Diseases of the Ears

Western Tradition Ear Diseases in General Bitter Almond oil (topically) Aurium dolori – Ear Pain 1. Boil Onion in Olive oil and drop in. 2. Steep crushed Garlic in Olive oil and drop in warm. 3. Crush Garlic and boil in Mustard oil; drop into the ear war. (Ayurveda) 4. Heat Olive oil and Bile and drop in while warm. 5. Drop Pig Bile into the ear. 6. Boil Raisins in Vinegar and old wine and drop in. 7. Heat Bitter Almond oil and Chicken fat and drop in. 8. Costus and Chebula (1 part each) are boiled water (10 parts) to form an extract, then Sesame oil (2 parts) is added and boiled until all water has evaporated. Use as Ear drops. (Tibetan Medicine) 9. Gall, Pepper and Alum (equal parts) are powdered and blown into the ear. (Ayurveda) 10. Salt is dissolved in Urine and dropped in the ear (Ayurveda) 11. Earthworms boiled in goose fat, strain and drop in the warm oil. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615) 12. Ashes of Cowrie shells are soaked in Lemon juice and dropped in (Ayurveda) Decoction of Wormwood (internally and as a vapor) Decoction of Hyssop (internally and as a vapor) Pills without which I would not be (Pil. Sine Quibus) Bitter Almond oil (topically) Peach kernel oil (topically) Oil of Sesame (topically) Oil of Wormwood (topically) Oil of Garlic (topically) Oil of Colocynth (topically) Przewalskia 11 (Thang phrom bcu gchig) Hearing, to Strengthen and Benefit Decoction of Wormwood (internally and as a vapor) Arabian Pills (Nicholas) Golden Pills (Pilulae Aurea) (Nicholas) Bitter Almond oil (topically) Poor Hearing, Deafness Tincture of Amber Diaturbith with Rhubarb Pil. Assajeret Pil. Cochia Expressed Bitter Almond oil (topically) Compound Oil of Marjoram (topically) Oil Against Deafness (topically) Oil for the Ears (topically) Oil of Vipers (topically) 1. Juice of Ground Ivy dropped warm into the ears for deafness or loss of hearing. 2. Cabbage juice mixed with warm water and dropped in. (Secrets of Alexis) 3. Roast an Eel, collect the fat, apply on a wram Garlic clove and insert in the Ear. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615) 4. Bull (or Goat) Bile and Urine, mix and drop in. 5. Mix extract of Rue with Bile and put into the ears. 6. Larel leaves and berries and boield in water and put into the ears. (Syrian “Book of Medicine“, trans. by Wallis Budge, 1913) 7. Pig fat, Turtle Dove fat, Bitter Almond oil, Mumiya (Shilajit), make warm and drop in the ears. (Syrian “Book of Medicine“, trans. by Wallis Budge, 1913) 8. Goat fat, Boy’s Urine, bile, mix and apply. 9. Goat Bile, Goat Urine, mix and drop in. Aurium Tinnitui valent Tinnitus 1. Warm Vinegar put into the ears is beneficial (Syrian “Book of Medicine“, trans. by Wallis Budge, 1913) 2. Three drops of the patients warm urine put into the ears each morning. This has been recommended as effective by numerous sources. 3. Wormwood juice with Oil of Roses put into the ears. 4. Black Hellebore mixed with Oil of Roses or Vinegar and put into the ears. 5. Drop Oil of Myrrh into the ear. 5. Take 3 Pills of Cochia, then drop warm Oil of Hemp seed mixed with a little vinegar into the ears. 6. During the Summer, drop Hemp seed oil and women’s milk warm into the ear. 7. Drop Black Nightshade juice into the ear. 8. Oil of Orris mixed with Vinegar and drop warm into the ears. 9. Goose fat, Saffron. Garlic juice, mix and apply warm. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615) 10. Put warm water in a pot with a small hole in it and hang over the back of the patients head. Allow the water to drop slowly upon the head which will take away the sounds and noises of the head. (Brunschwig) Vinegar decoction of Black Hellebore (topically) Decoction of Hyssop Decoction of Wormwood (internally and as a vapor) Arabian Pills (Nicholas) Pil Sine Quibus (Nicholas) Oil of Wormwood (topically) Oil of Colocynth (topically) Bitter Almond oil (topically) Sesame oil (topically) Asafetida 8 (Shing kun brgyad pa) Blood Medicine 11 (Khrag sman bcu gcig) (Tibetan) Nux Vomica 13 (Ko byi bcu gsum) (Tibetan) Dicharge of Pus from the Ears 1. Aloe is dissolved in Vinegar and put into the Ears. 2. Celandine is boiled in Vinegar and put in while warm. 3. Myrrh, Frankincense, Aloes, dissolved in vinegar and applied warm. 4. Alum dissolved in Honey water and poured in. 5. Burnt Alum, Myrrh (equal parts), rub with honey and pour in the ear. (Syrian “Book of Medicine“, trans. by Wallis Budge, 1913) 6. Mix urine and wine together and put warm into the ears 7. Boil Honey, add a little Vinegar and boil until thick, then remove from the heat and add Cinnabar. This is applied on cloth and applied topically. (Syrian “Book of Medicine“, trans. by Wallis Budge, 1913) While treating topically, a gargle can be prepared of Vinegar and oil of Roses. Vajra Conqueror (Tibetan Medicine) |
TCM Classification Deafness and Tinnitus Wind and Heat acute tinnitus or hearing loss, headache, fever, muscle and join aches, cough, thirst, aversion to cold Fang Feng Tong Sheng Tang Yin Qiao San Liver Qi Stagnation tinnitus, fullness in the chest, headache, loss of appetite, irritability, depression or anxiety, worse when stressed, irregular menstruation. Xiao Yao San Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San Liver Heat/Fire sudden tinnitus or hearing loss, liver headaches, migraines, dizziness, red complexion, irritable, restless, insomnia, dry mouth, bitter taste, hypochondriac pain, constipation, yellow urine. Xiao Chai Hu Tang Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San Long Dan Xie Gan Tang Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin Liver Wind Tinnitus that sounds like the whistling of Wind, aggravated by Wind, nervous disposition, tongue quivers when poked out, wiry pulse. Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang San Jia Fu Mai Tang Nux Vomica 13 (Ko byi bcu gsum) (Tibetan Medicine) Blood Stasis chronic tinnitus or hearing loss, doesn’t come and go; dark complexion, dark rings under eyes, maybe cyanosis of the lips or tongue, ears may have dark patches on them, chronic headaches, choppy pulse. Tong Qiao Huo Xue Tang Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang Spleen Qi Deficiency tinnitus worse when tired or stressed, fatigue, poor appetite, abdominal distension after eating, loose stools, pale complexion Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Liu Jun Zi tang Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang Qi and Blood Deficiency chronic tinnitus, pale complexion, fatigue, gets tired easily, dry skin, dizziness, spot before eyes, poor appetite, shortness of breath, palpitations, insomnia. Bu Gan Tang Gui Pi Tang Shi Quan Da Bu Tang San Jia Fu Mai Tang Kidney Yin and Essence Deficiency tinnitus and or hearing loss most typically in the elderly, dizziness, lower back pain, poor memory, loss of libido. Bu Gan Tang Bu Gu Zhi Wan Er Long Zuo Ci Wan Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang Pain and Discharge from the Ear Heat and Toxin Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin Liver Heat / Damp-Heat Long Dan Xie Gan Tang (TCM) |