Euphorbia stracheyi, Khron bu ཁྲོན་བུ་

Himalayan Prostrate Spurge
Khron bu (Tibet)
Picture Picture
Picture Euphorbia longifolia
Ventenat, E.P., Jardin de la Malmaison (1803-1805)

Picture Euphorbia himalayensis
(Photo by Woudloper) (Wikimedia)

Picture Euphorbia sieboldiana
(Photo by Keisotyo) (Wikimedia)

Botanical name:

Euphorbia spp.
  1. E. stracheyi (syn. E. himalayensis)
  2. E. sieboldiana
  3. E. longifolia (syn. E. mellifera)

Parts used:

Prepared root

Temperature & Taste:

Neutral/Warm, dry. Bitter, Sweet. Toxic



1. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:
-Fever, Fever associated with poisoning
-acute inflammation
-skin diseases

2. Purges Heat and Damp:
-Edema, Ascites
-Gout, Arthritis
-purges Bile disorders
-purges Phlegm disorders (prepared with Milk)
-mixed Hot and Cold disorders; disorders due to Wind-Bile-Phlegm
-Swellings, Tumors


1. Avoid salt while using (Barefoot Doctors Manual)
2. Best taken non an empty Stomach
3. Begin with smaller dose increasing as needed.
Prepared Powder taken in honey pills: 100–300mg
Prepared Root: 2–4 grams (E. sieboldiana, Barefoot Doctors Manual)


1. ‘Smooth Conversion of Potency’:
  Boiled in Milk (of a Yak-Cow cross). This is used for Phlegm disorders.
2. ‘Sharp Conversion of Potency’:
  Boiled in Wine. Used for Swellings and Tumors.
3. ‘Intense Conversion of Potency’:
  Boiled in the urine of an 8 year old boy, or an ordained Monk. Used for Inflammations, Diphtheria etc.
4. ‘Swift Conversion of Potency’:
  Boiled in Water. Used for Gout, Arthritis, Warts.
5. ‘Strong Conversion of Potency’:
  Cooked in Yak-meat broth. Used for Stomach disorders.
6. ‘Extensive Conversion of Potency’:
  Boiled in a decoction of Terminalia chebula. Blood disorders, Bile disorders, disorders due to mixture of Wind, Bile and Phlegm.

Main Combinations:

1. Schistosomiasis, Ascites, Euphorbia sieboldiana root, dry in an oven, powder, mix with equal amount of honey and form pills). Dose: 150–450mg given once daily in the morning on an empty stomach with warm water. (Barefoot Doctors Manual)

Major Formulas:


1. Toxic in Overdose.
2. Not used in weak, pregnant, very young or very old. Avoid in those prone to vomiting.


Side effects include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. More serious side effects include passage of water via the bowels and severe abdominal pain.

Main Preparations used: