Edgeworthia, Lu Luo Hua 绿萝花
Nepalese PaperbushLu Luo Hua (TCM)
Edgeworthia gardneri
Curtis, W., Botanical Magazine (1800-1948)
Edgeworthia gardneri flower bud
(Photo by Kenraiz) (Wikimedia)
Botanical name:
Edgeworthia gardneri, E. chrysantha
Parts used:
Flower bud
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, moist. Sweet
1. Nourish Yin, Benefits Liver and Kidneys:
-Hypoglycemia, Diabetes
-Hypertension, High Cholesterol
-Bone Fractures, Rheumatalgia
-Benefits Immunity
2. Benefits Eyesight:
-improves Eyesight; weak and failing eyesight
-removes visual obstruction, used for Nebula
-tearing of the eyes
Decoction: 3–6 grams
1. Used as a substitute/adulterant for Buddleja flower (Mi Meng Hua). The latter is regarded as stronger.
1. It is classed as one of the “Eighteen Treasures” of Qinghai Province in China.
2. It has proven Anti-Diabetic effects
3. The bark has been used to make paper.
Main Combinations:
1. Diabetes:
i. Edgeworthia, Sibiraea angustata, Saffron
ii. Edgeworthia, Hui Dou Ba
Major Formulas:
None noted