Skyu ru nyer lnga  སྐྱུ་རུ་ཉེར་ལྔ།
Or, Khrag shed snyoms ldan  ཁྲག་ཤེད་ སྙོམས་ ལྡན་
Emblic 25



Source / Author:

Men Tsee Kang / Amdo Compendium

Herb Name

Skyu ru (Emblic)
Ba sha ka (Adhatoda)
Pri Yang Ku
‘U su (Coriander seed)
Hong len (Picrorrhiza)
Brag zhun (Shilajit)
Ut Pal (Blue Lotus)
Spang rtsi
Gur gum (Sa
Gi wan (Bezoar)
Tsan dmar (Red Sandal)
Btsod (Madder)
Rgya skyegs (Lacca)
Pu shel rtse (Dendrobium)
Bri mog
Li ga dur (Cranesbill)
Tig ta (Swertia)
A ru ra (Chebula)
Ba ru (Belleric)
Gser Me (Herpetospermum)
Ru rta (Costus)
Ma nu (Inula)
Kan ta ka ri (Rubus)
Sle tres (Tinospora)
Star bu (Sea Buckthorn)


Phyllanthus emblica
Adhatoda vasica
Dracocephalum tangutium
Coriandrum sativum
Picrorrhiza / Lagotis

Meconopsis grandis
Pterocephalus hookeri
Carthamus tinctorius

Pterocarpus santalinus
Rubia cordifolia
Laccifer lacca
Dendrobium nobile
Onosma echioldes
Geranium tuberaria
Swertia chirata
Terminalia chebula
Terminalia bellirica
Herpetospermum spp.
Saussurea lappa
Inula helenium
Rubus phoenicolasius
Tinospora cordifolia
Hippophae rhamnoides


150 grams
100 grams
100 grams
30 grams
100 grams
70 grams
80 grams
80 grams
130 grams
20 grams
200 grams
120 grams
100 grams
100 grams
100 grams
60 grams
80 grams
150 grams
150 grams
50 grams
80 grams
100 grams
150 grams
150 grams
150 grams


Powder and form Pills. Sometimes used as a powder.


Clears Heat and Bile, Moves the Blood, regulates Qi


“A general medicine for Blood disorders”
“A general medicine that reduces blood pressure in all diseases without exception”
Suitable pattern for this medicine includes red eyes, liver distention, dry mouth, brownish urine.
1. Blood Heat

2. Hypertension
3. Upper Back Pain from Blood and Wind
4. Fever (a
ffecting upper body)
5. Vomiting from Bile or Stomach heat
6. Heart burn, Re
7. Liver or Stomach pain from ‘Brown Phlegm’
8. Stomach disorders from Blood and Bile
9. Balances Menstruation, Irregular Menstruation
10. Ovarian Cysts
11. Can be used for 1 week prior to Bloodletting
12. Also used when Bloodletting is not possible (clears Blood Heat like Bloodletting)


2–3 grams twice daily with hot water.


Not used in Cold disorders


This is a complex formula and the indications are varied. It is used for ‘Bad Blood’ and to ‘dry up’ the ‘Bad Blood’, indicating excess heat or toxin in the Blood, as well as excess fluid or Damp. It is also primarily for Stomach and Liver disorder with Heat/Bile and Blood stagnation, and for Liver Wind.
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