Eriocaulon, Gu Jing Cao 谷精草

Gu Jing Cao (TCM)
Choota (Ayurveda)
Picture Eriocaulon wallichianurn
Wallich, N., Plantae Asiaticae Rariores (1830-1832)

Botanical name:

Eriocaulon buergerianurn (syn. E. chishingsanensis, E. pachypetalum)
Other species used include E. australe, E. wallichianurn, E. cinereum (syn. E. sieboldianum)

Parts used:

Flowering tops

Temperature & Taste:

Neutral, Sweet


B. Clear Strong Heat or Fire


1. Clears Wind-Heat, Brightens the Eyes:
-Red, Sore and Swollen Eyes
-Floaters, Blurred Vision, Excess Tearing, Pterygium, Nebula
-Photophobia, Nightblindness
-Improves Vision
-Wind-Heat Headache
-Nasal congestion

2. Clears Wind-Heat, Resists Poison:
-Toothache or Sore Throat

3. Clears Heat, Promotes Urine:
-Urinary diseases, Jaundice (Ayurveda)


Decoction: 5–10 grams
The Barefoot Doctors Manual lists 1–2 liang (30–60 grams) of the whole plant in decoction, this probably referring to the whole fresh plant.



Main Combinations:

1. Wind-Heat Blurred vision, red and itchy Eyes, Pterygium, Eriocaulon with Schizonepeta Jing Jie, Chrysanthemum Ju Hua
2. Liver Heat Red Eyes, Pterygium with Headache, Eriocaulon with Gentiana Long Dan Cao, Paeonia rubra Chi Shao Yao
3. Wind-Heat Keratitis, Eriocaulon with Schizonepeta Jing Jie, Cicada Slough (Chan Tui), Saposhnikovia Fang Feng, Tribulus Ci Ji Li, Coptis Huang Lian, Licorice (Barefoot Doctors Manual)
4. Nightblindness, Eriocaulon (15 grams) with Atractylodes Cang Zhu (30 grams); powder coarsely, use 15 grams and bring to the boil, then add 100 grams of Pork Liver and boil until cooked. Take 3 times daily for several days. (Barefoot Doctors Manual)

Major Formulas:


Not used for eye diseases from Deficiency

Main Preparations used: