Elixir Salutis
Elixir of Health



Source / Author:

Salmon (not the originator)

Herb Name

Senna leaf
Guiacum wood
Coriander seed

Raisins, stoned
Aqua Vitae


Cassia angustifolia
Lignum Guaiacium
Inula helenium
Pimpinella anisum
Carum carvi
Coriandrum sativum
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Vitis vinifera
Grape Alcohol


4 oz.

2 oz. each
8 oz.
6 lbs.


Beat the herbs and infuse cold in the alochol for 4 days, then strain.
It was traditionally strained through Hippocrates sleeve (a several stage strainer)


Cleanses the Blood, Clears Damp, Opens Obstructions, Increases Qi


1. Edema
2. Arthritis, Sciatica, Rheumatism
3. Scrofula, Lymphatic swellings
4. Skin diseases including Eczema
5. Cough, Colds
6. Asthma, Wheezing, Shortness of Breath, Difficulty Breathing
7. Obstruction of the Stomach, Gall Bladder, Liver or Spleen
8. A little taken daily was said to restore a weak stomach
9. Regarded as a healthy medicine to take daily to promote long life


1–2 spoonfuls at bed-time, and 3 or 4 more in the morning
A spoonful can be taken every morning as a health tonic.


1. Not used in very young or during Pregnancy.
2. Not suitable in Yin deficiency.


There were many variations on this theme.
1. Some used Rhubarb in place of Guiacum. This is stronger to clear Heat and Toxin from the Blood and purge the body.
2. Some used Juniper instead of Elecampane. This is better to promote Urine.
3. Some added 1⁄2 oz. of Jalap or Scammony powder to accentuate it.
4. Some omitted the Raisins and added Brown Sugar Candy. But the Raisins are better for the Lungs and more strengthening.
5. Other additions include addition of spices, saffron, or other seeds of the Apiaceae such as Fennel.
6. The use of Dates in place of Raisins makes this a stronger Qi tonic.

‘It is a good Purgative, and by reason it is made with a Spirituous Menstruum it is the more apt to insinuate itself into the Blood and Humors, and so to cleanse and depurate them: It cures the Scurvy, Dropsy, Gout, and Jaundice; it is good against Sciatica, King’s Evil, Scabs, and all manner of breakings out in the body; it opens obstructions in the Stomach, Gall, Liver, Spleen, Reins and other viscera; it is Pectoral, and prevails after an eminent manner against diseases of the Lungs, as Cough, Colds, Asthma, obstructions of the Lungs, Shortness of Breath, Difficulty Breathing, and other distempers of those parts of like nature …

‘It is truly an excellent things against Rheumatism, or wandering pains running up and down in any part of the body; draws forth and expels watery Humors, and prevails mightily against disaffections of the Stomach and Bowels: you may take it alone of itself without mixing it with any other thing, for it is pleasant enough.

‘It is a medicine I much use, and is a good general purger’. (Salmon)
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