Euphorbia neriifolia, SnuhiHoly Milk Hedge, Common Milk Hedge, Dog’s TongueSnuhi (Ayurveda) Elak kali (Siddha) Farfiyun (Unani) Zaqum (Arabic) |
J. Moninckx, Moninckx atlas, vol. 5 (1682-1709)
Botanical name:
Euphorbia neriifolia (syn. E. ligularia, E. caducifolia)
Parts used:
Latex; Juice; Root
Temperature & Taste:
Hot, dry. Pungent. Latex is hottest
1. Purges Phlegm and Water, Opens Obstructions:
-Jaundice (Cold-Damp type)
-Edema; Ascites; Tympanites
-Spleen and Liver enlargement; abdominal obstruction
-ash has also been used for Edema, Unani
2. Clears Cold-Phlegm:
-Cough, Whooping Cough
-Asthma (ash has also been used for Asthma, Unani)
-also Cold-Phlegm abdominal masses
-obstinate skin diseases from Wind-Phlegm including Leprosy
3. Resists Poison:
-Syphilis, Gonorrhea
-root is applied to Snake Bite
4. Promotes Vomit:
-emetic (latex, root, stem pulp)
5. Externally:
-Hemorrhoids, Fistula-in-Ano (steamed, crushed leaves applied topically)
-Unhealthy Ulcers
-Applied to Gout and Rheumatism as a rubefacient
1. Very small doses are expectorant, purgative, alterative; full doses, emetic and cathartic.
2. Milky juice is diluted with water or syrup for internal administration.
3. Latex is often given with Ghee.
Dried Latex: 50mg
Fresh Latex: half–1–3 drops
Juice: 5–10 mls.
1. Related Euphorbia can be substituted.
2. Lobelia (Waring)
Milk; Ghee
The Latex is heated to lessen its virulence when used internally. (Unani)
Main Combinations:
1. Asthma:
i. the juice mixed with equal parts of simple syrup is effective for Asthma. (Khare)
ii. the latex is heated with common salt and formed into pills
2. Constipation:
i. steep Chebulic Myrobalan in the juice of Euphorbia neriifolia and form small pills.
ii. Chebulic Myrobalans, Cassia pulp, Turpeth, milky juice of Euphorbia neriifolia, Picrorhiza, Senna, Cyperus rotundus, equal parts.
iii. Obstinate constipation, Chebula (5 parts), Croton seed prepared (1 part), powder and soak in the juice of Euphorbia neriifolia and form 4 grain pills.
3. Gonorrhea, latex is mixed with Chickpeas, roasted and formed into pills for Gonorrhea.
4. Ascites, Emblic and Chebulic Myrobalans, Cassia pulp, Baliospermum, Turpeth, milky juice of Euphorbia neriifolia, Picrorhiza, Senna, Cyperus rotundus, 1 part each; boil in water to one-eighth; then crush 1 part husked croton seed, tie in a cloth and boil in the above decoction to a fluid extract consistency. To the extract add purified Croton seed (8 parts), Ginger (3 parts), Black Pepper, purified Mercury, purified Sulphur (2 parts each), and form a pills mass; make 2 grain pills. Used for serious Edema and Ascites (as in Mahandrcha Rasa of Ayurveda)
5. Hemorrhoids, Euphorbia neriifolia with Turmeric, applied topically (Sushruta)
6. Fistula-in-Ano, Euphorbia neriifolia root, Plumbago, Turpeth, Nerium, Alstonia, made into an oil with Sesame oil (as in Citrakadi Taila)
7. Keloid Tumors, seeds of Cassia tora are steeped in milky juice of Euphorbia neriifolia, then mixed with cows urine to a paste and applied topically. (Materia Medica of the Hindus, Dutt, 1877)
8. Joint pain and swelling, Euphorbia neriifolia latex is applied with burnt Borax and Salt.
9. Rheumatic limbs, mix with Margosa oil and apply.
10. Unhealthy Ulcers, Euphorbia neriifolia latex is applied with Butter or Ghee.
11. Caustic and stimulant for Scrofula etc, the juices of Euphorbia neriifolia, Marking nut, Plumbago, Baliospermum, Calotropis, Iron Sulphate, Rock Salt with molasses, equal parts, form a paste and apply.
12. Tooth cavities, Euphorbia neriifolia juice and Calotropis, mixed together and applied.
Major Formulas:
Citrakadi Taila
Pathyadi Kvath
Mahandrcha Rasa
1. Use with caution internally. Highly irritant. Powerfully emetic and a hydrogogue cathartic.
2. Not suitable in pregnancy, weakness, the young or old, those with excess heat, or Yin deficiency.
Main Preparations used:
Dried Latex