Excessive Menstruation

For Menorrhagia; excessive or prolonged Menstrual Bleeding
Western Tradition

Water Lily root
Pomegranate bark
Plantain seed
Red Coral
Earths (Red, Lemnian)

Comfrey root
Pomegranate flower
1. Powder the skin of Hazelnuts and give in 1 dram doses.

Menstrua fluxum retinent – Restrain Menstrum
Styptic Decoction
Syrup of Comfrey Comp.
Syrup for Excess Menstrual Bleeding
Philons Persian Antidote (Philonium Persicum) (Mesue)
Troches of Amber

Electuary of Scoria Ferri
Electuary of Micleta (Nicholas)
Compound Coral Electuary (Diacorallium)

Triphera Minor (Triphera Phoenonis) (Mesue)
Conserve of Rose
Halys Powder

Troches of Earth of Lemnos (Trochisci de Terra Lemna)
Troches of Amber (Trochisci de Succino) (Mesue)
Pills of Bdellium (Mesue)
Countesses Ointment

Mauktika Yukta (Pearl Compound) (Ayurveda)
Women’s Universal Decoction (Mo nad spyi thang)

Heavy or Excess Bleeding from Heat
Styptic Decoction
Syrup of Dried Roses
Simple Syrup of Coral
Comp. Syrup of Coral
Syrup of Comfrey Comp.
Compound Coral Electuary (Diacorallium)
Tincture of Coral
Tincture of Dried Roses
Conserve of Rose
Haly’s Powder

Abbots Confect of Rose (Diarrhodon Abbatis) (Nicholas)
Powder of Three Sandalwoods (Diatrionsantalum)
Cooling Powder of Gems
Cooling Pearl Powder (Diamargariton Frigid.) (Nichol.)
Sugar of Roses with Red Coral
Philons Persian Antidote (Philonium Persicum) (Mesue)
Troches of Ramich (Mesue)
Troches of Spodium (Mesue)

Troches of Earth of Lemnos (Trochisci de Terra Lemna)
Astringent Pills
Mauktika Yukta (Pearl Compound) (Ayurveda)
Pushyanuga Churna (Ayurveda)
Withania 3 Decoction (Ba spru gsum thang)

Excess Bleeding from Deficiency
Syrup of Quinces
The Strengthening Gelatin
Tincture of Dried Roses
Cooling Powder of Gems
Powder of Placenta
Tragacanth Cooling Powder with Armenian Earth
Electuary of Quince Compound (Diacydonium)
Electuary of Micleta (Nicholas)

Triphera Minor (Triphera Phoenonis) (Mesue)

Withania 3 Decoction (Ba spru gsum thang)
Women’s Universal Decoction (Mo nad spyi thang)

TCM Classification

Blood Heat
heavy period, bright red or dark red thick blood, restless, anxiety, feels hot, thirst, dark urine, headaches.
An Chong Tang
Bao Yin Jian
Gu Jing Wan

Si Wu Tang + Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (this is called Wen Qing Yin–Warming and Clearing Decoction). Used for Chronic, excess Uterine Bleeding from Heat.

Qi Deficiency
heavy bleeding, pale and dilute blood, pale complexion, tiredness, palpitations, shortness of breath.
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Ba Zhen Tang
Gui Pi Tang
Ju Yuan Jian

Liver Yin and Blood Deficient
headache, dizziness, tinnitus, dry eyes, blurred vision, irritable, muscle twitches
Bu Gan Tang

Blood Stasis
heavy period with dark clotted blood, painful period, abdominal pain worse with pressure, purplish nails, choppy pulse.
Si Wu Tang
Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang

Special Formula

1.  Hematite, Red Earth both finely powdered, 1 dram each, mix with Plantain water 2 oz. and take as a dose. (Secrets of Alexis)
2. Red Coral
    Red Earth
    Dragons Blood   2 drams ea.
    Borax calcined
    Plantain seed      1 dram
    Tormentil              1 scruple
(Gazophylacium Medico-Physicum, Woyts, 1746)
3. Red Sandalwood  ½ oz.
    Grains of Kermes
    Amber                     1 scruple ea.
    Nutmeg                  2 scruples
Powder and mixe with sugar (3 oz.) to form troches.


1. Non-pharmacologic Treatment of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding in Persian Medicine