Eleocharis, Water Chestnut, Bi Qi 荸荠

Bi Qi (TCM)
Picture Eleocharis dulcis
Roxburgh, W., Plants of the coast of Coromandel (1819)

Picture Eleocharis dulcis
Blanco, Flora de Filipinas. (1875)

Botanical name:

Eleocharis dulcis (syn. E. plantaginea, E. tuberosa)

Parts used:


Temperature & Taste:

Cool, moist. Sweet


P. Clears Hot Phlegm


1. Clears Phlegm and Heat, Resolves Stasis:
-Phlegm-Heat Cough
-Phlegm nodes and Scrofula

2. Clears Heat, Moistens Dryness:
-Thirst and Constipation from Heat and dryness
-especially Lung and Stomach Heat, or in the aftermath of Febrile diseases
-has been used for Dysentery

3. Benefits Yin:
-Wasting and Thirsting disorder
-Painful and obstructed Urine from Heat
-Uterine Bleeding from Heat and Yin deficiency


Decoction: 30–120 grams
Of the Juice: 30–60 grams


1. Fresh Ginger (TCM)

Main Combinations:

1. Phlegm-Heat Cough, boil Water Chestnuts and Pear slices and drink the tea

Major Formulas:


Not used for Cold and weakness of the Stomach or Blood deficiency.

Main Preparations used: