Dysosma, Liu Jiao Lian 六角莲

Eight Corner Lotus
Liu Jiao Lian, Ba Jiao Lian, Gui Jiu (TCM)
Picture Picture
Picture Dysosma pleiantha
Curtis, W., Botanical Magazine (1890)

Picture Dysosma pleiantha
(Photo by
Kenraiz) (Wikimedia)

Botanical name:

Dysosma spp.
Several species are used:
  1. D. pleiantha (syn. D. chengii, D. hispida, Podophyllum pleianthum, P. chengi, P. hispidium)
  2. D. veitchii
  3. D. versipellis
  4. D. aurantiocaulis

Parts used:


Temperature & Taste:

Cool, dry. Bitter, Pungent, Sweet. Slightly Toxic



1. Clear Phlegm, Resolve Masses:
-Cough with Cold Phlegm
-Scrofula, Goiter, Masses

2. Move the Blood, Clear Stasis, Relieve Pain:
-Trauma, Bruising
-Joint pain
-Masses, Tumors
-‘purges a Dead Fetus’. (Li Shi Zhen)
-used for Contraception and herbal sterilization in China (Barefoot Doctors Manual)

3. Clear Wind-Heat, Resists Toxin::
-Infectious and Epidemic diseases, Malaria
-treats diseases due to acute Wind invasion
-Throat Swelling and Pain
-Abscess, Carbuncle, Phlegmon, Toxic Sores
-Snake and Insect Bite, Bee stings (Barefoot Doctors Manual)
-‘prevents the invasion of infections’ … ‘detoxifies 100 Toxins’. (Ben Cao Gang Mu)

4. Clears Wind-Phlegm, Calms the Mind:
-‘relieves restlessness and pacifies a troubled Mind’. (Ming Yi Bie Lu)

5. Externally:
-Sores, Abscesses
-applied to Warts
-Trauma, Bruising
-Snake Bite

1. The powder formed into Honey pills is a good way to administer.
2. ‘It should not be used in a decoction’. (Ming Yi Bie Lu)
Powder: 500mg–2 grams
Decoction: 3–9 grams
Suitable amount can be used externally as a poultice, paste, wash, fomentation etc.

1. Belamcanda She Gan is similar in appearance and use. It has apparently supplied the market for Dysosma in the past and is a suitable substitute in most cases.
2. Similar to American Mandrake (Mayapple)


It is baked until slightly scorched.

Main Combinations:

1. Toxic Sores, Dysosma, Forsythia Lian Qiao, Purslane
2. Snake Bite, Dysosma, Paris Chong Lou, Angelica Du Huo as a decoction
3. Cancer, Dysosma, Echinops, Ampelopsis, Semiaquilegia root
4. Contraception, fresh root of Dysosma auranticocaulis, Paris Chong Lou, Coniogramme japonica (1 oz. each). Crush an extract the juice, and take with cold boiled water three times daily during menstruation, continuing until the menses cease. (Barefoot Doctors Manual)
5. Herbal Sterilization: Dysosma auranticocaulis, Anemone vitifolia (15 grams each), Cuscuta japonica, Carpesium divaricatum (30 grams each). Crush the Dysosma in a little water and add to a decoction of the other three herbs. Take once or twice after menstruation. (Barefoot Doctors Manual)

Major Formulas:


Avoid overdose.

1. Toxic due to Podophyllotoxin
2. Overdose causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, tingling and numbness. Changes in Liver function tests were also reported. These toxic effects are primarily due to podophyllotoxin.

Main Preparations used: