Gastroduodenal Ulcers
Peptic Ulcers
Ulcers occur in the Stomach and Duodenum as a result of excess acidity, H. pulori infection, or due to excess use of gastric irritants such as Aspirin or alcohol. It is only relatively recently that it was discovered that bacterial infection by H. pylori is related to many cases of Gastroduodenal Ulcer. The majority of cases occur between the ages of 25 and 64 (70%).

A primary presenting symotom is upper abdominal pain. Nausea, loss of appetite, heartburn, bad breath and belching may also be present.

Diet is important in the treatment of all gastric diseases. For Ulcers, easy-to-digest food, chewing well, undereating, and eating at regular intervals are all important. Avoiding excess heating foods is also important. Excessive Smoking and alcohol are also contributing factors.

Western Medicine treatment involves medicines that inhibit acid production, or antibiotics in the case of bacterial infection.

Western Tradition

i. Licorice, Rose, Sandalwood, Mastic
ii. Licorice with Fennel, Asparagus root, Emblic Myrobalan, Picrorhiza (Ayurveda)
iii. Calendula with Comfrey, Licorice
iv. Calendula with Comfrey root, Marshmallow, Aniseed
v. Calendula with Dandelion, St. Johns wort, Balm, Fennel
vi Calendula with Oak bark, Fumitory, Vervain, Veronica (Zimmerman)
vii. Balm with Camomile, Peppermint, Caraway, Licorice, Angelica
viii. Comfrey root with Knotgrass, Plantain, Sanicle, Calendula (Becker)

Distilled Water of Black Nightshade
Aromatic Bitter Decoction
Powder Against Heartburn
Powder of Haly (Haly)
Powder of Marshmallow
Troches of Spodium (Trochisci Spodii) (Mesue)
Troches of Spodium (Trochisci Spodii) (Avicenna)
Pills of Mastic (Mesue)
Stomach Pills (Mesue)
Abbots Confect of Rose (Diarrhodon Abbatis) (Nicholas)
Aromatic Rose Formula (Aromaticum Rosatum) (Mesue)

Avipattikara Churna
Licorice Ghee (Yashtimadhu Ghirta) (Ayurveda)

Chinese Classification

Qi Stagnation 
Mu Xiang Shun Qi Wan
Chai Hu Shu Gan San
Dan Zhi Xiao Yai San

Internal Heat
Da Chai Hu Tang
Dan Zhi Xiao Yai San

Stomach Cold
Li Zhong Wan
Dang Gui Si Ni Tang
Ping Wei San
Wen Pi Tang

Xiao Chai Hu Tang

Er Chen Tang
Liu Jun Zi Tang

Ping Wei San

Damp with Food Stagnation
Bao He Wan
Jian Pi Wan
Wen Dan Tang

Spleen Deficiency with Damp
Liu Jun Zi Tang
Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang

Harmonize the Stomach
Mixed Heat & Cold / Damp-Heat

Huang Lian Tang
Huang Lian Wen Dan Tang
Wen Dan Tang

Blood Stagnation
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang


1. A review on gastric ulcer remedies used in Unani System of Medicine