Embelia fruit (Calcutta Unani College, Adam, 2019)
Botanical name:
Embelia ribes, E. robusta
Parts used:
Dried Fruit; Seed; sometimes the root Avicenna said there are 2 varieties:
Small without holes (best)
Larger with holes
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Bitter, pungent
1. Kills Worms: (Seed; Ayurveda, Unani) -Roundworm, Threadworm, especially Tapeworm -“It expels Phlegm, Tapeworms and other worms from Intestines”. (Avicenna)
2. Warms the Stomach, Clears Damp, Benefits Qi: (TCM, Tibet, Ayurveda) -Colic, Flatulence; prevents Constipation -a few of the fruit added to children’s Milk to prevent Colic and Worms
3. Clears Wind-Phlegm and Damp: -Traditionally as a purgative of Phlegm, Pituitous and Burnt Bile Humors -Cough, Bronchitis, Wheezing -Scrofula, swollen glands, Tumors from Melancholy and Phlegm -Vitiligo and skin pigmentation problems; Leprosy -Headache -“It is useful in Rheumatism and Gout. It expels the Phlegm from the Joints’. (Avicenna) -Wind-Damp obstructing the nerves: Hemiplegia, Paralysis, Facial Paralysis, Tremors, Nerve disorders (Unani)
5. Moves the Blood, Promotes Menstruation: -Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea -used as a Contraceptive -Hemorrhoids (Tibet)
6. Rasayana: -strengthens the Body; tonic to the 7 body constituents (Rasayana); regarded as preventing Old age. (Susruta) -Diabetes related to Phlegm
7. Externally: -applied to Ringworm and fungal infections -in gargles and mouth washes for Sore Throat and Mouth Sores -seed or root-bark is applied to Toothache -used in nasal medications in India
The Urine may become red with its use.
Tincture has been generally accepted as the most effective preparation for expelling Worms: Powder: 2–5 grams, up to 15 grams daily (traditionally taken with Milk in Ayurveda); Tincture (1:3 in 25% alcohol): 3–15 mls daily (1 teaspoonful, 2–3 times daily) For Worms: 3–12 grams with Milk, or a teaspoon of the powder can be given to children, a dessertspoon for adults.
1. As a tonic, and to delay old age: i. Embelia with Licorice root (Susruta) ii. Embelia, Triphala, Withania iii. strengthen the Stomach, clear Phlegm and promote longevity, the Five Myrobalans, Embelia and Lupin, 2. Worms i. Embelia powder taken with Honey on an empty stomach, then take Castor oil or Rhubarb to purge the dead worms. ii. Embelia with Holarrhena, Garlic III. Embelia with Veronia anthelmintica seed iv. Embelia with Chebulic Myrobalan, Costus, Calamus, Aconitum heterophyllum (Tibetan) v. with Indigestion, Embelia with Sulphur, Black and Long Pepper, Black Salt (as in Habb-e-Kibreet of Unani) vi. Anacardium with Embelia ribes for Guinea Worm vii. Myrrh with Fern, Embelia ribes, Turpeth, Lupin, Myrrh, Mallotus philippinensis (equal parts) (Dispensatory of Ibn at Timid) viii. Embelia with Mica Bhasma, taken with Ghee. 3. Indigestion, Hepatitis, Embelia with Sal Ammoniac, Rock Salt, Black Salt, Chebulic and Black Myrobalans, Zedoary, Black Pepper, Ginger (as in Habb-e-Kabid Naushadari of Unani) 4. Hyperacidity, Embelia with Ginger, Black Pepper, Triphala, Cyperus rotundus, Lesser Cardamon, Clove, Cinnamon, Sugar. A teaspoonful of the powder is taken before meals with Lemon juice. (Ayurveda) 5. Skin diseases: i. Embelia with Hemidesmus, Psoralea, Madder 6. Urinary disorders: i. Embelia with Boehaavia, Tribulus 7. Diabetes from Phlegm: i. Embelia, Turmeric, Barberry, Cassia tora ii. Embelia, Barberry, Catechu, Sandalwood 8. Obesity: i. Embelia, Ginger, Long Pepper, Emblic Myrobalan II. Embelia, Cyperus rotundus, Plumbago (this is called Trimad and has proven efficacy) iii. Embelia, Lesser Cardamon, Tinospora (Guduchi), Emblic and Belleric Myrobalan, Bdellium (Guggulu) (as in Amrutadi Guggulu) 9. Hemiplegia, Facial Paralysis, Tremors, Nerve disorders, Embelia with Calamus, Long Pepper, Ginger, Cumin, Caraway, Triphala, Bdellium (as in Majun Jograj Gugul, Electuary of Bdelliun of Unani) 10. As an oral contraceptive, equal parts of Borax, Long Pepper and Embelia ribes. (Ayurveda)
1. Generally not used long-term in full doses. 2. Not used during pregnancy 3. Avoid in excess Heat (Pitta-Bile) conditions. 4. Research has shown it to reduce testosterone levels and can reduce male fertility. 5. It has been banned in some countries including U.K.