Evodia, Wu Zhu Yu 吴茱萸EvodiaWu Zhu Yu (TCM) |
Siebold & Zuccarini, Flora Japonica, (1875)
Evodia ruticarpa
Photo by Rudolphous (Wikimedia)
Botanical name:
Evodia ruticarpa (syn. E. rutaecarpa, E. officinalis), E. rutaecarpa var. oficinalis, E. rutaecarpa var. bodinieri
Parts used:
Temperature & Taste:
Hot, dry. Pungent, Bitter. Slightly Toxic
M. Warm to Expel Cold
1. Warms the Stomach, Clears Cold, Moves Qi, Eases Pain:
-Epigastric pain, Nausea, Vomiting from Cold and Qi obstruction of the Stomach
-also Hernia associated with Cold
2. Directs Qi Downwards:
-Acid regurgitation, Vomiting
-also for Hypertension (Chinese Pharmacopoeia)
3. Warms the Spleen, Clears Cold-Damp, Stops Diarrhea:
-Diarrhea from Cold and weakness (especially that occurring early in the morning)
-Fluid swelling in the legs
4. Clears Cold, Moves the Blood, Promotes Menstruation:
-Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea from Coldness of the Uterus
-Infertility from Kidney cold
5. Externally:
-Mouth and Tongue Ulcers, powder the herb, mix with Vinegar, apply to the soles of the feet to guide Fire downwards
Decoction: 1–4 grams
Powder (processed): 500mg–2 grams
1. Unprocessed Fruit (Sheng Wu Zhu Yu) is generally only used externally
2. Bland Evodia (Dan Wu Zhu Yu):
Soak once or twice in decoction of Licorice, then sun-dry. This reduces toxicity and lessens its heat. This is suitable for internal use.
3. Processed Evodia (Zhi Wu Zhu Yu):
Add the fruit to a Licorice decoction while hot, and allow most of the liquid to be absorbed by the fruit. Then bake over a low heat until dry. This is the preferred method of processing in China.
4. Dry-Fried Evoida (Chao Wu Zhu Yu):
Dry fry in a wok until it swells and it has darkened (without burning). This warms the Stomach, guides Qi down, stops Nausea and is far less toxic.
5. Coptis-Fried Evodia (Huang Lian Chao Wu Zhu Yu):
Add the fruit to a decoction of Coptis Huang Lian while hot, and allow most of the liquid to be absorbed by the fruit. Then bake over a low heat until dry. Used for Heat of the Liver and Stomach with Acid Regurgitation, Nausea and Vomiting.
6. Ginger-Fried Evodia (Jiang Chao Wu Zhu Yu):
Soak Evodia in a mixture of equal parts Ginger juice and water and leave until most of the liquid has been absorbed. Used for Cold-Damp in the Stomach with Epigastric pain, Nausea and Vomiting.
7. Vinegar-prepared Evodia (Cu Chao Wu Zhu Yu):
Soak Evodia in rice vinegar, then stir-fry until dry. This soothes the Liver, eases Pain and move the Blood. Used for Dysmenorrhea and Liver constraint causing abdominal pain.
Main Combinations:
1. Stomach pain from Cold, Evodia Wu Zhu Yu with fresh Ginger and Ginseng
2. Abdominal pain, Vomiting, Acid Regurgitation:
i. from Stomach Cold, Evodia Wu Zhu Yu with Ginger and Pinellia Ban Xia
ii. from Heat, or disharmony between the Liver and Stomach, Evodia Wu Zhu Yu with Coptis Huang Lian
iii. Cold abdominal pain, poor appetite, belching of clear fluid, Alpinia katsumadai Cao Dou Kou with Evodia Wu Zhu Yu
iv. from Liver and Spleen disharmony (Stomach Cold, Liver Hot), Evodia Wu Zhu Yu with Paeonia Bai Shao, Coptis Huang Lian
3. Hernia from Wind-Cold and Qi stagnation:
i. Evodia Wu Zhu Yu with Ligusticum sinense Gao Ben with Fennel seed (Xiao Hui Xiang)
ii. Evodia Wu Zhu Yu with Fennel seed (Xiao Hui Xiang), Costus (Mu Xiang) (as in Dao Qi Tang)
4. Diarrhea from Coldness of the Spleen and Kidney, Evodia Wu Zhu Yu with Schisandra Wu Wei Zi, Psoralea Bu Gu Zhi
5. Dysmenorrhea, Evodia Wu Zhu Yu with Artemisia Qi Ye (Chinese Mugwort) and Cyperus rotundus (Xiang Fu)
6. Irregular Menstruation and Infertility from Cold and Weak Kidneys, Evodia Wu Zhu Yu with Cinnamon twig Gui Zhi, Dang Gui and Paeonia Mu Dan Pi.
7. Eczema, make a dusting powder of Evodia Wu Zhu Yu (30 grams), Cuttlefish Bone (Hai Piao Xiao) (21 grams), Sulphur (Liu Huang) (6 grams). This is used as a dusting powder and then covered with gauze, replacing every second day. This was reportedly over 95% effective. (Chen & Chen)
8. Pruritis Vulva, Evodia Wu Zhu Yu with Sichuan Pepper (Hua Jiao) and Cnidium She Chuang Zi as a wash
9. Mouth Ulcers, prepare a paste of powdered Evodia Wu Zhu Yu with Vinegar and apply to the soles of the foot (Kidney 1 acupuncture point) bilaterally for 24 hours. It reportedly had 96% efficacy. (Chen & Chen)
Major Formulas:
Ai Fu Nuan Gong Wan
Dao Qi Tang
Shu Gan Tang
Si Shen Wan
Wen Jing Tang
Wu Zhu Yu Tang
Xiang Lian Wan
Zuo Jin Wan
1. Avoid overdose. Overdose can cause chest oppression, abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache and vertigo. Symptoms subside within about half an hour.
2. Large doses are hallucinogenic
1. Decoction of 15 grams of Coptis Huang Lian
2. Decoction of Chrysanthemum Ju Hua and Licorice
Drug Interactions:
1. Evodia Wu Zhu Yu is said to antagonise Salvia Dan Shen and Flourite (Zi Shi Ying)