Fertility allows pregnancy to occur. An absence of pregnancy between a couple after a year or 2 of unprotected sex suggests a Fertility issue in either the male or female.
Infertility in Women may come from obstruction, excess of one of the Humors, or from Deficiency. It was long known that establishing a regular menstrual cycle is necessary for female fertility. When absent it must be promoted, when irregular or excessive, it must be regulated. In obstruction there may be pain, obstructed menstruation and other signs of obstruction. If the obstruction is from Phlegm, there will be clear discharge, pale and watery blood, poor blood flow, coldness and perhaps fluid retention or excess clear urine. When Bile obstructs, the blood is hot, there maybe excess menstrual bleeding, anger, irritability and a red face with a strong or fast pulse. Melancholy comes with a dull or dark complexion, excess worry or fear, dark colored and little blood and a weak pulse. If there is Blood stasis causing the obstruction, there is sharp pain, dark or clotted blood, perhaps with a dull complexion or cyanosis of the lips and nail beds. The pulse is usually choppy.
If the conditions comes of deficiency, there will be signs of weakness. A pale face, weak pulse and coldness can indicate blood deficiency. Lower back pain, excess urination are associated with Kidney deficiency. If there is marked Coldness in addition, the Kidney Yang is weak. In female deficiency type Infertility, often Blood and Qi tonics are combined with Kidney tonics.
Men may suffer Infertility from similar causes, although often there is deficiency, especially in men over 40. Herbs and formulas that nourish the Sperm while gently warming the Kidney Yang were most often prescribed in the West. However, if there is excess of the Humors, they should be cleansed beforehand.
Due to the modern knowledge of the sex hormones, often there is a reduction in sex hormones when there are fertility issues. A number of herbs traditionally used for Fertility issues have demonstrated effects on the sex hormones. It is worth noting that many of the formulas used for Fertility issues contained good nutrition, often in the form of Nuts and Seeds. This also illustrates the importance of good nutrition. It is also worth noting that hormone-containing animal medicines such as Brains, Testicles and the Uterus of various animals were used for Fertility issues, thereby being an early form of hormone therapy.
Traditional texts also often gave examples of tests for Fertility. Of course, these will be unreliable by modern standards but show methodologies used to try to ascertain Fertility issues.
Traditional Tests for Infertility
1. Sprinkle both parties ‘spermata’ on water; that which drives on top is barren.
2. Sprinkle a little Urine from each onto a Lettuce leaf; that which dies away first is infertile.
3. Take 5 corns of Wheat, 7 Barley grains and 7 Beans, put them in an earthen pot and urinate on them. Leave for 7 days. If they begin to sprout, he or she is Fruitful.
4. Beat Garlic to a pulp; let the women lay with her back upon it. If she smells it in her nose, she is Fertile.
5. ‘If you would try whether a woman be with child, let her piss in a Brass bason, and for one night let a clean fine steel needle be laid in it: if she be with child, it will be full of red spots; if not, it will be black, or rusty, or cancred’. (Mizaldus)
6. To see if a woman can conceive: ‘Make underneath an odoriferous fume, as of Myrrh, red Storax, and such like odoriferous warm things to pass into the neck of the womb, through a Tunnel, which being close covered round about, if the woman find that this smoke go through the body, and feels it in her nose, then is she fruitful’.
Wirtzung in his General Practise of Physic (1598) noted that these tests, which originated from ancient physicians and philosophers, were agreed to be uncertain. Yet they do show that early tests were performed, and it seems as if some of these tests may have had at least a reasonable percentage of accuracy, especially when confirmed with other findings.
See also
Treatment of Sterility from De Conceptu
Western Tradition Simples 1. Tincture of Cinnamon is very useful to warm the Kidneys and Uterus, restore the Yang, and cleanse Cold and Damp. 2. Tincture of Juniper was said to be ‘powerful in removing Barrenness’. (Salmon, from Pharmacopoeia Bateana) 3. Rocket seed taken in doses of ½ dram with wine before food. (Montagnana) 4. ‘If the women about the fourth day of her going abroad after her childing [menstruation] shall drink 9 ounces of the juice of Sage with a little Salt, and then use the company of her husband, she shall without doubt conceive and bring forth store of children, which are the blessing of God’. (Gerard; this was relayed by numerous authors) 5. Infertility through Fatness: give 1 dram doses of Betony powder with Betony distilled water. (Secrets of Alexis) 6. The dried and powdered Uterus of a Hare, taken with wine before intercourse was regarded as effective to aid conception. 7. Eat new laid Hens Eggs every morning for one month. The Hens must not have had a Cock with them. (Gabelhover, 1599) 8. Bull Pizzle dried and powdered, taken in one scruple doses with sweet wine. 9. Ivory powder was formerly highly regarded. Conception, to Assist Potion for Infertility Triphera Minor (Triphera Phoenonis) (Mesue) Triphera Greater (Triphera Magnus) (Nicholas) Powder to Promote Pregnancy (Renodeus) Confection to Assist Conception Female Infertility Kidney or Yang Deficiency 1. Dried Uterus or Rennet of a Hare (or Rabbit) is taken. 2. Boar Testicles in powder Decoction for Sterility (Quercetan) Tincture of Angelica Seed Confection for Impregnation (Renodeus) Confection for Infertility Confection for Infertility from Cold Electuary of Fruit Kernels (Rhazes) Electuary of Orchid (Diasatyrion) (Nicholas) Electuary of Sparrows Brains (Wirtzung) Royal Confection of Kermes (Mesue) Antidote for Cold Kidneys and to Excite Libido Antidote for Cold Lumbar, Venery, & Defect of Semen Triphera Greater (Triphera Magnus) (Nicholas) Powder to Promote Pregnancy (Renodeus) Powder of Cumin Greater (Nicholas) Candraprabha Vati (Ayurveda) Essence Pills (Bcud len ril bu) Gymnadenia 7 (Dbang lag skyin sgor) (Tibetan) Gymnadenia 10 (Dbang lag bcu pa) (Tibetan) Externally: Rosemary bath is recommended Female Infertility from Cold & Moisture (Yang Deficiency) Confection for a Cold and Moist Uterus Confection for Infertility from Cold Antidote for Cold Kidneys and to Excite Libido Antidote for Cold Lumbar, Venery, & Defect of Semen Warming Confection for Infertility (Wirtzung) Triphera Minor (Triphera Phoenonis) (Mesue) Electuary of Sparrows Brains (Wirtzung) Powder of Cumin Greater (Nicholas) Candraprabha Vati (Ayurveda) Infertility from Blood Deficiency Triphera Minor (Triphera Phoenonis) (Mesue) Infertility from Obstruction of Qi and Blood Electuary of Seseli (Nicholas) Electuary to Promote Fertility (Wirtzung) Pills of Amber Infertility with Heat Pushyanuga Churna To Purge in Infertility For Excess and Obstruction Powder for Infertility Pills Against Barrenness (Turner) Pills to Purge in Barrenness (Wirtzung) Pills of Amber Sterility in Men Tincture of Cinnamon The Strengthening Gelatin Compound Syrup of Marshmallow (Fernel) Electuary of Orchid (Diasatyrion) (Nicholas) Electuary of Sparrows Brains (Wirtzung) Triphera Saracenica (Mesue) Antidote for Cold Lumbar, Venery, & Defect of Semen Powder of Cumin Greater (Nicholas) Candraprabha Vati (Ayurveda) Essence Pills (Bcud len ril bu) Gymnadenia 7 (Dbang lag skyin sgor) (Tibetan) Gymnadenia 10 (Dbang lag bcu pa) (Tibetan) |
TCM Classification Qi and Blood Deficiency General tiredness and weakness, poor appetite, low voice, pale face, weak pulse, pale tongue Ba Zhen Tang Gui Pi Tang Blood Stasis Dark clotted menstrual Blood in women, cramping pain, dull complexion with purplish lips, nails and tongue, choppy pulse Tao Hong Si Wu Tang Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan Dang Gui Shao Yao San Yin Deficiency Infertility, lower back pain, dry mouth especially at night, maybe night sweats or nocturnal urination Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Yang Jing Zhong Yu Tang Zuo Gui Wan Zuo Gui Yin Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan Yang Deficiency Feels the cold, weak lower back, cold extremities, deep weak pulse, pale, swollen tongue with moist or white coat, deep, slow, weak pulse Shen Qi Wan (Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan) (Rehmannia 8) You Gui Wan You Gui Yin Zan Yu Dan |
Special Formulas:
ELECTUARY CONTRA STERILITATEM EXPERTA Agnus Castus seed Peony root 1 oz. Coriander prepared 2 oz. Myrtle berries 1 ½ oz. Old Conserve of Roses 3 oz. Julep of Rose qs Form an Electuary. (Dispensatorium medicum, Renou, 1615) CONFECTION TO ASSIST CONCEPTION. Annis condited 2 drams Galangal Cinnamon, of each 3 drams Long Pepper ½ scruple Citron peel 1 dram Sugar 6 oz. (Rondeletus) CONFECTION FOR BARRENNESS Cinnamon Long Pepper Mace Ash tree keys Turnip seed Rosemary Marjoram Pennyroyal Balm Bugloss Citron peel, of each 1 dram Pearl 1 scruple Seethe in wine, then with 12 oz. Sugar, form a Confection. POWDER FOR STERILITY Mugwort Motherwort, of each 1 dram Myrrh Benzoin Styrax Calamus, of each ½ dram Aloeswood 1 scruple Musk Ambergris, of each 10 grains Powder them all well; they can be made into Troches with Oil of Spikenard. PILLS AGAINST BARRENNESS Broom flowers Celery seed Parsley seed Cumin Mugwort Feverfew ½ scruple Aloe ½ oz. Indian Salt Saffron ½ dram each Powder, mix with warm Feverfew water 5 oz., and seal in a jar and stand in a dry warm place; add more Feverfew water and repeat twice more. Then make each dram make 6 pills. Take one pill every second day before supper. (De Morbis Foeminis, Turner, 1686) POTION FOR IMPREGNATION Mandrake root bark Peony seed Agnus Castus Red Rose Long Pepper Cassia Lignea ½ oz. Boil in red wine 3 lbs. to half, strain, then take 3 oz., dissolve in it 1 dram of Tryphera magna; take every second morning beginning the 14th day after menstruation. (Dispensatorium medicum, Renou, 1615) “THE BEST REMEDY THAT CAN BE FOUND” TO PROMOTE FERTILITY 1. First, give her some Sulphur mineral water that’s found near a Sulphur mine. 2. Let both male and female eat Hare [or Rabbit] flesh, as much as possible, eating no other flesh. 3. Then take Mercury [herb], Motherwort and Valerian, powder and mix with Fat, Eggs and Spices to form rolls which bake and are eaten at least 3 mornings per week by the woman. 4. Meanwhile, the husband takes the following powder: Cyperus (1 dram), Nasturtium (½ dram), Long Pepper, Nutmeg, Aloeswood (1 scruple), and Testicles powder. Take this 3 times (over 3 days) with wine, then abstain from sex for 8 days. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1595) TO PRODUCE MALE CHILDREN WHEN DAUGHTERS HAVE BEEN HAD. Both Husband and Wife should eat French Mercury herb and the Testicles of an animal before sex. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1595) |
QUERCETANS DECOCTION FOR STERILITY Ram’s Testicles prepared Hares Uterus both prepared in wine and dried Mace Cinnamon Clove Ginger Ameos seed 2 drams each Saffron 1 ½ drams Walnuts Hazelnuts Pistachio, of each 3 drams each Bruise and decot in 2 lbs. Wine until one-third is consumed. Some versions listed 6 drams of each of the Nuts. Take 3 or 4 oz. after menstruation 3 hours before breakfast for 3 days consecutively. On the forth day, she is to “have the company of her husband”. Quercetan especially commended this. ELECTUARIUM CONTRA STERILITATEM Egg Yolk 6 Fresh Butter Sevi Capra 1 quart Bull Pizzle Satyrion Zedoary Ginger condited Mint Roosters testicles Fox testicles Ram testicles Boars Testicles 1 oz. Sparrows Brains 2 oz. Indian Nut Pine nut Pistachio 1 ½ oz. Fistic nut Sweet Almond Dates Hazel nut 1 ½ oz. Mallow seed Mercury seed Rocket seed Clove Ginger Long Pepper White Pepper Black Pepper Ash tree keys Cinnamon 2 oz. Boil in Sheep or Cow milk, and strongly force through a sieve; add: Skink ½ oz. Honey 2 lbs. Pane Sugar 7 lbs. Form an Electuary. (Arnold Villanova) DR. LIEBER’S BATH FOR FERTILITY. Marjoram Camomile Self Heal Nettle Thyme Oat straw Black berry leaf equal parts Sew them in a bag, boil in water and add to the bath for 10 or 12 days. (Gabelhover, 1599) ‘THE BATH OF QUEENS’ Thyme Motherwort Dandelion Marjoram Balm Mint St. John’s wort Camomile Spike, of each 6 handfuls Sew these into a bag that will fit around her waist. Boil in a large pot with water, add the water to a Hip bath for her to sit in, and wrap the bag around her lumbar while in the bath. Do every day for 12 days. This was used for women who could not conceive. (Gabelhover, 1599) “A VERY GOOD CONFECTION” Doronicum Ash tree keys Mugwort Feverfew St. John’s wort 1 dram each Balm Basil, of each ¼ oz. Ivory ½ oz. Amber 1 scruple Musk 6 grains Gold filings ½ dram Powder of Nere 1 dram Syrup of Calamint 3 oz. Syrup of Citron peel 5 oz. Sugar 6 oz. Seethe the sugar and syrups until thick, then add the rest in fine powder, adding the Musk, Amber and Powder of Nere at the end. Take as much as a Nutmeg every morning, fasting after for 4 hours; also take as much as a Bean after food with Wine. It ‘has helped many women’. |
1. Causes of infertility in view of Iranian traditional medicine: A review2. Recommended foods for male infertility in Iranian traditional medicine
3. Fertility Diet for Women in Persian Medicine
4. Traditional Chinese medicine and infertility
Case Histories
1. A woman in her mid ‘s came to visit to help lose weight. She was sluggish, low in energy, obese and holding on to fluid. Her pulse was low, her tongue pale with a whitish coating. She was also heavy in the chest, expectorated whitish mucus, and suffered from Asthma. I viewed her as a classic ‘Phlegm’ constitution and began treatment with Er Chen Tang (with Atractylodes Bai Zhu added), a primary formula in TCM for the treatment of Phlegm and Damp diseases. A couple of months later she came in, tears in her eyes, saying she was pregnant. She hadn’t told me but her main motivation for coming for treatment was that she had been trying to conceive for over 2 years without success. She knew she had to lose weight, she wanted help with that, and then planned to ask about treatment for Fertility if she wasn’t successful once she lost weight. This illustrates that correct Humoral treatment can resolve conditions without even being aware of or treating them.
2. A 42 year old nurse came for treatment. She had had 5 lots of IVF in the past years, all unsuccessful. When she came, her system was very depleted. Pale face and tongue, small pulse, low energy and Kidney deficiency as shown in the pulse. She began taking herbs to nourish Qi and Blood and strengthen the Kidneys (including Bai Zhu, Dang Gui, Bai Shao, Gan Cao, Xu Duan, Xian Mao, Tu Si Zi). Within a month her strength, pulse and energy had increased and within 3 months she conceived. This illustrates that Traditional Medicine can be effective even when IVF has failed.
3. Another woman in her ‘s had been trying to conceive for a couple of years. She went for a medical assessment and was told to try IVF. She came seeking help from Traditional Medicine instead of IVF. Her pulse and general symptoms showed no real deficiency, nor excess Heat or Phlegm. She took herbs (similar to the above) and conceived within a few months. This shows that sometimes even when no real pathology is blatantly obvious, supporting nature with the use of tonic medicines can achieve successful results.