Extra Classical Formulas – Electuaries
The following are formulas which were not as commonly used and were generally not in use by the 17th century.
Triphera Galeni All Myrobalans. 10 drams ea. Ginger Mastic Cinnamon 7 drams ea. Clove Galangal Fennel Celery Ameos Spikenard 4 drams ea. Asarum Saffron Costus 3 drams ea. Black Pepper Long Pepper Cassia Nutmeg Mace Greater Cardamon 2 drams ea. Lesser Cardamon Calamus Aloeswood White Behen Red Behen Pepper root Cyperus 3 ½ drams each Ambergris 1 dram Musk 1 scruple Fry the Myrobalans in Sweet Almond oil, then mix everything with clarified Honey (three times the weight of the other ingredients.). Next add an equal (or half) weight of Scoria Ferri, prepared with Wine Vinegar. Warms Stomach and Kidney, stimulates Coitus, Stomach debility, attenuates and dissolve Wind, improves Color, heals Hemorrhoids Electuarium de Aromatibus (Mesue / Galen) This was often listed as Electuarium de Aromatibus Mesuae, but in the texts of Mesue, Galen is listed as the source. Aloeswood Rose 12 aur (18 drams) ea. Calamus 4 aur (6 drams) Gallia Moschata Mace Doronicum Long Pepper Nutmeg Mint Spikenard Cassia Mastic Cinnamon Clove Asarum 3 aur (4 ½ drams) ea. Saffron Greater Cardamon Lesser Cardamon 3 Sandalwoods Rhubarb Costus Cubeb Ginger Fennel seed Aniseed Ligusticum 2 aur (3 drams) ea. Sugar 6 oz. Miua Aromatica 12 oz. Clarified Honey qs. Cold disorders of the Stomach and Liver, crass pituitous humors; dissipates Flatus; stops acid regurgitation; Nausea; Loathing; improves complexion; retards old age/grey hair; improves smell of mouth and sweat; warms Liver and Kidneys; promotes semen and cotius. Dose: 2 drams Electuarium Alfesera (Alphescera), Diabryonias, Electuary of Bryony (Democrite) Bryony root 5 lbs. Sapa (concentrated Grape juice) 4 lbs. Squill Pine nuts ½ lb. ea. Agaric 3 oz. Nutmeg Cardamon Mace Ginger 2 drams ea. Clove Long Pepper Stoechas 1 ½ drams ea. Seseli seed Rock Salt Gallia Moschata 1 dram ea. Spikenard ½ dram Form an Electuary. Purges Head and Nerves of Cold and Damp Humors, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Vertigo and similar diseases from Cold-Wind-Phlegm. Dose: 2 drams Diaturbith of Mesue is similar in effect. Diamorusion Saffron Calamus. 2 drams ea. Myrrh 3 drams Bay berry 2 ½ dram Carrot Cinnamon Cassia Cumin Seseli Carpobalsam Squinanth flower Celery seed Annis Cardamon Spikenard Mint Marrubium Ameos Three Peppers Costus 1 dram ea. Form a Confection with Honey. Cleanses the skin, removes blemishes, improves complexion, clears Humidity and Wind from the Stomach, promotes Urine, eases Pain of the Bladder, improves Voice Electuarium Alkanzi (Alcanzi) Rose Costus Spikenard 4 drams ea. Florum Acheil 1 oz. Nutmeg Calamus Clove Mace Cardamon 3 ½ drams ea. Ginger 2 dram Myrobalans Emblic Belleric Indian 6 drams ea. Myrtle berry 1 lb. Pomegranate flower Citron peel Tamarisk fruit Thuris 4 drams Boil in old wine, allowing it to bubble once, then remove and dry; boil in Quince juice briefly, then dry. Powder finely and mix with Syrup of Quinces to form an Electuary. ‘Inventione Nostra’ Aloeswood Spikenard Gallia Moschata Cyperus Calamus 2 scruples each Cumin, vinegar prepared 3 drams Leek seed torrefied 1 ½ drams Myrobalans, Emblic & Beleric, infused in Quince juice & toasted Nutmeg 2 ½ drams ea. Nasturtium seeds toasted 6 drams Granorum passularum 5 drams Myrtle seed 26 drams Pomegranate flowers Conch burnt Olibanum 2 ½ drams ea. Tamarisk fruit Ameos 3 drams ea. Triturate all in odoriferous wine and dry; triturate in Quince water or Pomegranate water, then dry. Mix with Miua aromatica and form an Electuary. Dose: 3 drams with Syrup of Quince or Syrup of Myrtle. Used for diseases of the Eyes (by Nicolaus Florenti) Musa Aenea, Egetea, or Zazenea (Mesue) Castoreum Myrrh Opium Black Pepper Long Pepper Galbanum Costus Cinnamon Valerian Meu Cretan Carrot Asarum Saffron ½ oz. ea. Clarified Honey 20 oz. Form a Confection with Honey. Used for Coldness with Wind; Eases Pain; Pains of the Stomach, Uterus, Colic, resists Poison, promotes Sleep. Dose: 1 scruple–1 dram Musa, Aenea (Nicholas) Henbane seed Olibanum Myrrh Gentian 6 drams ea. Opium ½ oz. Saffron 8 scruples, 16 grains Euphorbium Long Birthwort 1 ½ drams ea. Mandrake root bark 4 scruples White Pepper 17 grains Clarified Honey 13 oz. Some versions don’t list White Pepper) It has the virtues of the preceding, but is narcotic Dose: ½ scruple–2 scruples Electuary of Horehound (Diaprassium) (Nicholas) Horehound 5 ½ drams Tragacanth Pine nuts Sweet Almonds Pistachio Date pulp Raisins 3 ½ drams ea. Cinnamon Clove Nutmeg Mace Aloeswood Galangal Indian Spikenard Ginger Zedoary Licorice Rhubarb Anacardium Storax calamita Galbanum Turpentine Mastic Myrrh Orris Round Birthwort Caper root-bark Gentian Black Pepper Annis Fennel Dill Celery seed Parsley seed Saxifrage Colchicum 2 drams Oregano Hog Fennel Schoenanth Cardamon White Pepper Caraway Lovage Vincetoxicum Balsamita Pennyroyal Cretan Dittany Costus Pyrethrum Savory Basil Peony Long Pepper Amomum, Wild Parsley Orobus 1 ½ drams, 2 ½ grains ea. Balsam wood Cassia fistula Red Coral Ivory Balsam fruit Cretan Daucus ½ dram ea. Musk Ambergris Bone of a Stag’s Heart 14 grains ea. Sugar qs Form a confection. Vertigo, Darkness of the Eyes, clears Breathing, eases Toothache, Asthma, clears the Lungs easily; Stomach and Liver pain and debility; all interior faults, inflammations; Nephritis, Stones, Strangury, Kidney pain; Pale complexion; promotes Menstruation; Quartan and Quotidian Fevers; prevents from many sicknesses. Dose: size of a walnut; when going to bed, with hot wine; for Lung conditions in decoction of Hyssop; for Rheum, with decoction of Rose. |
Hiera Hermetis, or Hiera Luf (Mesue) (Luf = Dracunculus) Aloes 1 oz. Troches Alhandal 1 ½ oz. Turbith Agaric Dracunculus both types Orris Myrobalan Yellow Chebula Black Sagapen 1 ½ drams ea. Ginger Cinnamon Mastic Bdellium Black Hellebore Euphorbium Asarum Cassia wood Indian Salt Castoreum Saffron Celery Mezereon seed Bay berry Stoechas 1 dram Squill 2 ½ drams Scammony 2 drams Cleanses the Stomach, purges the Nerves and Joints, for Paralysis, Tremors, Kidney pain, purges the Kidneys; Pains of the Head, Migraine, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Tremors;, Arthritis, Gout, Sciatica, diseases of the Sinews, Pain and spasms of the Uterus Dose: 1–2 drams Dialacca Isaac Lacca. 20 drams Costus Spikenard Balsam wood Cassia Lignea Asarum Cinnamon Schoenanth Rhubarb Mastic Long Birthwort Round Birthwort 1 ½ drams Myrrh Madder Gentian Marathri Celery Clove Cumin Wormwood Agrimony Nutmeg Cardamon Cubeb. 2 aur (approx 3 drams) Honey clarified 3 lbs. Used similarly to the Dialacca formulas of Mesue. Dose: 2-3 drams Triomphyllon Nicolai White Pepper. ½ oz. Black Pepper. 2 drams Cumin ½ dram Ginger Nitre Pyrethrum 2 drams Long Pepper 1 dram Parsley seed Ameos Carrot seed Aniseed Heleni Spikenard Cyperus Celery seed Seseleos Costus ½ dram each Clove 1 dram, 7 ½ grains Rue viridis 1 ½ oz. Honey qs Warms the Stomach and Spleen, clears Cold and Damp. Diarrhodon Commune Mesue Rose 30 drams Troches Diarrhodon Troches of Spodium Licorice. ½ oz. ea. Clove 3 Sandalwoods Gallia Moschata. 3 drams ea. Spodium (Tabsheer) Saffron Mastic Aloeswood. 2 drams ea. Asarum Spikenard Mace Cardamon. 1 dram ea. Purslane seed Lettuce seed Chicory seed 4 Cold Seeds Pearl Clove Basil Ivory Tragacanth Gum Arabic. 1 dram ea. Camphor 1 ½ drams Musk ½ scruple Form Electuary with Syrup of Rose and Rose water Strengthens Stomach and Liver; promotes digestion; mitigates Bile; Dose: half oz. Blanca Nicolai Terebinthina Asafetida Antimony Asphalt Carnis leonis Agaric Polypody Schoenanth Cyperus Chamedrys Levisticum Cinnamon Cardamon Balsam ½ scruple ea. Opopanax Sagapen Sulphur Ammoniac Diagrydium Black Hellebore Thapsia Peucedanum Peony Polii Rue seed Clove Annis Ambergris 5 grains ea. Galbanum Castoreum Bdellium Styrax liquida Euphorbium Colocynth Pyrethrum Asarum Betony Amomum Dragons Blood 1 dram each Mace Marathri. 1 scruple Honey qs Blanca purges White Humors, hence the name; for Phlegm and Wind-Phlegm disorders; used for Headache, Epilepsy, Tremors, and all diseases of the Brain and Nerves associated with Wind and Phlegm; also Eye pain. Electuarium Justinum (Nicholas) Cinnamon Indian leaf Costus Indian Spikenard Cassia Wood Long Birthwort Round Birthwort Elecampane Hyssop Pennyroyal Mugwort Cinquefoil White Pepper Orobus Gromwell Juniper berry Bay berry Siler montane Seeds of Parsley Lovage Wild Parsley Nettle Saxifrage Asparagus Celery Dill Rue Citron Fennel Annis 1 ½ drams ea. With Sugar, form an Electuary. Kidney pain, breaks and expels Stones; strangury. Dose: as much as a walnut, with decoction of Couch grass or Saxifrage. Esdra Antidotus ex Actuario Indian leaf Rhubarb Rose Licorice Pomegranate flower Cinnamon 3 oz. ea. Amomum (or Calamus) 2 oz. Doronicum Saffron Tragacanth. 1 oz. Fennel seed Storax ½ oz., 2 scruples Orris ½ oz. Squinanth Myrrh 4 drams Hypocistis 1 dram Celtic Spikenard 8 scruples Pyrethrum 4 scruples Parsley seed 6 lbs., 9 oz., 7 drams Clarified Honey qs This is used the same as Esdra of Aetius, which is a much larger formula. Used for lethal poisons, Harm, Faults and Pain of the Head. Coughing up Blood and Purulent matter, difficult Labor, female sterility, Liver pain, various other Liver disorders, Intestinal pain including severe pain; and for Tumors. Philonium Hamech Melanthii Castoreum Pepper Ameos Baccarum Lauri Cumin Rue Calamint Opium Henbane seed Mandrake root bark equal parts Mix with Honey. Used for pain of Liver, Spleen, Kidneys, Uterus etc. Dose: 2 drams Electuary of Sulphur (Diasulphur) Mesue White Pepper Long Pepper Rue Costus 6 drams each Yellow Sulphur Thuris Meu White Henbane Myrrh Storax Cardamon 1 oz. ea. Cassia Wood 5 drams Opium Mandrake bark 3 drams ea. Saffron 2 ½ drams Honey clarified qs Chronic Fever, Melancholy, Phlegm; purges pituitous and crass humors from the Thorax and Lungs; old coughs and difficulty breathing; hardness of the Spleen; Edema, promotes Urine, break Stones; for deadly poison Dose: 2 scruples |