Dreams and Nightmare

Dreams are viewed as a normal activity during sleep. Dreams are thought to be related to processing of daily events, or things on our mind. Good sleep and healthy dreaming cause us to sleep soundly and wake refreshed. This indicates our Qi is flowing smoothly. When sleep is disturbed by dreams or we have unpleasant dreams or nightmares, the Qi is flowing erratically, and this is usually a result of unprocessed emotions or thoughts which cause Qi stagnation and disturb the Spirit.
  • The Spirit is said to reside in the Heart while sleeping. Heart disorders, particularly Heart Fire, disturbs the Spirit and causes Insomnia, Anxiety and Palpitations, as well as Dream-disturbed Sleep. Spirit settling medicines like Pearl, Coral and Amber can be used.
  • If the Heart is deficient (Yin or Blood), the Spirit is also restless which can cause Dream-disturbed Sleep. Heart nourishing medicines such as Zizyphus semen Suan Zao Ren, Dang Gui and Basil seed can be used

As far as the Humors:
  • Bile–dreams of Red, Fire, heat, anger, fighting
  • Phlegm–Blue, Water, Swimming, Rain, Cold, Fear 
  • Wind–erratic, hectic, busy, anxious, falling, flying
  • Melancholy–Dark, Fear, Death, Suicide, Horrific and Disturbing
  • Blood–Passion, beauty, Bleeding

Balm has a long reputation of promoting good dreams and pleasant sleep. It is especially useful for children where it can be combined with Camomile. If there is depression and anxiety, add St. John’s wort. The use of equal parts of Pearl, Amber and Red Coral can be taken half an hour before bed in a suitable vehicle, for example Conserve of Rose or Aromaticum Rosatum. Taken nightly for 7–10 days will often restore a peaceful sleep.

Encourage the person to have good bedtime habits–avoid phone and TV, don’t eat close to sleep and encourage them to exercise. Psychotherapy is useful in these cases. Get the person to write down thoughts or worries on paper before bed each night. Over the course of a couple of week, sleep often improves. In severe cases, In young children make sure they feel safe and secure. A charm bag can be kept under the pillow of infants containing Pearl, Amber, Coral, and other precious stones along with some Sandalwood. If they’re old enough, you can tell them it has special medicines to protect from bad dreams.

If there is an excess condition or heat, bleeding is good. The Saphena, then the shoulder Vein the following day. The Vein of the Forehead, the tip of the Nose, or under the Tongue may also be bled.

Western Tradition

Calamus root confect


To Stop ‘Vapors rising to the Head’
Diarrhodon Abbatis
Cooling Pearl Powder (Diamargaritum frigidum)
Sugar of Roses

Aromaticum rosatum

Diamuscum dulce

To Purge
Hiera Picra
Hiera Logadii
Common Pills
Pil. Cochia
Stomach Pills
Pills of Agaric
Pills of Mastic
Pills of Lap[is Lazuli

To Strengthen
Aromaticum Rosatum
Diarrhodon Abbatis
Diatragacanth Frigidum
Powder of Three Sandalwood
Pleres Arconticon
Powder of Rosemary Compound (Dianthos) (Nicholas)
Powder of Musk (Diamoschu Dulce)

Chinese Classification

Zizyphus Suan Zao Ren
Platycladus Bai Zi Ren


An Shen Ding Zhi Wan
Er Zhi Wan
Gui Pi Tang
Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang
Suan Zao Ren Tang
Tian Wan Bu Xin Dan
Zhu Sha An Shen Wan