Foeniculum, Fennel, Xiao Hui Xiang 小茴香

Traditionally called Maratrum
Xiao Hui Xiang
Saunf (Ayurveda)
Combu (Siddha)
La la phud  ལ་ལ་ཕུད  (Tibetan)
Badiyan (Seed, Unnai)
Bekh e Badiyan (Root, Unani)
Picture Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485

Picture New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563

Picture Atlas der officinellen pflanzen (2), Felix, 1899

Botanical name:

Foeniculum vulgare

Parts used:

Root, Seed; sometimes the herb

Temperature & Taste:

Very Warm, dry. Pungent
open, resolve, discuss


Picture Fennel seed (Adam, 2016)
M. Warm to Expel Cold


1. Root is one of the Opening Roots
-obstructions of the Liver, Spleen;
-Cholecystitis, Gall Stones, Jaundice (seed)

2. Warms the Kidneys, Promotes Urine (Leaf, Root, Seed)
-obstructed Urine, Edema
-lower back pain (roots, seed)
-traditionally regarded as Aphrodisiac; helps Fertility
-gives strength, courage and longevity (Greeks)

3. Moves the Blood, Promotes Menstruation (root):
-helps promote Labor, cleanses after Delivery

4. Warms the Lungs, clears Phlegm, Stops Cough:
-Strengthens the Lungs (root);
-Cough, shortness of Breath, Wheezing (Leaf, seed, root)

5. Warms the Stomach, clears Wind, benefits Digestion:
-Clears Wind; carminative, strengthens the Stomach (Leaf, Root, Seed)
-‘Discusses Wind and Humors’ (Root, Seed)
-Corrects Purgatives and medicines which create Wind (Seed)
-prolapse, hernia (seed; West, TCM)
-has been much used for Obesity

6. Promote Milk:
-increases Breast Milk, improves Milk quality

7. Benefits the Eyesight (Seed):
-poor or deteriorating vision
-spots in front of the Eyes


Decoction: 6–9 grams;
Powder: 1–4 grams


1. Coriander
2. White Sandalwood


1. Fennel root may replace Seed
2. Celery seed or Aniseed (Unani)
3. Bishop’s Weed seed (Tibetan)

Main Combinations:

Fennel seed is often combined with Aniseed
Fennel root is often combined with Parsley root (as in Syrup of Two Opening Roots)

Abdomen, Liver:
1. Carminative, for Colic, Bloating:
i. Fennel seed with Aniseed, Caraway
ii. Fennel seed with Ginger, Peppermint, Dill, Licorice
iii. Fennel seed with Aniseed, Caraway, Cumin, Camomile (as in Carminative Decoction)
iv. Fennel seed, Orange peel, Rhubarb (Sobernheim, 1840)
v. Colic in children, Fennel, Camomile, Balm
2. Hernia:
i. Fennel seed and Aniseed (or Star Anise)
ii. Fennel seed, Caraway seed, Comfrey root
3. Diarrhea:
i. Fennel seed with Ginger (Ayurveda)
ii. Fennel seed, Nigella, Nutmeg, Galngal
4. Jaundice:
i. Syrup of Two Opening roots for infants and delicate woman
ii. Syrup of Five Opening roots is stronger for Jaundice (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
5. Liver obstruction:
i. Syrup of Opening Roots with Decoction of Chicory root (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
ii. Fennel seed (200 drams), Rock Parsley seed, Aniseed, Bitter Almond, Spikenard, Wormwood (6 drams each), Honey sufficient to form an Electuary. Dose: 2 drams. (
Syrian ‘Book of Medicine‘, Budge, 1913)

6. Catarrh and Lung diseases, especially in children, Fennel seed with Licorice (Sobernheim, 1840)
7. Cough:
i. Fennel seed with Bitter Almond (as in Powder to Warm the Lungs of Mesue)
ii. Fennel seed, Lungwort, Lance-leaf Plantain, Coltsfoot (Kroeber)
iii. Cold Phlegm of the Lungs, Fennel seed with Hyssop, Cinnamon, Licorice (Hildegard)
iv. Fennel seed with Celery seed, Licorice juice, Maidenhair, Sweet Almond (as in Troches for Cough of Wirtzung)
v. Fennel seed with Fennel root with Thyme, Hyssop, Celery root, Aniseed, Raisin, Licorice (as in Decoction of Thyme of Andernacus)
8. Cleanse the Brain and strengthen the Eyes, Fennel seed with Triphala, Coriander and Rose (Unani)

9. Promote Urine, Edema:
i. Fennel root, Asparagus root, Celery root, Parsley root, Butcher’s Broom root
ii. Fennel root with Cinnamon, Asarum, Wormwood, Aniseed, Rhubarb, Indian Spikenard, Parsley, Clove, Cardamon (as in Antidote for Edema of Nicholas)
iii. Fennel root with Asarum, Madder, Costus (as in Pills to Provoke Urine)
10. Bladder Stones; Fennel root, Betony, Rosemary, Sage, Bay berry, Juniper berry, Licorice

Gynecology & Obstetrics:
11. Promote Menstruation:
i. Fennel seed, Licorice and Senna (Schenk)
ii. Fennel seed, Pennyroyal, Balm
iii. Fennel seed, Motherwort
12. Leukorrhea, Fennel seed with Agnus Castus, Rue, Cinnamon (as in Powder for Leukorrhea)
13. Promote Milk:
i. Fennel fresh leaves or seed eaten
ii. Fennel seed with Barley decoction (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
iii. Fennel seed with Orange peel
iv. Fennel seed with Aniseed, Parsley root, Licorice
v. Fennel seed with Red Clover, Aniseed, Sesame seed (as in Powder for Defect of Milk)
14. Threatened Miscarriage, Fennel seed with Balm, Motherwort (as in Decoction for Threatened Miscarriage of Gabelhover)
15. Pain during Childbirth; decoct Fennel and Asarum together and use as a wash over the lower back and thighs. (Hildegard)
16. To calm children, Fennel seed with Camomile, Marshmallow and Licorice

Head, Brain, Eyes:
17. Headache, Fennel seed with Rue, Lovage, Black Pepper (as in Potion for Headache of Galen)
18. Vertigo, Dizziness:
i. Fennel seed with Lavender, Horehound, Asparagus root, Cinnamon (as in Decoction for Vertigo)
ii. Fennel seed with Stoechas, Thyme, Marjoram, Betony, Rosemary, Lavender, Aniseed, Peony root (as in Tincture for Vertigo)
19. To strengthen the Eyesight:
i. Fennel seed with Eyebright
ii. Fennel seed Tincture 5 parts, Distilled Water of Eyebright 25 parts, use as eye drops
iii. Fennel seed, Eyebright, Clove, Cinnamon, Long Pepper, Rue, Celandine (as in Confection of Eyebright of Mesue)
iv. Fennel seed with Caraway seed, Aniseed, Parsley seed, Celery seed, Celandine root (as in Electuary for the Eyes of Grulingus)
v. Fennel seed with Betony, Rosemary, Elecampane, Fennel root, Chebulic Myrobalan, Rue, Lovage (as in Electuary to Strengthen the Sight)
vi. to cleanse the Sight, Fennel seed with Senna, Betony, Eyebright, Vervain, Rosemary, Licorice (as in Powder to Cleanse the Sight)
vii. to cleanse the Sight, Fennel seed with Sarsaparilla, Orris, Elecampane, Betony, Balm, Eyebright, Vervain, Celandine, Licorice, Aniseed, Fennel seed, Senna, Turbith, Agaric (as in Decoction to Cleanse the Sight of Riverius)
viii. Eyebright Drops of Kneipp: Aloe (0.2), Fennel seed, Eyebright (10 each), Spirit (20), Distilled Water (80); digest, filter. Take a teaspoonful 3 times daily.

Major Formula
Common Decoction
Carminative Decoction (Pharm. Dogmaticum)
Decoction to Cleanse the Sight (Riverius)
Decoction for Vertigo (Culpeper)
Decoction of Thyme of Andernacus
Decoction for Threatened Miscarriage (Gabelhover)
Potion for Headache (Galen)
Syrup of Two Opening Roots
Wine of Eyebright and Fennel
Tincture for Vertigo
Powder for Leukorrhea
Troches for Cough (Wirtzung)
Confection of Eyebright (Confectio Humain) (Mesue)
Electuary for the Eyes (Grulingus)
Triphala Electuary of Fennel Seeds (Unani)


1. Generally not used in Heat conditions, or Deficient Heat (Heat from Yin deficiency)

Main Preparations used:

Candied Seed, Distilled Water of both the whole Plant and the Seed, Distilled Oil, Salt of the Ashes