Daucus, Wild Carrot

Nan He Shi  (TCM, Wild Carrot seed)
Picture Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491

Picture Picture
New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563

Kurtzes Handtbuchlein, Ryff, 1599

Picture Icones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1800

Wild Carrot flower (above) and Seed head (right) (Adam, 2017)

Botanical name:

Daucus carrota
Common Garden Carrots were used, as well as Cretian Daucus which was regarded as best.

Parts used:

Seed; sometimes the root (of the Wild)

Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry. Aromatic, pungent.
opens, cuts, expels Wind


Preparers and Purgers of Melancholy
S. Worms and Parasites


1. Warms the Womb, Promotes Menstruation, Settles Wind:
-’chiefly good for the Womb’ (Schroder)
-Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea
-good for pain and suffocation of the Uterus
-long regarded as a contraceptive (anti-implantation, used daily after unprotected sex)

2. Warms the Kidneys, Promotes Urine, Expels Gravel and Stones:
-promotes Urine in Dysuria; obstructed Urine
-‘singularly good for the Stone’; Gravel
-the (wild) Roots ‘cases Venery’. (Salmon)

3. Warms the Stomach, Moves Qi:
-Wind, Colic; Hiccups
-Malnutrition and Food Stagnation (Chinese Pharmacopoeia)
-roots were said to be very good for all Bowel pain

4. Warms the Lungs, Stops Cough:
-old Coughs, Wheezing, Asthma

5. Resists Poison:
-classically regarded as alexipharmic, used in various antidotes.
-Dysentery (Dioscorides); used for Chronic Dysentery in Ben Cao Gang Mu (TCM).

6. Kills Worms:
-Roundworm, Pinworm, Tapeworm; Ascariasis, Taeniasis (Chinese Pharmacopoeia)
-abdominal pain caused by Intestinal Parasites


Powder: 1–3 grams (1 scruple–1 dram)
Decoction of the Seed: 3–9 grams (for Worms, 5–15 grams; larger doses of up to 45 grams have been used for Worms)


In China, several plants are used locally for Nan He Shi. These include the seed of:
1. Carpesium abrotanoides (He Shi),
2. Lappula echinata
3. Osmorhiza aristata
4. Torilis japonica

Main Combinations:

1. Wind, Colic:
i. Carrot seed with Aniseed, Fennel seed, Cumin, Caraway, Camomile, Raisin (as in Carminative Decoction of Augustana)
ii. Carrot seed with Fennel, Thyme, Pennyroyal, Raisin, Aniseed, Cumin, Cinnamon, Rosemary, Camomile (as in Carminative Decoction from Pharmacopoea Dogmaticum Resititua)
2. To promote Urine:
i. Carrot seed with Mustard seed, Juniper berry, steeped in Ale (Formulaire Magistral et Memorial Pharmaceutique, 1823)
ii. Carrot seed with Mustard seed, Juniper berry, Wormwood (Pharmacopoeia medici practici universalis, Bruxelles, 1817)
iii. Carrot seed with Celery seed, Madder, Parsley seed, Asarum, Ammi, Fennel seed, Indian Spikenard, Bitter Almond, Musk Melon seed (as in Pills to Promote Urine of Unani)
3. Kidney stones, Carrot seed with Radish seed, Parsley seed, Bitter Almond
4. Nephritis, Carrot seed with Uva Ursi, Dandelion, Tansy, Marshmallow root, Pellitory of the Wall (Model Botanic Guide to Health)
5. Aphrodisiac, Carrot seed with Rocket seed, Cotton seed, Orchid, Ginger, Ash tree keys
6. To promote Menstruation:
i. Carrot seed with Cyperus, Angelica, Valerian, Madder, Mugwort, Pennyroyal, Savin, Cinnamon (as in Emmenagogue Decoction of Riverius)
ii. Carrot seed with Madder, Butchers Broom root, Roman Nigella seed, Mugwort, Marjoram, Calamint (as in Syrup of Mugwort Lesser)
7. Cough, Bronchitis, Carrot seed with Thyme, Hyssop, Celery root, Aniseed, Raisin (as in Decoction of Thyme of Andernacus)
8. Dysentery:
i. Carrot seed with Water Plantain root (Dioscorides)
ii. Carrot seed, Costus (Mu Xiang), Coptis Huang Lian

1. Abdominal pain from Worms, Wild Carrot Seed (He Shi) can be used as a solo remedy.
2. Roundworm, Wild Carrot Seed (He Shi) with Melia Chuan Lian Zi, Betel nut (Bing Lang), Alum (Bai Fan)
3. Tapeworm, Wild Carrot Seed (He Shi) with Pumpkin seed, Betel nut (Bing Lang), Omphalia Lei Wan
4. Hookworm, decoct 90 grams of Wild Carrot Seed (He Shi) twice to end up with 60 mls of decoction. Add a little sugar. Take 30 mls at bedtime for 2 nights (reduced doses for children or elderly). In a trial of 57 patients, 45 had negative stool samples 2 weeks after taking the 2 doses. (Chen & Chen)

Major Formulas:

Carminative Decoction
Emmenagogue Decoction (Riverius)
Syrup of Mugwort Lesser (Bononiense)
Stone–Breaking Powder (Lithontripticon) (Nicholas)
Electuary of Dates (Diaphoenicum) (Mesue)
Electuarium Acharistum (Nicholas)
Electuary of Bayberries (Electuarium de Baccis Lauri)
Electuary of Horehound (Diaprassium)
Electuary of Saffron Greater (Diacrocon Majores) (Mesue)
Electuary for a Duke (Electuarium Ducis) (Nicholas)
The Queen of Colen’s Electuary
Antidote Appropriate for Cough (Nicholas)
Antidote Suitable for Cough (Nicholas)
Antidotum Haemagogum (Nicholas)
Athanasia Minor Nicholas
Philonium Romanum (Philonium Nicolai) (Nicholas)
Triphera Greater (Nicholas)
Pills to Promote Urine (Unani)
Pills to Crumble Kidney Stones (Unani)


1. Seed should be avoided in Pregnancy


1. Seed is toxic in very large doses. Doses over 40 grams have lead to dizziness, tinnitus, nausea and abdominal pain.
2. Seed has a potent anti-implantation effect in early pregnancy so should be avoided in any women trying to get pregnant.

Main Preparations used: