Blood Heat heavy period, bright red or dark red thick blood, restless, anxiety, feels hot, thirst, dark urine, headaches. An Chong Tang Bao Yin Jian Gu Jing Wan
Si Wu Tang + Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (this is called Wen Qing Yin–Warming and Clearing Decoction). Used for Chronic, excess Uterine Bleeding from Heat.
Liver Yin and Blood Deficient headache, dizziness, tinnitus, dry eyes, blurred vision, irritable, muscle twitches Bu Gan Tang
Blood Stasis heavy period with dark clotted blood, painful period, abdominal pain worse with pressure, purplish nails, choppy pulse. Si Wu Tang Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Special Formula
1. Hematite, Red Earth both finely powdered, 1 dram each, mix with Plantain water 2 oz. and take as a dose. (Secrets of Alexis) 2. Red Coral Amber Red Earth Dragons Blood 2 drams ea. Borax calcined Plantain seed 1 dram Saffron Tormentil 1 scruple (Gazophylacium Medico-Physicum, Woyts, 1746) 3. Red Sandalwood ½ oz. Grains of Kermes Amber 1 scruple ea. Nutmeg 2 scruples Powder and mixe with sugar (3 oz.) to form troches.