Eclipta, Han Lian Cao 旱莲草
Han Lian Cao, Mo Han Lian (TCM)Bhringaraja (Ayurveda)
Bhangra (Unani)
Karisalai (Siddha)
Moninckx, Moninckx atlas, vol. 8; (1682-1709)
Eclipta alba
Blanco, Flora de Filipinas. (1875)
Botanical name:
Eclipta alba (syn. E. prostrata, E. punctata, E. erecta, Verbesina alba)
Parts used:
Temperature & Taste:
Cool (TCM), Warm (Unani), dry. Sweet, Sour
N. Tonics
1. Nourish the Blood, Benefits the Hair:
-special herb to nourish the Hair
-dull, thin, weak or patchy Hair; especially for Premature Greying of the Hair (a specific in both TCM and Ayurveda)
-India, the oil in which the herb is decocted is used, topically; in TCM, the herb is administered internally.
2. Strengthens the Liver and Kidney Yin:
-weakness of the Eyes with blurred Vision
-Diabetes, Neurosis and Senility
-strengthens the Teeth and Gums
-Rheumatoid Arthritis
-considered specific in Ayurveda for chronic Liver disease, especially Cirrhosis; it is Hepato-protective
3. Nourishes the Liver Yin and Blood, Settles Wind:
-Anemia, Blood deficiency (TCM, Siddha)
-Tinnitus, Dizziness and Vertigo from Liver deficiency.
-Menstrual disorders with both Blood Deficiency and Heat.
-Tetanus, Elephantiasis and Syphilis in India.
4. Cools the Blood, Stops Bleeding:
-Blood in the Sputum, Urine or Feces;
-Diarrhea or Dysentery with Blood;
-Internal Hemorrhage or Bleeding from Skin Lesions etc.
-chronic skin diseases including Leucoderma, Vitiligo, Urticaria and Leprosy (Unani)
5. Externally:
-Greying of the Hair, Alopecia, and as a hair tonic (juice, or herb or juice boiled in sesame or coconut oil is applied)
-topically for Dermatitis and Skin Infections.
-applied to Glandular Swellings
-paste is applied to Spleen or Liver hardness. (Unani)
-juice or decocted oil is dropped into in the ears for Earache.
-in Gargles to strengthen the Teeth and Gums.
-distilled water is used for Opthalmia.
-topically applied to Insect and Snake Bite (Ayurveda)
Herb in Decoction: 6–12 grams;
Herb in Powder: 3–5 grams;
Seed in Powder: 1–3 grams
Tincture of the Herb (1:4 in 50% alcohol): 3–5 mls.
1. It can reduce excess of all 3 Dosas (Humors) of Ayurveda, according to some sources. It is also regarded as Rasayana to Pitta (Bile) constitutions.
2. Eclipta has been used for a variety of other conditions in classical texts too. This includes for Cough and Asthma, Parasites,
Peppers, Ginger, Honey (Unani)
1. Sometimes charred to stop Bleeding. (TCM)
1. Cotton seed (Unani)
2. Dandelion (Unani, Waring)
3. Achyranthes aspera (Unani)
Main Combinations:
1. Tonic for old age:
i. to prevent Senility and to promote longevity, Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Sesame seed, Emblic Myrobalan (Ayurveda)
ii. strengthen the teeth and darken the hair in old age, Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Chebula (He Zi), Gleditsia Zao Jiao, Silkworm Feces (Can Sha), Cimifuga Sheng Ma (as in Lao Ya Wu Zi Fang from Shou Qin Yang Lao [Health Preservation for Old People]).
2. To nourish Kidney and Liver Yin and consolidate Jing (Essence), Eclipta Han Lian Cao is combined with Ligustrum Nu Zhen Zi. This is called Er Zhi Wan (‘Two Ultimate Pill’). Used for pain and weakness in the lower back, dry mouth and throat, dizziness, blurred vision, insomnia and premature greying of hair. It is also used for Menopause.
3. Premature Greying of Hair:
i. prepare a syrup with Eclipta Han Lian Cao, fresh Ginger and Honey (as in Jin Ling Jian from Qian Jin Yue Ling [Monthly Rites Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces]),
ii. Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Polygonum He Shou Wu
iii. from Heat / Bile, Eclipta Han Lian Cao with with Emblic Myrobalan, Hemidesmus indica
iv. to strengthen the hair and cure premature greying, decoct Eclipta Han Lian Cao with and Licorice in sesame oil and use topically.
v. Premature Greying, Alopecia, prepare an oil from Eclipta juice, Hemidesmus, Monochoria, Iron oxide in Sesame oil. (Ayurveda)
vi. Premature Greying, Alopecia, Eclipta, Emblic Myrobalan, Sesame seed (Chakradatta)
4. To promote hair growth:
i. As a hair tonic, boil Eclipta (Bhringaraja) in Sesame oil and apply daily
ii. Eclipta with Dodder herb, used topically
iii. Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Ginseng, Astragalus Huang Qi, Dang Gui, Rehmannia Shu Di Huang, Ligustrum Nu Zhen Zi.
5. Mental disorders from Wind-Heat, Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Indian Spikenard, Centella, Convolvulus Shankhapushpi.
6. Bleeding:
i. Blood in the Urine, Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Plantain seed (TCM)
ii. Blood in the Stool, Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Burnet root
iii. Uterine Bleeding, Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Mugwort
iv. Uterine Bleeding, excessive Menstruation, charred Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Agrimony (Xian He Cao), Drypoteris crassirhizoma Mian Ma Guan Zhong
v. Bleeding due to Heat and Yin deficiency, Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Rehmannia Sheng Di Huang.
vi. Bleeding from Heat (Pitta-Bile), Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Madder, Lotus node, Saraca indica (Ayurveda)
7. Skin diseases:
i. Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Turmeric, Neem, Licorice
ii. from Wind-Heat, Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Neem, Barberry
iii. from Liver heat, Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Barberry, Madder, Neem, Psoralea (Ayurveda)
8. Syphilis, combine Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Black Pepper (Ayurveda)
9. Jaundice, Eclipta (15 grams), Black Pepper (1 grams), form a Bolus. (Siddha)
10. Liver heat, Hepatitis:
i. Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Madder, Phyllanthus amarus, Picrorhiza, Swertia (Ayurveda)
ii. chronic Liver heat conditions, Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Phyllanthus amarus, Agrimony (Ayurveda)
iii. Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Neem, Madder, Picrorhiza, Long Pepper (Ayurveda)
11. Chronic Liver disease:
i. Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Agrimony (Xian He Cao), Peony (Bai Shao) and Licorice (TCM)
ii. Hepatitis, chronic Liver disease, Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Madder, Picrorhiza, Neem, Long Pepper (Ayurveda)
12. Anemia:
i. Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Dang Gui
ii. Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Black Pepper (Ayurveda)
iii. Eclipta Han Lian Cao with Black Pepper, Garlic, prepared Iron (equal parts) (Siddha)
Major Formulas:
Er Zhi Wan
1. Use cautiously in Cold Stomach and Spleen
Main Preparations used:
Er Zhi Wan (TCM), Eclipta Oil (Bhringaraja Taila) (Ayurveda)