Fibroid Tumors are a classic Melancholy-type Tumor in the Western Tradition. It is analogous to Phlegm-Damp and Blood-stagnation Masses of TCM. It requires a combination of Blood-moving Medicines and medicines to clear Damp and Melancholy.
Diet include foods which are easily digestible, avoiding foods hard to digest including meat of old animals
Many medicines that clear Damp are effective to clear Fibroids including Poria Fu Ling and Agaric of the West. Spleen tonics are often good against Fibroids as they help resolve Damp. In addition, great emphasis was placed on purging the Melancholy Humor in the Western Tradition.
Blood Stasis with Phlegm/Damp Obstruction Fixed mass, dull heavy feeling (more pain or feeling if Blood stasis, less feeling and more heaviness if Damp), dark or purplish tongue with whitish, poor appetite, smooth coating, choppy pulse Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan Tao Hong Si Wu Tang
Comment: the three ‘Zhu Yu’ formulas above are primary formulas to move the Blood and resolve masses in TCM. However to resolve Fibroids requires the addition of medicines to clear Phlegm such as Poria Fu Ling, Pinella Ban Xia, or Arisaema Tian Nan Xing, for example.