Diospyros ebenum, Ebony
Lignum EbenumTinduka (Ayurveda)
Abnus (Unani)
Diospyros ebenum
E. Spach, Histoire naturelle des végétaux, Atlas (coloured version), (1834-1847)
Botanical name:
Diospyros ebenum, D. melanoxylon, D. peregrina, D. malabarica
Parts used:
“The best Ebony is black, straight, without lines, gives the feeling of a conical horn when hand is passed over it. It is thickened irritating in taste and gives a pleasant smell when put on burning coal”. (Avicenna)
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry.
“It is Hot and Dry in Second degree”. (Avicenna)
1. Clears Wind-Damp:
-Kidney Stones (Avicenna)
-the Salt of the Wood purges in Arthritis, Paralysis
-old rheums
-used as Guaiacum as a sudorific
2. Externally:
-eye growths; Corneal Opacity; membranes growing over the Eye (Avicenna); much used in eye preparations
-Ophthalmia (grind the wood on whestone and apply)
-Blepharitis; Trachoma; Eye Ulcers (burnt and washed Ebony is applied) (Avicenna)
-Burn Blisters (Dioscorides)
-Oil of the Wood is used for Gout and Paralysis, Syphilis and Pustules (externally)
The Bark has been used for Diarrhea, Indigestion and diseases associated with Debility.
1–2 grams of the Powder
Ebony was regarded as similar to Guiaicum wood by some.
1. Rubbed Ebony:
It is triturated with water as stones are. This method of preparation was used by Avicenna. It makes it more attenuent and detergent
2. Burnt Ebony:
Burnt to ashes, then wash the ashes like burnt Lead. Used in Eye medicines. (Dioscorides)
Main Combinations:
1. Eye salve, mix Ebony powder in Chian Wine and use as a salve (Dioscorides)
2. Films of the eye, rub the wood on a whetstone with Raisin Wine and apply (Pliny)
Major Formulas:
None noted
Main Preparations used:
Ashes; Salt of the Wood; Oil of the Wood