Diseases of the Liver in General
A. Lobes of the Liver. B. Gall Bladder. C. Liver Artery. D, G. Portal VeinDer gantzen Artzenei, Dryander, 1542
The Liver can be argued to be the most important organ in the body, both in Traditional Medicine, and in modern medicine. This is because of the wide range of activity the Liver has in the body. Cleansing the blood, manufacturing and storing various nutrients and blood factors, and the synthesis of hormones are among its primary activities in modern medicine.
The Liver in Traditional Medicine makes the Blood which includes the manufacture of the Humors, which go to make up the blood. This is manufactured in what was called ‘Second Digestion’ where the raw nutrient digested by the stomach (‘First Digestion’) and absorbed by the Intestines is taken to the Liver via the Portal Vein for processing into Blood and Humors. In Traditional Medicine the blood cleansing role of the Liver has been long known, and its importance in the treatment of women’s diseases suggests an understood role of the connection of the Liver with the female reproductive system and cycle.
The Liver is also the source of ‘Internal Wind’ in TCM, Internal Wind being responsible for Wind (Nervous) disorders as opposed to External Wind which comes from Wind exposure and is acute in nature. The connection between Liver and Wind is noted in the Western Tradition with the connection of the Liver to ‘Air Element’.
Due to its importance, the Liver is subject to a variety of conditions.
- Liver Heat/Excess Bile: noted in all Traditions: red eyes and face, headache, anger or irritable, red tongue with yellow coat and a strong or fast pulse.
- Liver Damp-Heat: this is similar to the above, only there is fluid involved. Cholecystitis, UTI’s and Diarrhea associated with the Liver are examples.
- Liver Cold/Blood Deficiency: what was termed Liver Cold in the West equates closely to Blood Deficiency in TCM. Face and Lips are pale, pulse is weak, feels the Cold, Dizziness and Headache
- Liver Obstruction/ Liver Qi Stagnation: The Liver controls the ‘Free flow of Qi’ which helps regulate the nervous system. Liver Obstruction of the West and Liver Qi Stagnation of TCM are effectively the same, excepting that TCM sees Qi stagnation as being far reaching and associated with conditions including Depression and PMS, as examples. The Liver and Gall Bladder may be obstructed due to Heat, Phlegm, Cold, Blood Stagnation etc. Obstruction causes a dull or heavy ache over the Liver, Gall Bladder inflammation or obstruction, masses in the Liver etc. When the symptoms are more energetic, Qi is obstructed. But as the condition develops, chronic obstructions causes Blood Stagnation which can develop into a tumor or mass.
- Liver Wind: what is termed Liver Wind in TCM is regarded as a Wind disorder in the other Traditions. Liver or ‘Internal’ Wind is used in TCM to differentiate from ‘External’ (Acute) Wind diseases. This may include Headache, Migraine, Dizziness, Vertigo, Tinnitus, Epilepsy, etc. It requires medicines to Settle Wind while treating the underlying condition which may include Liver Heat, Yin Deficiency, excess Phlegm or Damp etc.
- Liver Deficiency: being a hot organ, the Liver Yin can easily be damaged. Nourishing Liver Yin usually occurs in addition to Nourishing Liver Blood, especially in women. Liver Yin Deficiency is similar to Dryness of the Liver mentioned in western texts. Skin is dry and dull, eyes are blurry and the hair may be greying prematurely.
Herbs with proven Hepatoprotective effects include:
Milk Thistle seed Chicory Sage Gentian Licorice Wormwood Fumitory Turmeric Black Nightshade |
Agrimony Dandelion Rosemary Swertia Peony Celandine Dodder Madder Caper root-bark |
Astragalus Huang Qi Peony Bai Shao Salvia Dan Shen Lycium Gou Qi Zi Chebulic Myrobalan |
Withania Dang Gui Schisandra Wu Wei Zi Cuscuta Tu Si Zi Phyllanthus amarus |
Western Tradition Simples
Hepar mundificant–Cleanse the Liver Stomach Pills Pilulae Aggregative (Mesue) General for Liver Disease Decoction of Fruits and Flowers Decoction of Fumitory (Mesue) Decoction for Hepatitis Opening Hepatic Decoction Decoction for the Liver (Hoffman) Syrup of Thyme Syrup of Wormwood Syrup of Calamint Syrup of Wormwood (Mesue) Powder of Three Sandalwoods (Diatriasantalum) Troches of Anise (Dianisum) (Mesue) Troches for the Liver and Jaundice (Nicholas) Tryphera Saracenica Troches for the Liver and Jaundice (Nicolas) Lesser Pills of Agrimony (Mesue) Safflower 7 (Gur gum 7) Hepatis percussioni conferunt– Liver injury (‘striking’)-Liver Blood Stagnation Pills of Agrimony Greater (Mesue) Powder for the Liver (Unani) Troches of Rhubarb Troches of Gum Lacca Electuary of Saffron (Diacrocum) (Mesue) Safflower 13 (Gur gum bcu gsum) Chronic Liver Disease Troches of Agrimony Troches of Rhubarb (Mesue) Troches of Lacca (Mesue) Troches of Rose and Agrimony (Mesue) Powder of Three Sandalwoods (Diatriasantalum) Diamorusia Electuary of Saffron Lesser (Diacrocon Minus) (Mesue) Electuary of Saffron Greater (Diacrocus) (Mesue) Greater Pills of Agrimony (Mesue) Safflower 13 (Gur gum bcu gsum) (Tibetan) Safflower Supreme 7 (Gur gum mchog bdun) (Tibetan) Liver Abscess / Cyst 1. Diarrhodon Abbatis with Rhubarb Troches of Agrimony Troches of Rhubarb (Mesue) Cerate of Hyssop Great Decoction 25 (Thang chen nyer lnga) Liver Tumors Troches of Rhubarb (Mesue) Troches of Lacca (Mesue) Great Decoction 25 (Thang chen nyer lnga) Liver Ulcers Troches for Liver Ulcers (Andromachus) |
TCM Classification Liver Heat Irritable, anger, red eyes, headache, bitter taste, yellow urine, red tongue with yellow coating, rapid pulse
Fullness in abdomen or hypochondrium, poor appetite, bitter taste, heaviness, yellow vaginal discharge, skin rashes or itchiness, difficult or burning urine, red tongue with a sticky yellow coat, rapid or rapid and slippery pulse
Pain or distention in hypochondrium, irritable, dizzy, chills and fever, headache, low appetite, irregular menstruation, breast tenderness, PMS, emotional or stressed, blurred vision, dry mouth, pale tongue with a weak or wiry pulse.
Nausea, vomiting, coughing of phlegm, feeling of something stuck in the throat, fullness in hypochondria, stifling sensation in the chest; emotional or paranoid
Hypochondriac or abdominal pain, abdominal masses, purplish nails, lips and tongue, dull or dark complexion, dry skin, irregular or painful periods with dark or clotted blood, purplish on sides or whole tongue, wiry pulse
Fever, irritability, restless, dizzy, vertigo, muscle twitches or spasms; severe cases may have loss of consciousness, deep red tongue, rapid pulse
Dizziness, numbness, insomnia, blurred vision, floaters, dry eyes, poor night vision, dull, lusterless complexion, dry hair and skin, brittle nails
Dizziness, blurred vision or floaters, tired, feels the cold, pale face and nails, low and weak pulse, muscular weakness, dry skin and hair, dull or pale complexion, cramps, fine or weak pulse, pale tongue
Special Formula
A GOOD DRINK FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE LIVER Take 4 Chicory root (2 if large) and boil in a quart of water until one third is wasted. Drink a cupful on an empty stomach. Despite being regarded as cooling, Chicory has been regarded as beneficial for all diseases of the Liver by some authors. (Brunschwig, 1561) ‘FAULTY OR UNCLEAN LIVER’ Sandalwood Water Endive Water Chervil Water 1 ½ oz. each Mix, divide into 3 portions and take one each morning. ‘It is experimented and proved’. (Brunschwig, 1561) ELECTUARY OF RHUBARB FOR THE LIVER Rhubarb Wormwood 10 drams each Parsnip seed Aloe 5 drams each Gum Arabic Rue seed Parsley seed Saffron Spikenard 2 drams each Indian leaf Myrrh Musk 1 dram each Castoreum 4 denke Honey sufficient Form an Electuary. Used for ‘every ailment of the Liver and Stomach, and for Obstructions’. Dose: 1 dram in infusion of Fenugreek (Syrian “Book of Medicine“, trans. by Wallis Budge, 1913) HEPATIC DECOCTION OF HOFFMAN Chicory root Dandelion root Asparagus root 6 drams ea. 4 Great Cold seeds 2 drams ea. Scabious leaf Chicory leaf Endive leaf ½ handful ea. Licorice 2 drams Raisin 1 oz HEPATIC TROCHES OF ASCLEPIADIS (GALEN) Annis Celery seed Asarum Bitter Almond Wormwood ½ oz. Rain Water qs Form Troches; helps Liver, cleanse by Urine, taken with Wine, or water if there is Fever. Some versions omitted Asarum. MIRACULOUS HEPATIC POTION Gentian Amomum Wormwood Costus Agrimony Bitter Almond 2 drams Pepper Annis 1 dram (Medicamentorum Opus Nicolai Myrepsus 1625) |
See also:
Liver Heat
Liver Cold
Liver Weakness
Liver Pain
Liver Obstruction
Hepatitis & Liver Inflammation
Liver Hardness, Cirrhosis