Deer Horn Gelatin, Lu Jiao Jiao 鹿角胶

Deer Horn Jelly, Deer Horn Glue
Lu Jiao Jiao (TCM)
Picture Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563

Picture Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491

Picture Picture
Commercial Deer Horn gelatin (Lu Jiao Jiao) from 2 different manufacturers in China.

Zoological name:

Cervus spp.
A number of Deer species have been used, the main sources in TCM are:
  1. C. nippon (Sika Deer)
  2. C. elaphus (Red Deer)

Parts used:

Gelatin from mature Deer horn

Temperature & Taste:

Warm, moist. Sweet, Salty


1. Nourishes the Blood, Stops Bleeding:
-Deficient-type Bleeding including Uterine Bleeding, Menorrhagia, Hematuria (TCM).
-Used for hemorrhages and also after general bruising (West).
2. Warms and Strengthens the Kidney Yang:
-impotence, nocturnal emission, lumbago, lack of strength, sterility, spermatorrhea, metrorrhagia etc.
-leukorrhea and coldness of the lower abdomen from Cold and weak Kidneys
-used similarly to the Velvet horn, but is weaker.

3. Benefits Yin and Blood:
-Consumption, Emaciation, Night Sweats (West)
-Lung Ulcers, and ‘corrosion’ of the Bowels (West, Salmon)
-Older TCM texts recommended it for Emaciation, Consumption and Night sweats


Decoction: 5–10 grams, dissolved into a strained decoction
Powder: 1–2 grams


Deer Horn Gelatin is a cheaper and weaker substitute for the more expensive Velvet Deer Horn. It is not as strong to strengthen the Kidneys and warm the Yang, but is able to nourish Blood and Essence (Jing), and stop Bleeding. This makes it especially useful for Bleeding from chronic weakness of the Blood or Yang.


1.  ‘Take a quart of running water, and 3 ounces of harts-horn scraped very fine, then put it into a stone jug, and set the jug in a kettle of water over the fire, and let it boil 2 or 3 hours until it is jelly, then put into it 3 or 4 spoonfuls of Rose Water, or White Wine, then strain it: you may put into it Musk or Ambergris, and season it as you please’.
2. Another:
          Raspings of Harts Horn                    1 oz.
          Fair Water                                           1 lb.    
Infuse warm, then boil with a gentle fire in a closed vessel for 3 or 4 hours until it has become a Jelly; strain, and add 1 oz. of Lemon Juice, and 2 oz. of Refined Sugar. Boil gently to a thick syrup, and set into pans to dry. It may be scored when almost dry to form dry bricks which are easier to keep and dispense.
  Used as a restorative in Consumption, and weakness of the body, and ‘in every case where the body is emaciated by a long and vehement sickness’; it is also used for Lung Ulcers, Phthisis, and ‘corrosion of the bowels, whether by sharp Humours, or the Acrimony of Violent Medicines’. Salmon said it had been found by long experience to be good for Scurvy.
3. Deer horn shavings (half pound), Water (2 pounds). Boil in a covered vessel, press strongly. Boil the residue with Water (2 pounds). Mix the liquors together, add White Sugar (4 oz.), clarify with egg white, and evaporate slowly until it gelatinises when cool. Add a little fresh Orange peel or Cinnamon, and set to cool.
4. Amygdaline Deer Horn Jelly:
i. Deer horn jelly, still warm (8 parts), sweet Almonds, blanched and bruised (1 part), boil together, express. (Pharmacopoeia Sardoa, 1773)
ii. Deer horn jelly (3 parts), Syrup of Almonds (1 part).
iii. Deer horn shavings (8 oz.), Spring Water (100 oz.); boil slowly to a jelly, strain while hot, and make an emulsion with Sweet Almonds blanched (4 oz.); strain, add White Sugar (6 oz.) and set aside to gelatinise. (Pharmacopoeia Generalis, 1783)
iv. Deer horn jelly (8 oz.), Sweet Almonds (1 oz.), Orange flower water (1 dram), Lemon Essence (3 drops), White Sugar (half oz.), Water (4 oz.). Make an emulsion, melt the jelly, add the essence, water and sugar, and set aside to cool. (Niemann)
5. The process used in modern TCM involves steeping in water for several days, boiling for 24 hours while removing the scum, then precipitating with Alum, boiling until thick, then adding rice alcohol to remove the bad smell. It is then poured out to set.

Main Combinations:

1. Uterine Bleeding, Deer Horn Gelatin with Cuttlefish Bone
2. Kidney Yang deficiency with Impotence, Lower Back pain, nocturnal urination, incontinence:
i. Deer Horn Gelatin with Eucommia Du Zhong, Cinnamon, Rehmannia Shu Di Huang, Chinese Yam (Shan Yao), Cornus Shan Zhu Yu, Lycium Gou Qi Zi, Dodder seed (Tu Si Zi), Dang Gui (as in You Gui Wan)
ii. Deer Horn Gelatin with Rehmannia Shu Di Huang, Chinese Yam (Shan Yao), Cornus Shan Zhu Yu, Lycium Gou Qi Zi, Turtle Shell (Gui Ban), Dodder Seed (Tu Si Zi), Achyranthes Chuan Niu Xi (as in Zuo Gui Wan)
3. Emaciation, Chronic Weakness:
i. Deer Horn Gelatin with Almonds
ii. Deer Horn Gelatin with Almonds, Licorice, Elecampane
4. To nourish Yin, Yang and Essence:
i. Deer Horn Gelatin with Turtle Shell Gelati (Gui Jiao Jiao), Ginseng, Rehmannia Shu Di Huang, Chinese Yam (Shan Yao), Eucommia Du Zhong
5. Impotence, Deer Horn Gelatin with Eucommia Du Zhong, Epimedium Yin Yang Hou6. Infertility from Blood and Essence deficiency, Deer Horn Gelatin with Cistanche Rou Cong Rong, Dang Gui, prepared Placenta Zi He Cao.
6. Chronic ‘Yin‘ Sores and Boils (dull colored, clear exudate, sunken):
i. Deer Horn Gelatin powder applied topically.
ii. Deer Horn Gelatin with Ephedra Ma Huang, Rehmannia Shu Di Huang, Cinnamon (Rou Gui), Blast-fried Ginger (Pao Jiang), White Mustard seed, Licorice  (as in Yang He Tang)

Major Formulas:

You Gui Wan
Zuo Gui Wan
Yang He Tang


1. Not used in Deficient Heat (Heat from Yin deficiency)
2. Only used in people with severe weakness of the Yang, Essence and/or Blood. Not used in excess conditions.

Main Preparations used:

Click the Tabs above for more information on this Medicin

[Herbalogical study on Cervi Colla].

Isolation, Identification, and Characterization of Bioactive Peptides in Human Bone Cells from Tortoiseshell and Deer Antler Gelatin.