Epsom Salts, Magnesium Sulphate

Mineralogical name:

Magnesium Sulphate

Parts used:


Temperature & Taste:

Cold, dry. Salty, Bitter


E. Laxative, Purgatives and Cathartics


1. Moves the Bowels, Clears Heat:
-Constipation, Bowel Pain:
-Dysentery and inflammatory conditions of the bowels; ‘specific in Bacillary Dysentery’ (Squires)
-Edema with sluggish stomach and bowels.

2. Clears Swelling and Inflammation:
-Rheumatic pain and similar inflammations (internally and topically as a wash)

3. Promote Urine, clears Damp, Expels Stones:
-‘Valuable in Biliary and Renal Calculi’ (Ellingwood); (1 teaspoonful in a glass of Warm water an hour before each meal and at bedtime)

4. Used for Warts:
-The Lancet (1909) stated: ‘1 dram doses twice or thrice daily successful in removing Warts’.

5. Externally:
-Sprains, Bruises, Orchitis, erysipelas, epididymitis, insect bites and cellulitis. (25% solution)


5–15 grams dissolved in a glass of warm water or a strained decoction.

Main Combinations:

1. Combined Epsom Salts with Glauber’s Salt as a cathartic
2. Epsom Salts with Cream of Tartar for Constipation
3. Edema, Fluid Retention, Epsom Salts with Saltpeter


1. Use cautiously in Pregnancy and avoid full doses
2. Not suitable in Cold and weak Stomach

Main Preparations used:

Purified Salt