Fagonia, Dhanvayasa
Dhanvayasa (Ayurveda)Dhamasa (F. cretica); Badavarda (F. arabica) (Unani)
Fagonia cretica
G. Dyckman, Icones varianum plantarum [mss. (1501-1600)
Fagonia cretica
Botanical Magazine (Curtis), vol. 7. (1794)
Fagonia cretica
(Photo by Patrice78500) (Wikimedia)
Botanical name:
Fagonia cretica (syn. F. erecta, F. deflexa, F. delongata, F. hispanica), F. arabica
Parts used:
Whole plant
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, dry. Bitter
“Cold and Dry in the first degree” (Avicenna)
1. Liver Heat and Toxin:
-Fever (steam inhalation has been used)
-Acne, Boils, Scabies, Pruritus
-Diarrhea, Dysentery
-prophylactic against Small Pox
-Dizziness and Vertigo from Liver heat
-“The oral intake of a decoction of its roots, is useful in Chronic Diarrhea” (Avicenna)
2. Clears Heat, Stops Bleeding:
-bleeding from Heat
-“The oral intake of a decoction of its roots proves to be a good drug for treating Hemoptysis” (Avicenna)
3. Externally:
-Abscesses; poultice to promote suppuration of Abscesses
-Roots are plastered on Phlegmatic Swellings (Avicenna)
-decoction gargled for sores and ulcers of the mouth and throat
-intense itchiness of the skin, as a bath
Whole plant in standard Decoction (1 in 10): 50–100mls
1. Alhagi pseudalhagi has been used as a substitute.
Main Combinations:
1. Liver Heat and Fever, Fagonia with Picrorhiza, Fumitory
2. Inflammation, Fagonia, Turmeric, Cyperus rotundus, Licorice
3. Bleeding, Fagonia with White Sandalwood
Major Formulas:
None noted