Diseases of the Lungs

Picture Der gantzen Artzenei, Dryander, 1542

Western Tradition

Chinese Tradition
Primary Lung Medicines

Mulberry root Sang Bai Pi
Ephedra Ma Huang
Ophiopogon Mai Men Dong
Schisandra Wu Wei Zi
Eriobotrya Pi Pa Ye
Apricot kernel Xing Ren
Coltsfoot flower
Primary Tibetan Medicines for Lung Diseases
Licorice Shing mngar
Raisin Rgun brum
Sea Buckthorn Star bu
Sandal Tsan dan dkar po
Costus Ru rta
Schisandra Da trig
Gentiana Spang rgyan
Rhododendron Dwa lis
Phlomis Lug mur
Rhodiola Sro lo
Tabasheer Cu gang
Lungs Glo ba

Differential Diagnosis and Treatment

Hot Phlegm
Persistent Cough with yellow phlegm, stifling feeling in chest, maybe with fever, red face, a feeling of heat, thirst, fast pulse, red tongue with yellow coating


Poppy seed
Trichosanthes Gua Lou Ren
Fritillaria Chuan Bei Mu
Peuceanum Qian Hu
Scutellaria Huang Qin
Decoction of Fruit
Syrup of Comfrey and Plantain (Boyles Syrup)

Syrup of Licorice (Mesue)
Syrup of Hyssop Compound (Mesue)
Syrup of Violet Compound
Syrup of Jujubes Compound (Mesue)

Syrup of Vinegar Compound
Powder for the Lungs (Wirtzung)
Lohoch of Poppy
Electuary of Pine Nuts (Mesue)
Halys Powder
Tragacanth Cooling Powder (Diatrgacanth Frigidum)

Electuary of Poppy (Diapapaver) (Mesue)
Sugar Penids without Spices (Diapenidium)

Xiao Chai Hu Tang
Ding Chuan Tang
Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan
Wen Dan Tang

Blood Medicine 7 (Khrag sman bdun pa) (Tibetan)
Eliminator of All Lung Imbalances (Tibetan)
Red Pony (Rta zi dmar po) (Tibetan)

Cold Phlegm
Cough with white or clear mucus, heaviness in the chest, wheezing, pale face, white tongue coat, feels cold, slow or slippery pulse.
If Cold Phlegm and Fluid is obstructing the Lungs there is the sound of phlegm in the Lungs, excess watery sputum, and maybe vomiting of watery sputum. In this case, Vomiting is indicated if the person is strong.

Mustard seed

Radish seed
Pinellia Ban Xia
Arisaema Tian Nan Xing
Mustard seed
Citrus Chen Pi
Platycodon Jie Geng
Radish seed
Electuary of Orris (Diaireos Salomonis) (Nicholas)
Electuary to Cleanse the Lungs
Pills for Difficulty Breathing and Asthma
Pills of Agaric
Powder of Tubrith
Settle the Lungs 8 (Glo man brgyad pa) (Tibetan)

Er Chen Tang
Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang
Liu Jun Zi Tang
San Zi Yang Qin Tang
She Gan Ma Huang Tang
Ling Gan Wu Wei Jiang Xin Tang

Lung Weakness–Lung Qi Deficiency
Weak cough, low voice, breathless after exertion, poor energy, pale face and weak pulse.

Chebulic Myrobalan
Fox Lungs

Sweet Almond
Atractylodes Bai Zhu
Schisandra Wu Wei Zi
Codonopsis Dang Shen
Astragaus Huang Qi
Dioscorea Shan Yao
Pectoral Decoction
Decoction of Fruits and Flowers
Decoction to Strengthen the Lungs

Decoction for Asthma and Difficulty Breathing
Syrup of Licorice (Mesue)
Anti-Asthmatic Syrup (D’Aquin)
Tincture of Honey

Sugar Penids
Tragacanth Warming Powder (Diatragacanth Calidum)
Sugar Penids with Spices (Diapenidum cum Spicatum)

Diathamaron Magna (Nicholas)
Troches to Strengthen the Lungs

Tabasheer 7 (Cu gang bde byed) (Tibetan)
Settle the Lungs 8 (Glo man brgyad pa) (Tibetan)

Bu Fei Tang
Jiu Xian San
Sheng Mai San
Liu Jun Zi Tang
Ren Shen Hu Tao Tang
Ren Shen Ge Jie San

Lung Wasting–Lung Yin Deficiency Chronic Dry cough, dry mouth and throat, wheezing, worse at night, night sweats, tiredness, weak pulse or fast and weak pulse, dry tongue with cracks.
Lung dryness is less severe; there is dry cough, dry mouth and throat
, and thirst, but without the deficiency, night sweats and tongue cracks of Lung Yin Deficiency. In practice, they are often treated with the same formulas, for example, Bai He Gu Jin Tang or Mai Men Dong Tang.

Marshmallow rot
Comfrey root

Pine nut
Asparagus root
American Ginseng
Ophiopgon Mai Men Dong

Glehnia Sha Shen
Lilium Bai He
Asparagus Tian Men Dong
Soloman’s Seal (Yu Zhu)
Syrup of Marshmallow
Sugar Penid (Diapenidum)
Tragacanth Cooling Powder (Diatragacanth Frigidum)
Cooling Pearl Powder (Diamargaiton Frigidum)
Powder for the Lungs (Wirtzung)
Electuary of Pine kernels
Restorative Electuary (Antidotus Analeptica) (Nicholas)
Sheng Mai San
Bai He Gu Jin Tang
Bu Fei E Jiao Tang
Du Qi Wan
Mai Men Dong Tang
Ma Wei Di Huang Wan
Yang Yin Qing Fei Tang
Ba Xian Chang Shou Wan

The Pectoral Formulas

The Pectoral formulas are medicines appropriated to the Lungs. By definition, they are beneficial for the Lungs and may be viewed as tonics. They nourish Lung Yin and strengthen Lung Qi, clear Phlegm and sooth the Throat. They are a first-line treatment for Cough, Bronchitis and as a supportive in more chronic Lung diseases.

1. Species Pectoral (Lung Powder)
i. Marshmallow root (8), Licorice (3), Orris root (1), Coltsfoot leaf (4), Mullein (2), Aniseed (2) (German)
ii. Marshmallow leaf (40), Licorice (30), Marshmallow root (10), Barley (1), Flowers of Mullein, Mallow, Red Poppy (1 each) (Austria)
iii. Marshmallow root (40), Licorice (25), Mullein flower (10), Mallow leaf (10), Linden tree flower (10), Fennel seed (5). (Helv.)

2. Pectoral Decoction (Lung Decoction)
There are many variations, the following being a good representation which may be modified as needed:
  Hyssop                       2 handfuls each
  Raisins                        2 oz. each
  Barley                         1 ½ oz,
  Dates                          12 of each
  Blanched Almonds  40
Prepare a syrup with sugar. This is useful for Cough, Wheezing, and as an adjunct in chronic Lung diseases.
Dose: 2 oz. morning and night. (Natura exenterata, Philiatros, 1655)
  In many instances Pectoral Decoction has the fruit, Barley, Licorice with only one of either Hyssop, Maidenhair or Coltsfoot, also omitting the Almonds. The above is a more elborate version.

Primary Tibetan Herbs for Lung Diseases
Asparagus root
Aster tartarticus flower
White Sandalwood
Gentiana algida

Western Tradition

Diseases of the Lungs in General
Decoction of Fruit
Pectoral Decoction
Decoction to Strengthen the Lungs

Lungs, to Strengthen
Pectoral Decoction
Decoction of Fruits and Flowers
Decoction to Strengthen the Lungs
Syrup of Licorice (Mesue)
Syrup of Elecampane
Syrup of Marshmallow (Fernelius)
Anti-Asthmatic Syrup (D’Aquin)
Oxymel of Squill
Tincture of Honey
Electuary of Pine kernels
Electuary of Orris (Diaireos Salomonis) (Nicholas)

Tragacanth Cooling Powder (Diatragacanth Frigidum)
Tragacanth Warming Powder (Diatragacanth Calidum)

Sugar Penids
Cooling Sugar Penid (Diapenidum Frigidum)
Sugar Penids with Spices (Diapenidum cum Spicatum)

Diathamaron Magna (Nicholas)
Tabasheer 7 (Cu gang bde byed) (Tibetan)

Lung Hot-Phlegm
Barley Water
Decoction of Fruit
Syrup of Plantain
Syrup of Violet

Syrup of Comfrey and Plantain (Boyles Syrup)

Syrup of Licorice (Mesue)
Syrup of Hyssop Compound (Mesue)
Syrup of Violet Compound
Syrup of Jujubes Compound (Mesue)

Syrup of Vinegar Compound
Lohoch of Poppy
Electuary of Pine Nuts (Mesue)
Halys Powder
Tragacanth Cooling Powder (Diatrgacanth Frigidum)

New Rose Powder (Rosata Nouvelle)
Abbots Confect of Rose (Diarrhodon Abbatis) (Nicholas)
Cooling Pearl Powder (Diamargaiton Frigidum)
Powder for the Lungs (Wirtzung)
Electuary of Poppy (Diapapaver) (Mesue)
Restorative Electuary (Antidotus Analeptica) (Nicholas)

Sugar Penids without Spices (Diapenidium)

Blood Medicine 7 (Khrag sman bdun pa) (Tibetan)
Clove 6 (Li shi drug pa) (Tibetan)
Eliminator of All Lung Imbalances (Tibetan)
Sandalwood 8 (Tsan dan brgyad pa) (Tibetan)
Principle 8 (Gtso bo brgyad pa) (Tibetan)
Tabasheer 7 (Cu gang bde byed) (Tibetan)
Tabasheer 25 (Cu gang nyer lnga) (Tibetan)

Lungs, Purge Bile from
Pectoral Decoction
Syrup of Violet
Syrup of Coltsfoot

Tragacanth Cooling Powder (Diatragacanth Frigidum)
Diaprunis Solutive
Sugar Penids without Spices (Diapenidion)

Eliminator of All Lung Imbalances (Tibetan)

Lung Cold-Phlegm
Pectoral Decoction
Syrup of Thyme
Syrup of Horehound
Syrup of Elecampane
Syrup of Coltsfoot
Syrup of Thyme
Syrup of Vinegar

Syrup of Vinegar Compound

Oxymel of Squill
Lohoch of Squill
Lohoch of Coltsfoot
Elecampane Wine
Vinegar of Squill
Oxymel of Squill
Powder of Aniseed (Dianisum) (Mesue)
Powder of Orris
Powder of Cinnamon (Diacinnamonum) (Mesue)
Powder of Three Peppers (Diatrion Piperion) (Mesue)

Sugar Penids with Spices (Diapenidion Compositum)
Warming Tragacanth Powder (Diatragacanth Calidum)

Electuary of Hyssop (Diahyssopum) (Nicholas)
Electuary of Horehound (Diaprassium) (Nicholas)
Electuary of Orris (Diaireos Salomonis) (Nicholas)

Diathamaron Magna (Nicholas)
Sound and Experienced Electuary (Sanum et Expertum)
Powder of Turbith
Tablets of Elecampane
Pills of Cochia
Golden Pills (Nicholas)

Pills for Difficulty Breathing and Asthma

Lungs, Eject Viscid & Crass Matter from
Lohoch of Squill
Oxymel of Squill
Elecampane confected
Troches of Agaric
Pills of Agaric (Mesue)
Pills of Hiera with Agaric

Lungs, to Cleanse
Barley Water

Syrup of Licorice (Mesue)
Syrup of Poppy
Syrup of Maidenhair
Syrup of Violet Solutive
Syrup of Horehound

Sugar of Betony flowers
Vinegar of Squill
Lohoch of Squill
Lohoch of Coltsfoot
Sound and Experienced Electuary (Sanum et Expert.)
Electuary of Hyssop (Diahyssopum) (Nicholas)
Athanasia Greater (Nicholas)
Troches of Violet
Pills of Agaric (Mesue)
Pills to Cleanse the Chest

Pill of Three Things with Rhubarb
Electuary of Senna (Diasenna) (Nicholas)
Oil of Safflower
Oil of the Philosophers

Pectoris asperitati conferunt–
Roughness of the Chest

Julep of Violet
Julep of Jujube

Syrup of Sweet Pomegranate
Syrup of Prune
Syrup of Poppy
Oil of Violet
Oil of Poppy seed

Pectoris doloribus conferunt–
Pain of the Lungs

1. Gum Arabic, Tragacanth (2 drams each), Frankincense (1½ drams) form pills with Honey.

Syrup of Hyssop
Lohoch of Pepper
Lohoch of Squill
Oil of Orris
Oil of Bay
Oil of Lily

Clove 6 (Li shi drug pa) (Tibetan Medicine)

Lungs, Melancholy of
Syrup of Borage
Syrup of Coltsfoot
Syrup of Comfrey

Syrup of Coltsfoot Compound
Cooling Tragacanth Powder (Diatragacanthn Frigidum)
Confection of Hyacinth
Diasenna Solutive
Confectio Hamech

Lungs, Blood Stasis of

Antidote Appropriate for Cough (Nicholas)
Beautiful Anodyne Antidote
Pills of Storax (Mesue)

Lung disease from Heat and Dryness
(Yin deficiency/Deficient Heat)

Syrup Against Consumption
Syrup of Marshmallow Compound
Syrup of Comfrey and Plantain (Boyles Syrup)
Syrup of Snails
Honey of Raisins
Lohoch of Poppy
Cooling Pearl Powder (Diamargariton Frigidum)
Tragacanth Cooling Powder (Diatragacanth Frigidum)

Powder for the Lungs (Wirtzung)
Other TCM Classifications

Dry Phlegm in the Lungs
Dry Cough, hard-to-clear mucus, chest oppression, dry throat, wheezing, sticky and dry tongue coating with a slippery pulse.
Bei Mu Gua Lou San

Cold Phlegm of the Lungs
Cough with excess clear or white sputum, heaviness in the chest, greasy white tongue coating with a slow or slippery pulse.
Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang
Ling Gan Wu Wei Jiang Xin Tang
San Zi Yang Qin Tang
She Gan Ma Huang Tang

Hot Phlegm of the Lungs 
Barking or irritable Cough, wheezing, chest oppression, thick yellow and sticky phlegm, red tongue with a yellow coat, rapid slippery pulse
Bei Mu Gua Lou San
Wen Dan Tang
Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan

Lung Heat
Cough with sore throat, yellow phlegm, red tongue with a yellow coat, rapid pulse
Xie Bai San
Er Mu San

Lung & Heart Qi Deficiency
Mild cough with breathlessness, weak voice, pale complexion, fatigue, palpitations, short of breath on exertion, spontaneous sweating, pale tongue and a deficient pulse (especially front position on both wrists)

Bu Fei Tang
Sheng Mai San
Bao Yuan Tang
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang

Lung Qi and Yin Deficiency
Mild Cough with shortness of Breath, weak voice, spontaneous sweating, dry mouth and throat, fatigue, pale face, catches colds easily, dry skin, Pale tongue with a weak pulse.
Sheng Mai San
Jiu Xian San
Ma Wei Di Huang Wan
Mai Men Dong Tang
Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang

Lung & Spleen Qi Deficiency
Chronic cough, low voice, breathless after exertion, poor energy, poor appetite, frequent cold and flu, pale face, pale tongue with white coat, weak pulse

Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Ren Shen Ge Jie San

Lung & Kidney Yang Deficiency
Chronic Lung diseases, Chronic Wheezing or Breathlessness with difficult Inhalation, Lower back pain, deep and weak pulse or a floating weak pulse, pale swollen tongue with thin white coat.

You Gui Yin
You Gui Wan
Ren Shen Hu Tao Tang
Sheng Mai San + Gan Cao Gan Jiang Tang + Huang Qi

Lung Abscess

Cough with expectoration of foul sputum, sputum with pus, chest pain, fast pulse, red tongue with yellow coat.


1. Core an Apple, put Frankincense in and seal with the apple piece removed; bake, and eat.
2. Coltsfoot with Barley, Hyssop
3. Coltsfoot with Violet, Dandelion
4. Coltsfoot with Hyssop, Figwort root.
5. Dandelion, Violet, Plantain, Hyssop, Raisin and Licorice

Pectoral Decoction (London)
Decoction of Hyssop
Troches Bechi Nigra
Death Healing Nectar (Tibetan Medicine)
Benincasa Dong Gua Zi
Albizia cortex He Huan Pi
Fritillaria Chuan Bei Mu
Trichosanthes Gua Lou Ren
Platycodon Jie Geng
Houttuyina Yu Xing Cao

1. Bletilla Bai Ji with Fritillaria Chuan Bei Mu
2. Trichosanthes Gua Lou Ren, Houttuynia Yu Xing Cao and Platycodon Jie Geng
3. Coix Yi Yi Ren with Violet (Zi Hua Di Ding) and Apricot kernel (Xing Ren)
4. Lonicera Jin Yin Hua with Platycodon Jie Geng, Houttuynia Yu Xing Cao,

Yin Qiao Jie Du Pian
Ru Jin Jiao Du San
Jie Geng Xing Ren Tang
Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang

Lung Ulcers
Lung Ulcers can include Lung Cancer.

Ground Ivy
River Crayfish

1. Rhubarb with Raisins
2. Burdock root with Pine nuts (Dioscorides)
3. Elecampane, Licorice, Comfrey
4. Sarsaparilla with Currants
5. Mastic powder mixed with Honey.
6. Galbanum taken with Honey.
7. Comfrey root (1 oz.), Tragacanth Cooling Powder (2 scruples), Conserve of Rose, Mastic, Nutmeg, Storax, Frankincense (1 scruple each).
8. Coltsfoot with Melon seed, Rosemary, Borage, Violet

Syrup of Licorice (Mesue)
Syrup of Snails
Syrup of Horehound (Fernelius)
Powder for the Lungs (Wirtzung)
Troches of Amber (Mesue)
Troches of Poppy seed (Unani)

Special formulas

    Barley                       half pound
    Licorice                    half oz.
    Fennel seed
    Parsley seed
    Rose                         2 drams each.
    Sage                         a pennyweight each
    Hart’s Tongue         6 leaves
    Figs or Raisins        2 drams
Boil in a gallon of water. Decoct until the water has reduced 2 fingerbreadths.
  This clears Heat from the Lungs and Liver, promotes expectoration, reduces Thirst, purges the Lungs, Spleen, Kidneys and Bladder, (Brunschwig, 1561)