Galium odoratum, Woodruff

Sweet Woodruff, Woodroof, Woodrowel
Xiang Che Ye Cao (TCM)
Picture Galium odoratum
Illustrated Flora, Vol 3, Britton and Brown, 1913

Picture Galium odoratum
Masclef, A., Atlas des plantes de France, vol. 2 (?)

Botanical name:

Galium odoratum (syn. Asperula odorata)
Salmon (Botanologia) listed:
  1. Common (White-flowered) Woodruff
  2. Blue-flowered Woodruff
  3. Small Stone-break Woodruff

Parts used:

Herb collected in flower

Temperature & Taste:

Temperate (Neutral) (Salmon). Sweet, Pungent
The sweet smell is more pronounced after drying.


Aperitive, Abstersive, Vulnerary
Cardiac, Hepatic


1. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:
-Colds, Fevers, acute Coughs and Bronchitis
-‘good against all sorts of Malign and Pestilential Diseases’ (Salmon)
-topically and internally for mild infections or inflammations

2. Settles the Heart, Moves Qi, Calms the Mind and Spirit:
-‘Cheers the Heart, makes it Merry … resists Melancholy, makes a man light-some and pleasant’ (Salmon)
-Melancholy, mild Depression, Anxiety, Hysteria
-Palpitations, Arrhythmia
-some recommended it for Epilepsy and Paralysis

3. Moves the Blood, Resolves Stasis:
-Vulnerary, promotes Healing of Wounds
-Varicose Veins, Thrombosis, Thrombophlebitis
-Arthritic disorders

4. Benefits the Stomach, Moves Qi:
-‘Strengthens the Stomach and rectifies its depraved tone’. (Salmon)
-Abdominal distention or congestion
-Liver sluggishness, Biliary insufficiency
-Obstructions of the Liver or Spleen
-mild constipation

5. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine, Breaks Stones:
-beginning Edema
-Gravel, Stones

6. Externally:
-cataplasm applied to fresh Wounds
-cataplasm discusses hard tumors


Powder: 250mg–1 gram
Infusion: 1 teaspoonful per Cup; or 2 Tablespoonfuls per Pint of boiling water, taken in teacupful doses.
Clarified Juice: 1–3 spoonfuls
Distilled Water: 4–8 oz.


It’s sweet, agreeable taste has been used to flavor Beer, Cheese and Tobacco.


1. ‘Very like in qualities to our Ladies Bedstraw [Cleavers]’ (Salmon)

Main Combinations:

1. Stones: Woodruff, Parsley Piert, Wild Carrot, Pellitory of the Wall, Parsley root
2. Lung and Liver disorders, Woodruff, Paul’s Betony, Sanicle (Kraft)
3. Sluggish Liver, Woodruff, Agrimony, Fennel seed
4. Mild Depression, Woodruff, Balm, St. Johns wort

Major Formulas:


Contains Coumarin.
1. Avoid overdose. Symptoms of overdose include headache, nausea, dizziness, stupor. Toxic to the Liver in overdose.
2. Not used during Pregnancy.
3. Normal doses of Woodruff have reportedly been associated with headaches in some people.

Drug Interactions:

May interact with blood thinning medication.

Main Preparations used:

Woodruff Wine, Tincture of Woodruff

1. Maitraen (Woodruff Wine)
  Light White Wine, 2 bottles (1.4 liters)
  Woodruff in flower, 1 handful
Macerate for 1 hour, strain, and sweeten with sugar.

2. Tincture of Asperula
  Fresh flowering Woodruff, beaten in a stone mortar, 100 parts
  Spirit (90%), 120 parts
Steep for 1 day, then filter and press.