Diseases of the Uterus

Western Tradition

Cold disorders of the Uterus
Confection for a Cold and Moist Uterus
Electuary of Gems (Mesue)
Powder of Calamint (Diacalamintha) (Nicholas)
Powder of Galangal Compound (Diagalanga) (Mesue)
Triphera Greater (Triphera Magnus) (Nicholas)
Hiera Picra

Warm the Palace 7 Pill
Oil of Spikenard
Oil of Lillies
Oil of Orris

Oil of Rue
Oil of Pepper

Auscpicious Conqueror (Bkra shis rnam rgyal) (Tibetan)
Podophyllum 25 (‘Ol se nyer lnga) (Tibetan)

Heat disorders of the Uterus
Antelope Horn 14 (Rgya ru bcu bzhi) (Tibetan) 
Turmeric Decoction 4 (Yung ba 4) (Tibetan Medicine)
Withania 3 Decoction (Ba spru gsum thang))

Strengthen the Uterus
Decoction of Comfrey and Solomans Seal
Tincture of Cinnamon
Tincture of Sage
Powder to Strengthen the Womb (Culpeper)
Special Powder for Memory (Wirtzung)
Triphera Greater (Triphera Magnus) (Nicholas)
Antidotum Haemagogum (Nicholas)

Auscpicious Conqueror (Bkra shis rnam rgyal) (Tibetan)
Podophyllum 25 (‘Ol se nyer lnga) (Tibetan)

Uterus Pain
Decoction for the Womb (Schroder)
Tincture of Rue
Tincture of Myrrh
Tincture of Saffron
Tincture of Valerian
Tincture of Wormwood
Philonium Romanum (Galen)
Philonium Hamech

Powder for Uterine Pain (Wirtzung)
Powder for Uterine Pain of Turbith
Powder of Calamint (Diacalamintha) (Nicholas)
Powder of Gum Lacca Minor (Dialacca Minores) (Rhasis)
Powder of Gum Lacca Minor (Dialacca Minores) (Mesue)
Powder of Gum Lacca Major (Dialacca Majores) (Mesue)
Electuary of Saffron (Diacurcuma, Diacrocum) (Mesue)

Electuary of Rhubarb (Unani)
Electuary of Indian leaf (Zenon)
Electuary of Ambergris (Diambra) (Mesue)
Hiera Pachi, or Hiera Archigenis
Hiera Hermetis
Antimoron (Nicholas)
Electuarium Acharistum (Nicholas)
Antidotum Haemagogum (Nicholas)
Musa Aenea (Mesue)
Musa Aenea (Nicholas)

Pill of Sagapen
Pills of Mastic (Mesue)

Antelope Horn 14 (Rgya ru bcu bzhi) (Tibetan) 
Podophyllum 25 (‘Ol se nyer lnga) (Tibetan)
Warm the Palace 7 Pill

Oil of Bay
Oil of Orris
Oil of Mastic
Oil of Rue

Oil of Saffron Compound
Oil of Lillies

Oil of the Philosophers
Plaster of Bay Berry
Plaster of Orris

Pain of the Uterus from Cold
Tincture of Cinnamon
Tincture of Nutmeg
Tincture of Valerian
Confection for a Cold and Moist Uterus
Powder of Calamint (Diacalamintha) (Nicholas)
Hiera Picra
Hiera Hermetis
Warm the Palace 7 Pill
Pills of Sagapen
Oil of Elecampane

Auscpicious Conqueror (Bkra shis rnam rgyal) (Tibetan)
Podophyllum 25 (‘Ol se nyer lnga) (Tibetan)

Blood Stagnation of the Uterus
Decoction for the Womb (Schroder)
Tincture of Myrrh
Tincture of Saffron
Antidotum Haemagogum (Nicholas)

Antelope Horn 14 (Rgya ru bcu bzhi) (Tibetan) 
Podophyllum 25 (‘Ol se nyer lnga) (Tibetan)

Uterus Abscesses and Hard Swellings
1. Lily root boiled in oil softens hardness of the Uterus.
2. Mallow or Hollyhock decoction as a fomentation.
3. Myrrh, Frankincense, Saffron, decocted in wine

Uterine Fibroids
See Uterine Fibroids

Ulcers of the Uterus
Pills for Uterine Ulcers

1. Honey of Rose (1 oz.), fresh Milk (6 oz.). Give it for 10 days.
2. Douche of Purslane.
3. Ointment of Tutty (Zinc oxide) (2 oz.), dissolve in 8 oz. of Cow Milk. Use as a douche warm.
4. Linseed with Marshmallow root, Fenugreek, Poppy seed, Dill seed, Barley, decoct to from a douche

To Purge the Uterus
Troches of Agaric

Antimoron (Nicholas)
Arabian Pills (Nicholas)

Correct Temperament of the Uterus
Syrup of Mugwort

Podophyllum 25 (‘Ol se nyer lnga) (Tibetan)

Strangulation of the Womb
Philonium Romanum
Vinegar of Squill
Syrup of Betony (Augustana)
Syrup of Betony juice

Aromaticum Moschatum (Mesue)
TCM Classification

Qi Stagnation
Hypochondriac distention, cramping pain during menstruation, Premenstrual symptoms, anxiety or depression, toothmarks on the edge of the tongue
Xiao Yao San

Coldness of the Uterus

Feels cold, pale face, pain which is alleviated with warmth, pale or purplish tongue with a deep, slow pulse
Xiang Ai Xiong Gui Yin
Qi Zhen San

Damp Heat
Yellow, foul-smelling discharge, itching, swelling, red tonguer with a yellow coat, rapid and slippery pulse.

Er Miao San
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang

Blood Stagnation
Sharp pain, dark and clotted menstruation, dull complexion, purple lips, tongue and nails, choppy pulse
Tao Hong Si Wu Tang
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan
Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang

Weakness of the Uterus–Blood Deficiency
Pale tongue and face, weak pulse, feels the cold, scanty or pale menstrual blood.
Bu Zhong Yi Qi tang
(if with Qi deficiency)
Si Wu Tang

Special Formulas

1. Take a Sweet Apple, make a hole and put in powdered Nutmeg, Mace, Cinnamon, (½ dram ea.) and Clove (½ scruple). and a little Sugar. Roast in embers and give it to eat. “Very good and well known of Women”. (Secrets of Alexis)
    Rosemary                           of each a handful
Decoct in wine.
The same may be decocted in Lye water and used to wash the legs, or used as a foot bath.
    Motherwort                       1 oz.
    Carrot (seed)                     ½ oz.
    Clarified Honey                2 oz.
Seethe them together (with a little water), then strain and press hard. Add 2 oz. of Chicken broth and 3 oz. of Aniseed Decoction. Give it for 10 days (Secrets of Alexis)
    Nutmeg                             1 dram
    Motherwort root               1 ½ drams
    Indian Spikenard.             1 scruple
Seethe in white wine until one-third is consumed, then strain and add white sugar. Give it every morning and when she has pain. (Secrets of Alexis)