Electuary of Orchid
Western, Unani
Nicholas Myrepsus (Antidotarium)
Renodeus gives the following method of preparation: ‘First the roots must be boiled in sufficient water, till they be tabid; then they must be baked, and transmitted through a hair-sieve; then mixed with despumed and cocted Honey, and then again servefied on a slow fire, till the aqueous humidity be absumed; afterwards the Pine-kernels and Pistachio-nuts must be taken, and minutely cut, and then levigated like the rest; the Musk must be brayed apart, and last of all confusedly mixed with the Cinnamon’.
Strengthens Kidney Yang
“Properly given to those who suffer from weakness of the Kidneys: and it miraculously provokes Lust … and restores it without delay” (Nicholas, Antidotarium)
1. Impotence
2. Erectile Dysfunction
3. Low Sperm count; Enhances Sperm production
4. Enhances male and female Fertility
5. Weakness, Debility, Lethargy associated with Yang deficiency
6. Some used it in Consumption
7. Chronic Cough and Asthma
8. Promotes Urine when obstructed for Cold, Weak Kidneys
2 drams–1⁄2 oz. taken in wine, Saffron Tincture or some other vehicle
None noted
1. A reformed French version:
Satyrion boiled soft in
Orange flower water 4 oz.
Sea Holly root condited,
Pistachio, Confect.
Alkermes with Musk
and Ambergris 2 oz. ea.
Nutmeg, Ginger condited 1 oz. ea.
Loins and Tails of Skinks,
Penis and Testicles of a
Deer, Viper powder 6 drams ea.
Ambergris, Rocket seed,
Ash keys, Long Pepper,
Cardamom 1.5 drams ea.
Musk 0.5 dram
Oils of Cinnamon, Clove 6 drops ea.
2. Another enlarged version:
Satyrion roots 3 oz.
Pulp of Dates, Pine Nut,
Sweet Almond, Indian
Nut, Pistachio Nut, Fresh
Ginger, Preserved Sea
Holly root 1 oz. ea.
Cinnamon, Saffron 0.5 oz. ea.
Clove, Galangal, Long
Pepper, Black Pepper 3 drams ea.
Ash Tree Keys, the Bellies
and Loins of Skinks,
Borax, Benzoin 3 drams ea.
Nutmegs, Mace,
Aloeswood, Grains of
Paradise, Cardamom 2 drams ea.
Seeds of Nettles, Onions,
Roots of Avens 1.5 drams ea.
Musk 2 Scruples
Ambergris 1 Scruple
Penids 4 oz.
Mallago wine 3 oz.
Syrup of fresh Ginger 2.5 lbs.
“Diasatyrion augments the Seed, stimulates Venery [Sexual desire], erects the Yard [penis], excites the Languid and Drowsy to Venery, roborates [strengthens] the Imbecility of the Reins [Kidneys] and Bladder, and augments Strength”. (Renodeus)
“This Electuary is very proper to restore decayed strength; it fortifies and heats those that the latins call frigido and maleficiatos; frigid and bewitched: It multiplies Seed, and provokes and disposes to Lust. It may be used by both Sexes; but the Musk and Ambergris must be left out, when given to Women that cannot away with scents; the Dose is from 1 dram to 2. This Electuary is to be taken fasting Morning and Evening in Bolus, drinking after it a Glass of Spanish Wine, wherein you may also dissolve the Electuary. It may be used as often as occasion requires; and if it be extraordinary, take half an ounce” …
Of the reformed French version (above), Charras said: ‘We shall meet within several Dispensatories several Receipts of Diasatyrion, or Electuaries resembling it in name and qualities. But you shall hardly find one whose ingredients are more proper to produce the effects expected from such a Composition, or whose quantities are more regular’. (Charras, French Pharmacopoeia)
How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures
Electuary of Orchid
Western, Unani
Source / Author:
Nicholas Myrepsus (Antidotarium)
Herb NameOrchisParsnip root Sea Holly India Nuts Pine nut Pistachio Clove Ginger Aniseed Rocket seed Ash tree keys Cinnamon Skink tail Nettle seed Musk Honey clarified |
Renodeus gives the following method of preparation: ‘First the roots must be boiled in sufficient water, till they be tabid; then they must be baked, and transmitted through a hair-sieve; then mixed with despumed and cocted Honey, and then again servefied on a slow fire, till the aqueous humidity be absumed; afterwards the Pine-kernels and Pistachio-nuts must be taken, and minutely cut, and then levigated like the rest; the Musk must be brayed apart, and last of all confusedly mixed with the Cinnamon’.
Strengthens Kidney Yang
“Properly given to those who suffer from weakness of the Kidneys: and it miraculously provokes Lust … and restores it without delay” (Nicholas, Antidotarium)
1. Impotence
2. Erectile Dysfunction
3. Low Sperm count; Enhances Sperm production
4. Enhances male and female Fertility
5. Weakness, Debility, Lethargy associated with Yang deficiency
6. Some used it in Consumption
7. Chronic Cough and Asthma
8. Promotes Urine when obstructed for Cold, Weak Kidneys
2 drams–1⁄2 oz. taken in wine, Saffron Tincture or some other vehicle
None noted
1. A reformed French version:
Satyrion boiled soft in
Orange flower water 4 oz.
Sea Holly root condited,
Pistachio, Confect.
Alkermes with Musk
and Ambergris 2 oz. ea.
Nutmeg, Ginger condited 1 oz. ea.
Loins and Tails of Skinks,
Penis and Testicles of a
Deer, Viper powder 6 drams ea.
Ambergris, Rocket seed,
Ash keys, Long Pepper,
Cardamom 1.5 drams ea.
Musk 0.5 dram
Oils of Cinnamon, Clove 6 drops ea.
2. Another enlarged version:
Satyrion roots 3 oz.
Pulp of Dates, Pine Nut,
Sweet Almond, Indian
Nut, Pistachio Nut, Fresh
Ginger, Preserved Sea
Holly root 1 oz. ea.
Cinnamon, Saffron 0.5 oz. ea.
Clove, Galangal, Long
Pepper, Black Pepper 3 drams ea.
Ash Tree Keys, the Bellies
and Loins of Skinks,
Borax, Benzoin 3 drams ea.
Nutmegs, Mace,
Aloeswood, Grains of
Paradise, Cardamom 2 drams ea.
Seeds of Nettles, Onions,
Roots of Avens 1.5 drams ea.
Musk 2 Scruples
Ambergris 1 Scruple
Penids 4 oz.
Mallago wine 3 oz.
Syrup of fresh Ginger 2.5 lbs.
“Diasatyrion augments the Seed, stimulates Venery [Sexual desire], erects the Yard [penis], excites the Languid and Drowsy to Venery, roborates [strengthens] the Imbecility of the Reins [Kidneys] and Bladder, and augments Strength”. (Renodeus)
“This Electuary is very proper to restore decayed strength; it fortifies and heats those that the latins call frigido and maleficiatos; frigid and bewitched: It multiplies Seed, and provokes and disposes to Lust. It may be used by both Sexes; but the Musk and Ambergris must be left out, when given to Women that cannot away with scents; the Dose is from 1 dram to 2. This Electuary is to be taken fasting Morning and Evening in Bolus, drinking after it a Glass of Spanish Wine, wherein you may also dissolve the Electuary. It may be used as often as occasion requires; and if it be extraordinary, take half an ounce” …
Of the reformed French version (above), Charras said: ‘We shall meet within several Dispensatories several Receipts of Diasatyrion, or Electuaries resembling it in name and qualities. But you shall hardly find one whose ingredients are more proper to produce the effects expected from such a Composition, or whose quantities are more regular’. (Charras, French Pharmacopoeia)
How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures