gentian or Gentian Long Dan Cao may be used in its place, but this is more specific for Lung disorders.

Main Combinations:

1. Cough, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Gentiana algida with Clove, Tabasheer, Licorice, Costus, Chebulic Myrobalan (as in Clove 6 of Tibetan Medicine)
2. Bronchial Asthma, to Clove 6 (above), add Cinnamon, Raisin, Bistort, Pomegranate, Saffron (as in Clove 11 of Tibetan Medicine)
3. For the ‘7Types of Throat Disease’ (Laryngitis, pharyngitis, hoarseness, loss of voice, swollen sore throat etc). Gentiana algida with Chebula, Tabasheer, Licorice, Rhodiola, Cardamon and Clove (as in Pill for Throat diseases of Tibetan Medicine)
4. Chronic Cough, Wheezing, Breathlessness from Lung weakness, Gentiana algida with Triphala, Elecampane, Licorice, Raisin, Rhodiola (as in Principle 25 of Tibetan Medicine)

Major Formulas:

Clove 6 (Li shi drug pa) (Tibetan)
Clove 35 (Li shi so lnga) (Tibetan).
Gentiana algida 15 (Spang rgyan dkar po 15) (Tibetan)
Principle 25 (Gtso bo nyer lnga) (Tibetan)


Avoid in Cold and Weak Stomach

Main Preparations used:

Click the Tabs above for more information on this Medicin
Tibetan medicine Bang Jian: a comprehensive review on botanical characterization, traditional use, phytochemistry, and pharmacology
[Varieties textual research and usage investigation of white flos gentianae, a Tibetan medicine].

Iridoids and Flavonoids of Four Siberian Gentians: Chemical Profile and Gastric Stimulatory Effect.