Electuarium Diaphoenicon
Electuary of Dates
Western, Unani
The Dates are stoned, steeped in vinegar 24 hours, pushed through a sieve and evaporated to a thickness. The beaten Almonds are mixed in along with the Honey. Boil a little to “exhale the vinegar”. Then add the following in Fine powder:
A more simple version from Pharmacopoeia Persica (1681):
The Dates are steeped in Vinegar then pulped (as above), add Honey, then add the Powder and form an Electuary.
Renodeus said that various authors used Hydromel or Wine to wash the Dates, but that those prepared with Vinegar are better to purge phlegm, and are therefore more fitting to the intended purpose. However, either of the former menstruums can be used according to each individuals preference, as Wine will more easily carry the medicaments into the Blood, while Hydromel purges noxious Humors and phlegm.
Purges Phlegm and Bile, Strengthens the Stomach
1. Stomach Pain
2. Abdominal fullness and pain
3. Obstinate Colic
4. “Illiac Passion” (Intestinal obstruction)
5. Nausea and Vomiting from Foul Humors (Food Stagnation)
6. Chronic diseases associated with Bile and Phlegm including Gastric and Urinary diseases
7. A purge in excess cases of Infertility etc.
3–4 drams (of either)
1. Avoid in Yin deficiency
2. Not suitable for long-term use.
1. The Scammony could be replaced with Senna, Rhubarb or Aloe.
2. The formula from the London Pharmacopeia, 1650, was different in the following ways: the pulp of Dates was boiled in Hydromel, strained, and added an equal amount of Sugar Penids, beaten, then add the Almonds and beat well. It did not contain Galangal or Aloeswood.
“It is meetly strong for to purge therewith in the Quotidian [Daily] and Tertian [3 day] Agues [Fever]. It purges Phlegm and Choler. It has a marvelous efficacy against all pain of the Stomach, and other like pains of the guts, which are caused through any rough slimy humour”. (Wirtzung)
How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures
Electuary of Dates
Western, Unani
Source / Author:
Herb NameDate PulpSweet Almonds, blanched Clarified Honey |
The Dates are stoned, steeped in vinegar 24 hours, pushed through a sieve and evaporated to a thickness. The beaten Almonds are mixed in along with the Honey. Boil a little to “exhale the vinegar”. Then add the following in Fine powder:
Herb NameTurbithScammony prepared Ginger Galangal Aloeswood Cinnamon Mace Rue Long Pepper Fennel seed Carrot seed |
A more simple version from Pharmacopoeia Persica (1681):
Herb NameDate PulpSweet Almonds, blanched Rue Ginger White Pepper Scammony prepared |
The Dates are steeped in Vinegar then pulped (as above), add Honey, then add the Powder and form an Electuary.
Renodeus said that various authors used Hydromel or Wine to wash the Dates, but that those prepared with Vinegar are better to purge phlegm, and are therefore more fitting to the intended purpose. However, either of the former menstruums can be used according to each individuals preference, as Wine will more easily carry the medicaments into the Blood, while Hydromel purges noxious Humors and phlegm.
Purges Phlegm and Bile, Strengthens the Stomach
1. Stomach Pain
2. Abdominal fullness and pain
3. Obstinate Colic
4. “Illiac Passion” (Intestinal obstruction)
5. Nausea and Vomiting from Foul Humors (Food Stagnation)
6. Chronic diseases associated with Bile and Phlegm including Gastric and Urinary diseases
7. A purge in excess cases of Infertility etc.
3–4 drams (of either)
1. Avoid in Yin deficiency
2. Not suitable for long-term use.
1. The Scammony could be replaced with Senna, Rhubarb or Aloe.
2. The formula from the London Pharmacopeia, 1650, was different in the following ways: the pulp of Dates was boiled in Hydromel, strained, and added an equal amount of Sugar Penids, beaten, then add the Almonds and beat well. It did not contain Galangal or Aloeswood.
“It is meetly strong for to purge therewith in the Quotidian [Daily] and Tertian [3 day] Agues [Fever]. It purges Phlegm and Choler. It has a marvelous efficacy against all pain of the Stomach, and other like pains of the guts, which are caused through any rough slimy humour”. (Wirtzung)
How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures