Diet Guidelines for Humoral Treatment

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The Humors are formed from the Food taken in. Each food has a nature that increases a humor and decreases another humor. It then stands to reason that Diet must be regulated in the treatment of Humoral imbalance.

For Phlegm constitutions, food should be cooked; raw, sweet, cold and heavy foods should be avoided. Ample use of Ginger, Garlic, Onions and spices in all cooking is preferred. Roasted, baked or stir-fried foods are best, avoiding excess boiled and soupy foods.
The most important thing is to limit or avoid Dairy, Wheat, Sugar, excess sweet foods, and cold and raw foods.

Foods that Increase Phlegm
Primary: Dairy, Sugar, Wheat, Cold and Raw Food
Fruit: most sweet, juicy fruits: Banana, Coconut, Dates, Mango, Melon, Orange, Pineapple, Watermelon
Vegetables: sweet, juicy vegetables: Cucumber, Potato, Pumpkin, Tomato, Zucchini
Grains: Wheat, Yeasted Bread, Rice (Brown, White, Sushi, Risotto), Pasta, cooked Oats
Beans: Kidney beans, Soy and Soy products, Miso
Dairy: Milk, Cream, Yoghurt, Butter
Meat: Beef, Duck, Black Chicken, sea Fish, Lamb, Pork, Salmon, Tuna, Turkey
Nuts: all
Seeds: Sesame seed, Tahini
Oils: Avocado, Apricot, Coconut, Olive, Sesame, Soy, Walnut
Drinks: Dairy drinks, Iced tea, carbonated drinks, cordials; fruit juices incl. Orange and Tomato, Soy milk, Rice milk; Sweet Wine, Beer
Spices: Salt (in excess)

Foods the Decrease Phlegm
Primary: Warm, cooked, spicy food
Fruit: Dry and astringent fruits: Apple, Berries, Cherries, dry Fig, Grapes, Lemon, Pomegranate, Prunes, Raisins
Vegetables: Asparagus, Beet root, Bitter Melon, Cabbages family (Brussels, Cauliflower, Broccoli), Celery, Carrot, Eggplant, Radish, Fennel, Garlic, Green Beans, Kale, Leek, Mushrooms, Capsicum, Peppers, Capsicum, Turnip, Watercress, Spinach
Grains: puffed grains; Amaranth, Barley, Corn, Millet, dry Oats, Rice (Basmati), Quinoa, Tapioca, Buckwheat, Rye
Beans: Adzuki, Black, Chickpea, Lentils, Lima, Mung, Peas, Tempeh
Dairy: only occasionally: Goat milk (boiled), firm Goat cheese, Buttermilk
Meat: White Chicken, Eggs, freshwater Fish, Rabbit, White Turkey, Venison
Nuts: Bitter Almonds; small amounts of Walnut and Almond away from other food
Seeds: (in moderation) Popcorn, Pumpkin, Sunflower
Oils (in moderation): Corn, Canola, Sunflower, Almond, Ghee
Drinks: Ginger tea; Herbs teas: Nettle, Balm, Fennel, Camomile; Barley water with Cinnamon, Chai (occasionally), Pomegranate juice, Prune juice
Spices: all; especially Garlic, Cinnamon, Ginger, Fenugreek, Cumin, Orange peel etc.

Some good things for Phlegm people include Ginger tea, Rosemary wine, Honey water, curries with rice etc.

The Bile constitution is strong, robust, muscular; tends to have more bodily hair, red face, red in the whites of the eyes, a red tongue and a yellow or dry coating. They tend to be loud, opinionated, get angry easily. Pulse is big or fast and strong.
The Heat of Bile requires a more cooling, reducing diet. Avoiding overeating is essential. Heating foods, such as spices, meat, alcohol, as well as smoking all need to be moderated. Some vegetable-only meals are good, and these body types benefit from some salads.
The most important thing is to limit heating foods such as Meat, very Spicy food, overeating, and alcohol, and avoid overindulgence.

Foods that Increase Bile
Primary: Heating foods; Meat; high protein food; fried food; alcohol
Fruit: most sour fruit: Sour Apple, Sour berries, Grapefruit
Vegetables: Radish, Horseradish, Green chilies, Tomato, Turnip, Corn, Leek, Onions, Hot Peppers, Watercress
Grains: Yeasted Bread, Buckwheat, Corn, Millet, dry Oats, Brown Rice, Rye
Beans: Miso, Soy
Dairy: salted Butter, hard Cheese, Sour Cream, Yoghurt
Meat: Beef, Duck, Black Chicken, Lamb, Pork, Rabbit, Venison, Salmon, Tuna, Sardines, Egg yolk, fried Egg
Nuts: all; ok in small amounts
Seeds: Sesame, Chia
Oils: Almond, Corn, Safflower, Sesame
Drinks: all alcohol, esp. spirits and sweet red wine; Coffee
Spices: all heating spices: Garlic, dry Ginger, Chili, as well Anise, Bay leaf etc.

Foods that Reduce Bile
Primary: Cooling food
Fruit: most sweet fruit: Apple, Berries, Date, Fig, Melon, Orange, Pomegranate, Lemon
Vegetables: Artichoke, Asparagus, Bitter Melon, Cabbage family, Celery, Cucumber, Dandelion green, Endive, Chicory, Leafy greens, Lettuce, Mushroom, Parsley, Peas, Pumpkin, Zucchini
Grains: Amaranth, Barley, Couscous, Oat bran, Quinoa, Rice (Basmati & White), Spelt, Wheat, Tapioca
Beans: Adzuki, Black, Chickpea, Kidney, Lima, Mung, Peas, Pinto, Soy, Tofu
Dairy: unsalted Butter, Cottage cheese, Goat milk, Coat cheese, Lassi (diluted yoghurt)
Meat: White Chicken, Eggs (poached), freshwater Fish, Turkey
Nuts: Coconut
Seeds: Linseed, Popcorn, Psyllium, Pumpkin, Sunflower
Oils: Sunflower, Ghee, Soy, Olive, Walnut, Linseed
Drinks: fresh vegetable juice; Barley water; Pomegranate juice; an occasional beer;
Spices: Cardamon, fresh Ginger, Mint, Saffron, Tumeric, Vanilla

Good things for Bile constitutions include Lemon juice in water, Camomile, Peppermint or Chrysanthemum tea, Barley water, stir-fried vegetables, etc.

The Melancholy constitution is thin, and tends to a nervous disposition, like the Wind constitution. Their digestive system is sensitive, they tend to like solitude, and are fearful or anxious even when there is no reason. The pulse tends to be thin and weak, the tongue, dry, cracked, maybe with a dirty, moist or dark tongue coating. Skin is dry, complexion is dull or dark, the joints crack and the stomach may be windy. 
Melancholy has a nature similar to Wind, being Cold and Dry. In addition, people with Wind constitutions tend to have sensitive digestive systems, as do Melancholy types.
Melancholy is therefore aggravated by Foods which are hard to digest. Any food which causes Wind will tend to increase Melancholy, therefore Legumes in general and the Cabbage family, for example, are best avoided (unless correctly prepared).
Adequate use of Herbs and Spices to promote proper digestion is good, but overly spicy food should be avoided.

Foods which Increase Melancholy
Primary: Hard to digest Foods

Burnt food, stale or off food, rancid fats, hard-to-digest foods; frozen and re-heated food
Smoked and cured meats
Overeating; irregular eating habits; eating new food on top of partly digested food
excess fresh sweet fruits; sweet fruit straight after eating
Cabbage family (unless prepared properly)
Beans: Beans, Lentils, and all Legumes in general

All old and game meats; Beef, Deer, Rabbit, Goat; Fish, especially Salmon and oily fish
Cheese (especially aged or soft high-fat cheese); Milk;
Grains: unleavened Bread, Rye
Thick, heavy, dark Wines

Foods which Reduce Melancholy

All foods that are Warm, Moist, nourishing, and easy to digest.
Meat: Young flesh such as Lamb, Broiled Flesh; Pork; Chicken, Pigeon; poached or boiled Eggs
Whey; light, aromatic wine; quenched wine
Grains: Light, well-leavened Bread; Basmati Rice; Barley
Vegetables: Cooked Sweet Vegetables in general
Chicken and Bone Soups
Drinks: Ginger tea, Rosemary Wine, Balm tea, Sweet, light red Wine, Honey water

Good things for Melancholy types are Ginger tea (especially before each meal), Bone broths, Broths and Soups of young animals, Chicken soup, and Rice cooked with Milk with a little Cinnamon.

Wind is similar to Melancholy; both are Cool and dry by nature. The person is thin and nervous, has sensitive digestion. The main difference is Melancholy has signs or morbid humors and associated mental conditions. The complexion is dark or greyish, and the mind has a tendency to their negative. The Wind constitution lacks the negative thinking, although being prone to stressed and anxiety. While they have cracking joints and rumbling intestines, they don’t have more serious pathologies associated with Melancholy.
Wind constitutions are greatly aggravated by foods that increase Wind, such as Beans when not prepared properly, and the Cabbage family. Foods that increase flatulence increase Wind (Vata) as Wind is seated in the Intestines. Also food that is heavy and hard-to-digest, as well as eating irregularly all tend to increase Wind. Wind people need food that is easy to digest, warming, and cooked with spices to prevent formation of wind.

Foods that Increase Wind
Primary: dry food; Cabbage family; Beans in general
Fruit: dried fruit in general: Dates, Figs, Pomegranate, Raisins, Pears
Vegetables: raw or dried in general: Artichoke, all Cabbage family, Dandelion green, Bitter greens, Radish (raw), raw Onion, Mushroom, fresh Corn, Celery, Tomato
Grains: Barley, Buckwheat, Corn, Couscous, Millet, Oat bran, dry Oats, Polenta, Rye, Sago, Wheat bran
Beans (most): Adzuki, Black, Chickpea, Kidney, Lima, brown Lentil, Navy, dried Peas, Pinto, Soy, White beans
Dairy: powdered Milk
Meat: Lamb, Pork, Rabbit and Venison
Nuts: none
Seeds: Popcorn
Oils: none
Drinks: cold, carbonated drinks
Spices: none

Foods that Decrease Wind
Primary: Oily, nourish foods;
Fruit: sweet fruit in general: Apple, Avocado, Banana, Berries, Coconut, Figs, Grapes, Peaches, Pineapple, Prunes, Raisins, Tamarind 
Vegetables: cooked veggies in general: Asparagus, Beet, Cabbage (cooked), Carrot, Fennel, Garlic, Parsley, Parsnip, Pumpkin, Radish (cooked), Onion cooked
Grains: Amaranth, cooked Oats, Quinoa, Rice (all), Wheat
Beans (must be well soaked and prepared): red Lentils, Mung bean; Tofu
Dairy (generally all): Butter, Buttermilk, Cheese, Milk (Cow, Goat), Yoghurt
Meat: Beef, Chicken, Duck, Eggs, all Fish, Salmon, Sardines, Shrimp, Tuna
Nuts: all in moderation
Seeds: generally all
Oils: all, especially Sesame, Ghee, Coconut, Olive and Almond
Drinks: Warm; Almond milk, Chai tea, Fennel tea, Rosemary wine, Warm milk and Honey
Spices: all spices are beneficial;

Good things for Wind include Fennel tea, Rice cooked with Milk, chicken broth etc.

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