Diseases of the Stomach

Picture Hippocrates first said “All Disease begins in the Stomach”. In all Traditions, great importance is placed on the Stomach as the seat of “First Digestion”.

Signs of Stomach dysfunction include Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Acid Regurgitation and Stomach Pain. The Stomach is prone to the following main disorders:
  1. Stomach Heat: excess Appetite, always hungry, desire for Cold food and drink, red tongue, strong pulse
  2. Stomach Cold: poor appetite, desire for warm food and drink, weak pulse, feels cold, abdominal pain relieved by warmth, pale tongue with white coat
  3. Stomach Dry / Yin Deficiency: dry mouth, desire for lots of liquid, cracked tongue
  4. Stomach Moist / Damp: loss of appetite, nausea, excess saliva, usually not thirsty, wet tongue with moist coating
  5. Stomach Weakness: Spleen Qi Deficiency in TCM; poor appetite, nausea, indigestion, low energy, low pulse

Disorders of the Stomach more than any other require attention to diet.

The use of Bitters
In the Western Tradition especially the use of Bitters and Aromatic Bitters to stimulate the digestion was widespread. The best of these were combinations of Bitters (often Purgatives) and Aromatics. In additon, especially in later times, they were commonly used in the form of Tinctures. This made a small dose effective to stimulate digestion without draining or purging.

Many of these formulas might be classed as purging in TCM, but the small doses used are enough to stimulate saliva and gastric juice without purging, and were therefore accounted effective to stimulate digestion, even when used regularly by weak constitutions.

Examples are:
Elixir Vitae (Tincture of Life)
Holy Tincture 
Swedish Bitters

In TCM there is a similar concept which relies on Aromatics, without the addition of strong bitters or draining medicines. This is rationalized because many areas in China are Damp, and the paotent aromatics have a similar effect of stimulating digestion and relieving turbidity caused by Damp. The representative formula for this is Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Shui. This formula is widely available in China and today is commonly prepared in Tincture form. A small vial of Tincture is taken as a dose which often has a remarkably quick effect in relieving indigestion, poor appetite, acute gastritis and gastroenteritis associated with Damp. Travellers also find it effective for Food Poisoning.

See Also:
15 Powders to Warm the Stomach
Gastric Reflux and GERD

Western Tradition

Stomachi calido conferunt – Stomach Heat
Excess Appetite, always hungry, desire for Cold food and drink, red tongue, strong pulse
1. Rose (3 drams), Tabasheer (1 dram)
2. Fresh Rose (20 drams), Licorice, Spikenard (4 drams each). Make a paste with wine and for tablets.
3. Tabasheer, fresh Rose (8 drams each), Cucumber seed (20 drams), Agrimony (3 drams)
4. Rose, Spikenard, Saffron, Licorice, Cucumber seed, Manna, Tragacanth, Gum Arabic

Rose water
Conserve of Sorrel
Julep of Rose
Julep of Violet

Rob of Currant
Rob of Barberry
Rob of Sumac

Syrup of Purslane
Syrup of Endive
Syrup of Juice of Chicory
Syrup of Sorrel juice

Syrup of Violet Compound
Syrup of Violet (De morbus internis curandis)
Troches of Camphor (Nicholas)
Troches of Sandalwood (Mesue)

Abbots Confect of Rose (Diarrhodon Abbatis) (Nicholas)
Powder of Three Sandalwoods (Diatrion Santalum)
Triphera Persica

The Count’s Night Pills (Unani)
Ointment of Rose

Mauktika Yukta (Pearl Compound) (Ayurveda)

Stomach Cold
Poor appetite, desire for warm food and drink, weak pulse, feels cold, abdominal pain relieved by warmth, pale tongue with white coat
Syrup of Ginger
Syrup of Horehound (Augustana)
Elecampane wine
Cinnamon wine
Aromatic Clove Powder
Compound Cinnamon Powder (Diacinnamonum)
Compound Galangal Powder (Diagalanga)
Greater Cumin Powder

Powder for the Stomach (Universale)
Powder for the Stomach (Mylius)
Diathamaron Magna (Nicholas)

Calamus 4 (Tibetan)
Powder of 8 Ingredients (Ayurveda)
Six White Formula (Dkar po drug sbyor) (Tibetan)
Rhododendron 9 (Dwa li dgu pa) (Tibetan)
Varahi’s Combination (Phag mo grub sbyor)

Stomach Damp
Loss of appetite, nausea, excess saliva, usually not thirsty, wet tongue with moist coating
Confected Emblic Myrobalan
Elixir Vitae (Tincture of Life)
Holy Tincture 
Aromaticum Rosatum
Aromatic Rose Compound for the Stomach (Mesue)
Aromaticum Caryophyllatum (Mesue)
Compound Cinnamon Powder (Diacinnamonum)
Powder for the Stomach (Universale)
Powder for the Stomach (Mylius)
Pills of Aloe (Unani)
Pills of Amber
Confection to Strengthen the Stomach
Electuary for Stomach Debility (Unani)
Troches of Diarrhodon (Mesue)
Trifera Saracenica
Electuary of Saffron Lesser (Mesue)

Calamus 4 (Tibetan Medicine)
Six White Formula (Dkar po drug sbyor) (Tibetan)

Stomach Phlegm
As above, but with excess phlegm, thicker tongue coating.
Oxymel of Squill
Electuary of Aromatics
Electuary of Gems (Mesue)
Confection of Aloeswood (Mesue)
The Count’s Night Pills (Unani)
Pills of Amber
Oil of Spikenard

Stomach Weakness
Poor appetite, nausea, indigestion, low energy, low pulse
1. Cassia wood, Mastic, Fennel; seed (equal parts)
2. Elecampane, Cinnamon, Mastic
3. Elecampane, Licorice, Fennel seed, Aniseed
4. Licorice, Orange peel, Aniseed
5. Calamus, Ginger, Licorice

Syrup of Ginger
Syrup of Balm (Fernel)
Syrup of Quince with Spices
Syrup of Citron peel

Syrup of Wormwood (Mesue)
Syrup of Fumitory Greater
Elixir Vitae (Tincture of Life)
Conserve of Fennel
Conserve of Annis

Chebula Confected
Emblic Confected

Sugar of Rose
Elecampane wine

Electuary of Aromatics
Electuary of Citron
Electuary of Quince Compound
Electuary of Ginger (Diazingiber) (Mesue)
Electuary of Aloeswood

Electuary for Stomach Debility (Unani)
Confection to Strengthen the Stomach
The Great Electuary
Tryphera Galenii
Hiera Logadii
Compound Aniseed Powder (Dianisum) (Mesue)

Compound Cinnamon Powder (Diacinnamonum)

Powder of Aloeswood (Mesue)
Greater Cumin Powder (Nicholas)
Aromatic Rose Formula (Aromaticum Rosatum) (Mesue)
Aromatic Clove Formula (Mesue)
Peptic Powder

Troches of Rose Greater (Mesue)
Troches of Ramich (Mesue)
Troches of Wormwood Greater (Nicholas)
Troches of Gallia Sebellinae (Mesue)
Stomach Pills (Mesue)
Pills of Mastic (Mesue)

Pills of Aloe (Unani)
Pills of Amber
Pil. Aloephangine (Aromatic Pills of Aloes) (Mesue)
Pil. Aggregative Majores (Mesue)

Stomach Dryness / Yin deficiency

Dry mouth, desire for lots of liquid, Stomach pain, cracked tongue

Cooling Tragacanth Powder (Diatragacanth)

Wind and Bloating of the Stomach (Qi Stagnation)
Holy Tincture 
Electuary of Aromatics
Powder of Galangal Compound (Diagalanga) (Mesue)
Aromatic Clove Powder (Aromaticum Caryophyllatum)
Compound Aniseed Powder (Dianisum) (Mesue)
Powder of Cumin Greater (Nicholas)
Powder for the Stomach (Mylius)
Electuary of Cumin (Diacyminum) (Mesue)
Electuary of Saffron Lesser (Mesue)
Hiera Logadii
Triphera Saracenica
Troches of Spodium
Pil. Aggregative Majores (Mesue)
Ointment of Rose

Calamus 4 (Tibetan Medicine)
Six White Formula (Dkar po drug sbyor) (Tibetan)

Harshness or Roughness of the Stomach
Julep of Violet
Julep of Jujubes
Syrup of Prunes
Syrup of Pomegranate
Diatragacanth Frigidum
Oil of Violet

Stomach Obstruction
Oxymel of Squill
Holy Tincture 
Syrup of Agrimony (Mesue)
Elixir Vitae (Tincture of Life)
Troches of Wormwood (Mesue)
Electuary of Gentian (Unani)
Pills of Aloe (Unani)
Oil of Safflower

Stomach Pain
Decoction for Stomach Pain
Syrup of Hyssop (Mesue)
Holy Tincture 
Powder for Stomach Pain
Powder for Stomach Pain from BilePowder of Cinnamon Compound (Mesue)
Powder of Cumin Greater (Nicholas)
Troches of Rose Lesser (Mesue)
Troches of Wormwood Greater
Lohoch of Poppy
Lohoch of Squill
Lohoch Alphescera
Electuary for Head and Stomach Pain (Galen)
Electuary for Gastric Pain
Electuary of Gentian (Unani)
Electuary of Rhubarb (Unani)
Electuary of Costus (Mesue)
Triphera Greater (Nicholas)
The Count’s Night Pills (Unani)
Pills of Amber
Pills of Washed Aloes
Costus Garuda (Ru khyung) (Tibetan Medicine)

1. Washed Aloes (half oz.), Honey of Roses (3 oz.); boil in 2 pounds of water to half. Take 2 oz. each morning.
2. Mithridate (1 ½ drams) with Malmsey wine.

Stomach Pain from Hot and Sharp Humors
Vinegar of Squill
Infusion of Hiera
Pil. Aloephangine

Stomach Pain from Cold
Musa Aenea (Zazenea)
Magisterial Imperial Pills
Athanasia Magna (Nicholas)
Oil of Safflower
Calamus 4 (Tibetan Medicine)
Varahi’s Combination (Phag mo grub sbyor)

To Cleanse the Stomach
Honey Water
Syrup of Licorice (Mesue)
Vinegar of Squill
Elixir Vitae (Tincture of Life)
Holy Tincture 
Hiera Picra
Stomach Pills (Mesue)
Pills of Agaric (Mesue)
Pills of Aloe (Unani)
Pills of Amber
Imperial Pills
Magisterial Imperial Pills
Athanasia Magna (Nicholas)

To Purge the Stomach
Vomiting is usually the best way to purge the Stomach
Elixir Vitae (Tincture of Life)
Holy Tincture 
Hiera Picra
Hiera Hermetis
Pil. Aloephangine (Mesue)
Pil. Aggregative Majoris (Mesue)
Pil. Foetid (Mesue)
Pil. Sebell
Stomach Pills (Mesue)
Pills of Aloe (Unani)
Electuary Alcharif (Mesue)

To Strengthen after
Aromatic Rose Compound (Aromaticum Rosatum)
Powder of Cumin Greater (Diacyminum) (Nicholas)
Powder of Galangal Compound (Diagalanga) (Mesue)
Powder of Cinnamon Compound (Diacinnamonum)
Abbots Confection of Roses (Diarrhodon Abbatis)
Powder of Three Sandalwood (Ditrionsantalum)

Abscess of the Stomach
1. Squinanth with Cassia wood, Rhubarb, Calamus, Bdellium, Mastic (Wirtzung)

Distilled Water of Camomile
TCM Classification

Stomach Heat
Da Cheng Qi Tang
Qing Wei San
Yu Nu Jian

Stomach Cold
Gan Cao Gan Jiang Tang
Liang Fu Wan
Li Zhong Wan

Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan

Stomach Weakness
Si Jun Zi Tang

Qi Stagnation with Food Stagnation

Mu Xiang Shun Qi Wan

Liver Heat with Stomach disharmony
Liver Qi Stagnation with Liver & Stomach Heat

Zuo Jin Wan

Qi Deficiency with Combined Heat and Cold
Qi Deficiency with Heat and Damp
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang

Stomach Yin Deficiency
Sha Shen Mai Men Dong Tang
Yi Wei Tang

Special Formula

    Fennel seed                              3 parts
    Black Pepper                            2 parts
    Elecampane                             1 part
Powder and mix with three times their weight of clarified Honey.
Dose: as much as a hazelnut with Hot water, Wine or Oxymel.
1. Good for Cold Stomach Pain and Swelling
2. Hemorrhoids
3. Phlegm
4. Pain of the Kidneys
5. Gravel
6. Stops Excess Menstruation (from Cold)
7. Cold-type Cough
8. Epilepsy (Secrets of Alexis)