Garcinia pedunculata, Amlavetasa
Butter tree, Goa butter, Indian Tallow tree, Red Mango, KokumAmlavetasa, Vetasamla, Amlasar (Ayurveda)
Murgal (Siddha)
Garcinia indica fresh fruit
Garcinia indica dried fruit
(Photo by Badagnani) (Wikimedia)
Botanical name:
Garcinia spp.
- G. pedunculata
- G. indica (syn. G. purpurea)
The fruit of G. cambogia (called “Malabar Tamarind”) appear to be used similarly.
Parts used:
Fruit (sliced, dried and aged), or Fruit Rind
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Sour, Astringent
Some have stated Cool. Probably Cool when fresh, slightly Warm when dried. Also, the fruit is probably more cool, the rind, more warming.
1. Lowers Qi, Moves the Bowels:
-abdominal diseases from obstruction
-Abdominal Tumors (Gulma)
-stops Upward movement of Qi
-Seizures, Convulsions
2. Promotes Digestion:
-Indigestion, loss of appetite, colic
3. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine:
-Edema, fluid retention (Charaka)
-difficult urination
4. Strengthens the Heart
-Heart weakness
-Chest tightness and heaviness
5. Stops Cough and Wheezing:
-Cough, Bronchitis
6. Externally:
-the oil form the seeds (known as Kokum butter) is used topically for skin irritation, ulcers, fissures, chaps, and is used in ointments for that purpose.
Powder: 2–4 grams
Decoction (1 in 8): 50–100 mls.
Fruit Juice: 5–10 mls.
1. Solena amplexicaulis is used for Amlavetasa in the South of India.
2. Stalks of Rhubarb (Rheum emodi) are an accepted substitute for Amlavetasa. (API)
3. Cissus repens and C. vitiginea have reportedly been used for Amlavetasa.
4. Garcinia fruit has been used as a substitute for Pomegranate, suggesting the latter can replace Garcinia. (India)
1. It is a sour digestive agent like Pomegranate for which it has been substituted. Dried slices of the fruit are said to be most effective when aged.
2. The fruit is used in food in some regions such as Assam where it is highly regarded. The dried slices are used to prepare dishes like Sour Fish Curry.
The fresh fruit are sliced, then dried. They are believed to become stronger when aged for 12 or more months.
The sliced fruit is sometimes salted to preserve, this is especially used in cooking.
Main Combinations:
1. Promote Digestion, Garcinia pedunculata with Ginger, Long Pepper, Cinnamon, Cardamon, Cumin
2. Abdominal Tumors (Gulma), Garcinia pedunculata with Chebula, Calamus, Asafetida, Trachyspermum ammi fruit, Rock Salt, Barley seed ash (Charaka)
3. Seizures, Convulsions, Garcinia pedunculata with Chebula, Calamus, Pluchea (Rasna), mixed with Ghee.
Major Formulas:
Bhaskara Lavana Churna
None noted
2000mg/kg given to mice for 15 days showed no mortality or change in behaviour..
Main Preparations used:
Dried fruit
Nothing at Present
Nothing at Present